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1、绝密启用前剑桥英语四年级下册 Unit 1 Time练习卷考试时间:100分钟题号一一三四总分得分注意事项:1 .答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分、选择题I.How many are there in a year?( )A. season2 .There are two in TobyA. clocks3 .Toby has got two.(A. watch4.I like.()A. tomatos5.name is Lily.(A. HerB.seasonss roonri ?()B. clock

2、)B. watchsB. tomatoes)B. HisC. watchesC. tomato6 .找出划线字母发音与其它三个单词不一样的单词。) 1. A. lunch B. cute C. uncle D. umbrella) 2. A. number B. hamburger C. farm D.dirtyC. birth D.first_C. like D. sit _C. teacher D.cheap)3.A.girlB. dinner)4.A. itB. pig)5.A.meatB. bread第II卷(非选择题) 请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分7 .用英语表达下列时间1

3、.6:452. 1:583. 9:054. 3:305. 5:50评卷人 得分三、连线题1. What time is it?A. Yes, I can.2. What season is it?B. It3. Can you slide?C. It4. Do you like summer?D. It5. What the weather like?E. No评卷人得分四、翻译8.看一看,连线9.用英语表达下列句子s 6.40s fall.s hot.1 .你什么时间起床?What time do you2 .我 06:30 起床 I at past3 .TOBY 的房间里有两个钟。Ther

4、e are two in Toby s room.4 .爸爸你的手表几点了 ? What s on your watch, dad?5 .一年里有多少个月份 ? months are there in a year?姓名一、 填空。My name is.I m years old. My birthday is in.I like .My favourite food is .My favourite subject is .I have got a.二、选词填空。My you he I She your His Her do does1. What you like? like PE.2.

5、What time do do homework?3. When she like? likes pineapple.4. When is Mike s birthday?birthday is/iny.5. What s your favourite colour?favourite colour is pink.6. Ann is a girl. best friend is Steve.7. Has Max got a pet? Yes,has.三、写出下列单词的复数形式。booktomato catpotato mouse wolfdog friend butterflypear wa

6、tch pineapple四、选择。()1.is your birthday?A. Where B. When . C.Which( ) 2. What she like? A. is B. do C. does( ) 3. Annbooks and sport.A. like B.likes C . have( ) 4. My friend got a pink watch.A. have B. is C. has( )5. This is Max. _ favourite subject is PE.A. He B. His C. Her( ) 6. birthday is March.A

7、. His, on B. Her, in C. She, in五、 写出下列单词或句子。小丑 姓氏 美式足球音乐组合 篮球队 他十岁了。她的生日六月。我最爱的运动是美式足球。她会弹钢琴。Unit3单元测试卷、看图并将对应的单词补充完整1. io 2.o3. f 4. sh p 5. el ph nt二、根据句子找出对应的动物,将其序号写在横线上。A B C D Es favourite food?(1) Which animal lives in water and is cat(2) Which animal has got white毛)haor( the body?(3) Which a

8、nimal walks (走路)with no legs?(4) Which animal has got a long nose and two big ears?(5) Which animal eats grass but gives us milk?三、选出正确的一项与题目组成有意义的句子。1.1 t a lion?A. CanB. Is2.you all right?A. CanB. Are3.1 t fly?A. CanB. Has1.1 t live on a farm?5. it eat fish ?A. DoesB. Is6. you put your hands in th

9、e water?B. DoesA. No, I don t thin.k soB. OK. Here you are.C. It s a schoolbag.D. No, It lives in the water.E. Yes, it s got a long noseA. Can四、根据情景选出正确的答句。( ) (1) What s that on the table?( ) (2) Does it live on a farm?( ) (3) Has it got a nose?( ) (4) Can I have a look?( ) (5) Can it fly?五、根据上下文,在

10、每处空格内选出合适的词。Tim lives on a farm in the south of England. Every day he gets up休)and helps( 帮助) 1.father before he goes to school.On the farm, there 2.many animals. And Tim 3.chickens. In the morning he puts all the eggs in a basket for his mother. After breakfast Tim goes4.school.C. OurC. wereC. hasC

11、. at()(1)A. herB.his()(2)A. areB.is()(3)A. haveB.had()(4)A .toB.in六、你能介绍你喜欢的小动物吗?请任选一种。对它进行简单描述。提示:可以 从外貌,喜好等方面进行描述。1. lion 2. cow 3. fox 4. sheep 5. elephant(1)-(5) DACBE、1-6 BBAAAA四(1)-(5) CDEBA五、(1)-(4) BACA六、略、看图并将对应单词补充完整。1. am 2Unit4单元测试卷、根据图片将合适的词写在横线上1. Where is the pencil? 7*It,s pencil cas

12、e.一It sIt s4. Where is the ball?It s.三、将问题对应的答语选出来写在括号里。()(1) What s that in English? OK.()(2) Is this your cap? B. No, it isn t.()(3) Give the bag to me, please. C. It s a toy car.()(4) Here s a present youD. Thank you.四、将下面提供的关键词语重新排列成新的有意义的句子,注意首字母大写1. chair, the, in, front of, is, it (.)2. is, a

13、, door, behind, picture, there, the (.)3. much, is, pen, the, how (?)4. find, my, can t, I, book (.)5. don t, the, like, sofa, I (.)五、请将下列句子中你认为错误的地方修改过来。1. How much are the sofa?2. Do I borrow (借)your pencil?3. She don t like her new lamp.4. I favourite picture is in my bag.5. My sister is 3 year o

14、ld.六、将合适的词填在横线上。This Bob s room. The window is big, and the wall white. Therepicture the wall. There a deskfront Bob. The desk is very big. There three pencils and cup of tea the desk. the desk, there aschoolbag. Are there some curtains the room? Yes, .Bob s room clean andrigbht.笔试答案1. lamp 2. sofa 3. wardrobe 4. mirror二、1. in the 2. in the box 3. on the desk 4. under the chair三、(1)



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