图解方位介词 1 ——in front of , in the front of, behind, at the back of 辨析

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《图解方位介词 1 ——in front of , in the front of, behind, at the back of 辨析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《图解方位介词 1 ——in front of , in the front of, behind, at the back of 辨析(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、微课程名称图解方位介词称图解方位介词 1 in front of , in the front of, behind, at the back of 辨析知识点描述介词的种类有很多,其中有一些表示事物存有的方向和位置的介词,我们称之为方位介词。其中有些介词的意义比较接近,在用法上很难区分。如本课中的in front of, in the front of, in the back of, behind.知识点来源学科:英语 年级:七年级 教材:牛津上海版7A 上海教育出版社 自定义知识点难易 低 中 难教学目标1. 理解四个方位介词的确切表达位置2. 辨析in front of 和in the

2、 front of3. 辨析behind和at the back of基础知识front, behind, back 教学类型讲授型适用对象40分以下 40-60分 60-80 80-100设计思路通过图解,具体表现各个介词所表达的位置,让学生一目了然,准确使用这四个方位介词。教学过程内容脚本画面时间录制方式片头20秒同学们好,本节微课主要讲述in front of , in the front of, behind, in the back of四个方位介词。正文讲解1. in front of表示“在的前面”,指的实在物体外面的前面,即两者是分开的,其反义词是behind.Haibao i

3、s in front of the bus.2. in the front of 表示“在的前部”,指的是在某物体内部的前面,即两者是包含的,其反义词是in the back of.Haibao is in the front of the bus.3. behind表示“在的后面”,指的实在物体外面的后面,即两者是分开的,其反义词是in front of.Haibao is behind the bus.4.in the back of表示“在的后部”,指在某个物体内部的后面,即两者是包含的,其反义词是in the front of.Haibao is in the back of the

4、bus.接下来,让我们通过两道题,来检测下大家掌握的情况。1. There is a car _ the house, and driver is _ it.A. in the front of, in front of;B. in the front of, in the front of;C. in front of, in the front of;D. in front of, in front of2. There is a garden _ our house.A. in the back ofB. behind结尾感谢您认真听完这节微课。教学反思(自我评价)这是我制作的第一节微课


6、给学生作为预习的辅助,收到不错的效果,在课堂上,我直接给学生进行了操练,收到不错的效果。微练习用in front of /in the front of 填空。1. The driver is usually _ the car.2. There is a garden _ our classroom.3. There is a blackboard _ our classroom.用behind /in the back of 填空。1. The tree is in front of the house, so the house is _ the tree.2. He hid _ the rocks.



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