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1、雷坪中心校电子备课课时教案第 节 总序第 节课 题备课时间 月 日执行时间 月 日教学目的与要求1.Key words: vocabulary, flashcard2.Target Language;How do you study for a test?I study by.重点难点verb + by with gerund教具准备A tape recorder , CAI教学程序教学随笔Step 1 : Warm-up1. Greetings.2. Ask some students about their summer holiday (Teacher shows a flashcard

2、 with the word Shanghai and asks one student.)Teacher shows the others and teaches the word “flashcard” to the students. Step 2: Revision Read and translate some words they have learned.Step2.PresentationI. Language StudyTeacher writes the pattern on the blackboard: - How do you study for an English

3、 test? - I study for a test by + V.-ingMake a list of their answers on the blackboard. Teacher can teach the “vocabulary” and “pronunciation” at the right time. II. 1a1.Check the answers, after checking, read the ways to the students and ask students to put up their hands to show which things they c

4、hecked. Count the numbers.2. Ask students to write down other ways they study for an English test. Then ask some to read their ways to the class. III. 1b1. Play the tape.2. Check the answers with the students.3. Read the sample answer to the class and ask students to say the other two. Step3 Consoli

5、dation and extension 1. Read the instructions and the conversation to the class, and then ask students to make similar conversations.2. Ask some pairs to present their conversations. 3. Small competition: group in four, make sentences using structure (verb + by/with gerund).4.Make a survey : one stu

6、dent interview other students using the structures (How do you study ? I study by + v-ing .)Show the results.Step4 Summary板书设计教学反思雷坪中心校电子备课课时教案第 节 总序第 节课 题备课时间 月 日执行时间 月 日教学目的与要求1. Key words: aloud, pronunciation,What about ?2. Target Language:Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, I have. Ive lear

7、ned a lot that way.重点难点What about? verb + by with gerund教具准备A tape recorder , CAI教学程序教学随笔 Step1 RevisionCheck homework. Invite different students to report their discovery of new ways of studying that havent been introduced in the book or in class.Step 2 PresentationI. 2aThis activity provides liste

8、ning practice using the target language.Call students attention to the picture. Ask, What do you think is happening? Who are they? Point to the list of questions in the box.Get different students to read them to the class.Play the recording for the first time.Play the recording again. Check the answ

9、ers with the whole classII. 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the target language.Point to the list of answers in the box.Get different students to read the answers to the class.Point to the checked questions in Activity 2a.Play the recordingCheck the answers with the whole clasStep3

10、 Consolidation and extension This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Invite a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.Write the sample conversation on the blackboard.Move around the classroom listening in on various pairs so as to check progress and help

11、 with pronunciation as needed.After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out their conversations.Grammar FocusInvite a pair of students to say the questions and answers to the class.Step4 Summary板书设计教学反思雷坪中心校电子备课课时教案第 节 总序第 节课 题

12、备课时间 月 日执行时间 月 日教学目的与要求1. Key Vocabulary2. Target Language重点难点Listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice using the target language.教具准备A tape recorder , CAI教学程序教学随笔 Step Revision1. Revise the target language presented in previous classes by making up conversations.2.Show the key vocabulary w

13、ords on the screen by a projector.specific adj. 明确的;详细而精确的memorize v. 记忆;背诵grammar n. 语法;语法规则differently adv. 不同地;有区别地frustrate v. 使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的;令人失望的quickly adv. 快地;迅速地add v. 又说;继续说not at all 根本(不);全然(不)excited adj. 激动的;兴奋的end up 结束;告终Say the words and have the students repeat a

14、gain and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Step2 PresentationI.3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target languageCall attention to the article. Read it to the class or ask a student to read it instead. Point to the chart beneath the article

15、.Explain to the students that they will read the article and then write in the chart the ways of learning English that are unsuccessful, OK and successful for the students Lillian Li. Wei Ming and Liu Chang. Point out the sample answer. Help the students find the information in the reading.Ask a student to read the sentence to the class.Ask students to read the article again and complete the chart on their own. As students



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