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1、青云学校九年级下册英语学科导学案 第49课时 Class_ Name_课 题Unit 9 When was it invented?(1) (P68-69 )课型听力口语语法和对话重 点被动语态难 点被动语态的构成和应用主备人杨子娟审核人赖飒 , 汤飞平,张丽丽,陈艳飞一、 学习目标 能力目标:学会使用被动语态来谈论发明。 知识目标: 重要单词:invent, adjustable, battery-operated, slippers, heat, calculator, scoop. 重要短语:be used for, in the dark. 重要句型: 1.When was the c

2、ar invented? 2.What is it used for? 3. Who was it invented by?二自主学习方案:1.被动语态的知识回顾:1)动词的承受者做主语 2) 结构:be动词+done( 动词的过去分词)e.g: The trees are watered every day. 2. 本节课需要用到的句子: 1) _ _ the phone _? (电话是什么时候发明的) 2) It _ _ in 1876. (它是1876年被发明的) 3)_ _ the car _ by? (车是谁发明的?) 4)It was invented _ Carl Benz.(

3、它是由卡尔本滋发明的) 5) What _ they _ _? ( 他们是用来干什么的?) 6) They _ _ for _(see) in the dark. (他们被用来在黑暗中看东西的。) 三教师导入: 问题导入:Do you know the four famous inventions in China? Which is the earliest? 图片展示学习相关单词词组.四、合作探究: 1.完成P68 1a。Which invention is the earliest?2.听力训练完成P68 1b. 以及P69. 2a, 2b.3.语言学习 1) invent( v. 发明

4、) ;invention (n. 发明物);inventor(n. 发明家) e.g: Thomas Edison is regarded as a great _. He _ many things. And we think all of the _ are very important for people. 2) Its used for scooping out really cold ice cream.它被用来舀很凉的冰激凌。 be used for+v-ing =be used to +v 表示目的和用途; be used by 被。使用; be used as 后面名名词,强

5、调使用的工具及手段; e.g: The stone is so big that it can be used _ a desk. E-mail English is used _ many young people. Wind can be used _ produce electricity. The knife can be used _ cutting things. 六、展示提升:将P68 1 c和P69 1c句型使用来谈论有关发明的历史。各组组内依次进行两分钟表演。然后指定2个小组展示对话。 Sample: A: When was the car invented? B: It w

6、as invented in 1885. A: Who was it invented by? B: It was invented by Benz. A: What is it used for? B: It is used for traveling.七 、训练巩固:1 1. 根据句子意思填空。 1. The book _ _ ( write ) by Ba Jin. 2. The microwave oven can _ (加热) the rice. 3. I dont know _ _ _ ( 如何操作) the machine. Its so hard for me. 4. Edis

7、on made a lot of _ all his life and he was a great _(invent). 5. The shoes _ _ ( make ) by this famous shoemaker.七作业布置1朗读P69 Grammar Focus 里的句子,直到能完全背诵。2预习P70 的单词和句子,并划记不懂的地方,收集有关发明创造的历史资料,整理成英语材料。八、教学后记(老师写备课笔记,学生写学习心得:收获、疑惑) 学习笔记:青云学校九年级下册英语学科导学案 第50课时 Class_ Name_课 题Unit 9 When was it invented?(2

8、) (P70 )课型口语语法和对话重 点被动语态难 点被动语态在不同时态中的结构主备人杨子娟审核人赖飒 , 汤飞平,张丽丽,陈艳飞一、 学习目标 能力目标:学会用简单的对话描述发明。 知识目标: 重点单词:bulb, microwave, taste, lemon, cookie, abacus, binoculars, century. 重点短语:alarm clock, light bulb, microwave oven, all day. 重点句型:1. What do you think is the most helpful invention? 2. I think it wou

9、ld be better to have 3. Mum added salt but it still wasnt salty enough. 4. The abacus was invented in the sixth century by the Chinese.二、自主学习1. 完成P70 3a. Make a list of five helpful inventions and annoying inventions.2. 语法重点 回顾被动语态用法。 将下列句子改成被动语态 1) The Chinese invented the abacus in the sixth centu

10、ry.The abacus _ in the sixth century by the Chinese. 2) The workers built the bridge last year.The bridge _ last year. 3) 这所学校教授英文。 English _ in this school. 4) 这封信是用法语写的。The letter _ in French.3. 语言学习 1) It gives people more time to work and play every day. Give sb.sth = give sth. to sb. ; to work

11、and play 是动词不定式做后置定语 e.g: I have no money _ _ _ _(买这本书) 2) I think it would be better to have我想最好是要有。 Would 在此表示预料或猜想,后面常接完成时态。 e.g I think you would _( 应该把一切都告诉他了)三教师导入:问题导入: What inventions do you know?( Ask students to say out inventions as many as they can.) What inventions are helpful ? Why? 四、

12、合作探究:分组对话:P70 3b. 各组组内依次进行两分钟表演该对话。然后指定2个小组展示对话。五、展示提升:完成P70 4的活动. Group work .然后指定个小组展示汇报。六、训练巩固:I.补充句子: 1. A pan _(用来做饭). 2. A sweater _(用来保暖).II. . 写出下列动词的过去式及过去分词: bring _ _ invent _ _ put _ _ drink _ _ give _ _ cook _ _ make_ _ enjoy _ _ III.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. What do you think is the most _( he

13、lp) invention?2. I think it would be _( good ) to have a computer than to have a TV set.3. The _ (careful) you listen to your teacher, _ ( few ) mistakes you make.4. I think _ ( annoying )inventions in the world is the alarm clock.5. He is one of _ ( popular) teachers in our school. 七作业布置1.预习P71的单词和句子,并划记不懂的地方。 2熟读P70 3b_



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