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1、II. 20个单词词组翻译,平时授课强调的词汇和体现。20分(仅仅是部分,待补充)级别制度 arcy of uniers wantsad es灵感需求 aestic stilon多人关注的运动spctor spot北京元谋人 eng Man华北平原 heGret North China lai战国时期heWrin ates Pd天安门城楼ianamn rostr紫禁城 th gra oya cmoun o theFobde Cty/tel perial plc老式与现代的结合old meetsnew人民大会堂hereat Hal o the Peopl武夷山风景区 the Wuyishan S

2、enc Area丹霞地貌anxia landfr文人墨客mn of letter摩崖蚀刻cliff incriptions竹筏bambo raft悬棺 angng coffins云雾缭绕(be) shroud ih cloud anmsts天王殿th Heavnl KnHal大雄宝殿th GradHal卧佛殿hHlf the Rclnng Buda玉佛楼 theJe udda Chamber 方丈室 the bots Rom佛光 bk lo观音 Gddss of ecy弟子 discpl中国共产党 the ommun Part o hina国务院 the Sate uncil五星红旗te fi

3、ve-tar ed lag义勇军进行曲 th Mrcof thVolnteers社会主义市场经济 the sociist rke enom好莱坞大片Hllywoodlockbuster悲惨世界 Les iabl歌剧魅影 Phanom o e er最新技术tate-fthe-art弥漫节日的氛围beprmted wt a ubilat atmsphe身着节日的盛装i thrholidy bst灯火辉煌 a blzeof ligt秋收冬藏autumn harv an witerstge春耕夏锄spr pling ad sueweedig燕窝汤 irds nes u鱼翅sharkfn ou海参sa

4、cucubers熊掌bears pw宫保鸡丁piDiedChickewit Pan鱼香肉丝 Fih-favored ok rd麻婆豆腐Pokmard Wman Bea Cud回锅肉Twiccoopork slices八仙过海Eight Imortl osing the Sa座位安排显示主人的生活阅历 seatng arrangeet will hothossophistion招待客人entertain guess兵马俑Teracota Wariors and Hoes揭幕b naugred秦始皇陵QinShi uns aulem这些壮观的军队具有极高的艺术魅力,生动地反映了前的中国人民的不凡智

5、慧和杰出的发明力。ihstrong artistic apeal,this spectacularmy svivdexprsion to he etraordny widm and upeb reative ower of the Chinese peolemothn yerago.III. etb: nit 1,4,5,6,7, Execs 2l ze 10分IV.句子翻译Ceseto Engli: 2分Pge 01. 旅游给人们提供了理解其她风俗文化的机会,同步也丰富了她们的知识。Travelngofschances t peoleo are eagr kno thecustoms nd

6、cultu, mahil, enrice their knwlege. 2. 通过旅游我们可以增长新的知识,结识新朋友,品尝特色菜。Wec enlrg ourknowledge,mak new friend a ae he spatilities throughtael lig age61. 武夷山风景优美,自然资源丰富,值得一游。It is wort ving the Wuyi Mountains, wich hvth picuresueandcape and i-atue resouces.2. 在风景区,竹筏被当做旅游者的交通工具。T aboorfts areavaiabe to he

7、tourss aste trportatio e thcenic are. Pge 145.为了节省开支,有些宾馆在淡季歇业,到旺季来临时再开业。 Soe hotelsare lsd during the“of eason” nd penat tepeakseason inoero recethe expenses. 8.一种宾馆重要由前台,客房,餐饮,商务等几大部门构成。tel is ainly mad p of a ront ffice,house keeping epartment, a od an berae dartme, a usiess cener andso o. age136

8、1.国庆之夜各大条街一片灯火辉煌,到处都洋溢着节日的氛围。 On th veing ofur Nail ay,evy ain street isa baze of ght and ermeaed ih a olida atmosphere. 2.每年阴历初一是中国人的老式节日春节,是家人团聚的时刻。 hefit ay f te lu yar s te tratioal Chnese festialthe Sprng Fstiva.t s the ime of he amiy ruion 6.节日里,公园和广场都装点成了花的海洋,男女老少身着节日盛装,漫步在其中。 uring the ftval

9、s,e andomen, old and yun aren thir holiay best anwalk aoun te pak nd sqares decorated wth a sea fflower P 12. 近年来,无论是冬天还是夏天,火锅总是吸引了不少食客。Inecent yar, hot pattracts aret nub f eaters, whtherinwinteorisummer. 3.中国菜肴是门艺术并受到了国内外人士的高度评价。Chinesecuisi i considered as an art ndhasbegiv hi ommentsby thepop in

10、 ad out of Cn. Pae822, 我们有必要理解一下东西方的饮食文化和用餐礼仪。t s essenial for usto earn omethig abut cutural eang and bleanner beten Cinee andeste eople 6. 为了满足人们不同的需要和口味,各类餐馆也就应运而生。Variouskindsof rtaras hve srung up to mee the pele diffeent dan tastes. Supleentaynit 2下划线为题目IITanslatn: 1.Taian i loe in e nter of S

11、handongPrvcespann tecitiesof Tia andJn,exteding ttlareaof 250 kilomers. 泰山位于山东中部,跨越泰安、济南两市。总面积250平方公里。2.It boasso a wao rl egaie.A lar nmber ofsceicspots wreive name ice ancent tis Theinlud11pas,98 prcipous idges,18okvs,58odshed ock,02steamsand valleys,56 pool ad aerfals,64 pins. 她拥有丰富的自然遗产。景区内自古命名的

12、山峰112座,崖岭98座,岩洞8处,奇石58块,溪谷10条,潭池瀑布处,山泉6处。3.er r 89 peies of platsfalngint 114fmlie,and vegeaionconvee of 7.9precent泰山共有植物14科,8种,植被覆盖率为79.9%。4泰山古称岱山,春秋时期被尊为东岳。其山势磅礴雄伟,峰峦突兀峻拔,景色壮丽。.Taishan ws nwn in aien time as ihan and revred a he ast Scr ounta in thprin andAutun eriod. I prsents the lftes an grndeur wth atlyrising majestic pean ress hesceeres resectacula .中国历代帝王秦始皇,汉武帝,唐玄宗,清帝乾隆等均曾到泰山封禅,历代72君主到此祭告天地。 ManyCnese mperrs cluing Qin Sihun, Wud


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