Bosnia and Herzegovina波黑

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1、BosnaandHezegvnrm Wiipedia, the fre cyclpdiaJump : aiation, ear Bosredirect here. For the ses, see sia (dsambgtion).Not toe confusedith Feeratiof Bosniand Hergoviaor epubi f Boa an Herzegovinaonia adHezegoin (i/bzni. (nd) hrtsov/ or /hrtsoin/; Bonian, Craia,Seri tn:sn i Hrcegoa; rian rillic: ) is ao

2、untryin oth-Eastern Europ, on the Balkanninul Borered y Croatia tothenot, we dsouth,Serbia t eat, an Montero o he ouheas, Bosni nd Hezegovin (al: Boni-Herzegovina/Boia andecegovia) almost landlocked, except fo 6ilomere (16 miles) of Aiatic Sea cai, cnered n te on f eum.91 e inteior of the ntis mount

3、nous cenlly an to the outh, ly in the nrthwest, an ltlan in te northeast. Inlndishe lrgr geogrpicrin with a moderate cinenta limat, make b hotsmes and old,snoynersThesouhern ti o the countryhs aMeiteranean lmate ande toporaphyThe cuntry hom t hr ethic group, r socalle cnttut pople, term nque forsiHe

4、rzevin. Bosniaks are the larest poultin oupof th the,wh Serbiseon ad Crots in thd Regdss of ehncit,a ctizen o Bosn n Hezeoa is often idenfied in Engli as eithr Bnin or Hezegiian h termsHerzegnian ad Bosnin are mainained a regonl rthethan etnic istincti and Herzegoa hanorecisy ened brdersofis ow. The

5、coutyis olitall decentrie nd mriswo overningnies,theFeertion of Bosnia and Hezegovinad Repulia Srpska, with a hird regi, th ro Distt bingainistrd y bth。Fomerly one of the six eerl uns cosuing te ocialist Fderal Rpubc o Yugoslvia,Bniand Herzegovina gaiedindependendurin he Yugolavwas of1990s。 Bosnia a

6、ndHrzgoina canbe decribeas parliamntary ecry that is tansfrmin is economy nto a mrket-orientd syem, andit isaotentialnddae fr memberhipin he ropean Union and has n a candidate for ATO membership since Apil 21,wen itrecved a mbehi ActionPlan atheummit in Tallnn. Aditally, te ntin has ben a ember of e

7、 Cocil of upsince 24 Ari 202 ad a onngmember of t Mediterrnen Unon pon its etlsmet o 1Juy 200.oein relationsain aricl:Foeign reatos Bosnia and HerzeoiSee alo:Asio ofosaa Herzeina t te ropean UnioEU interation s o oe ainpoical objecties ofBosnia ad eregovina,iniated te tabilisatin nsociion Procss i 0

8、7。 ounries artcipaing inthe SAPha ben offerd the ossiblityto ecome, one theyflfll the necsary contion, Membe Sttes eU osna nd govin is thereforpotential canidtunry for EUaccen。57 The implementatin of te Dayon Accrd of 1995has focue the effors of policmaker nBosia and eregovia,as ls the intrnatnacomn

9、ity, on rgiona taiztin in te couiucceso of th form Ygoslavi.Wthin Bosa ad Herzevn,reatiswit its neigbo oroaa, Serbi nd Moneo avebeen airly sal sine thesignin of theayto Armen in 1995.On Apr 23, 210, Bosia and Hreginaeceved te mberhip Actio Pafrm NATO, hih s the lst sep befre full embers i e lliance.Full embrhp expecte in 201 o 205,dndg on the pgres ofrfo.文中如有不足,请您指教! /



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