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1、Unit 1 Lifestyles .单句语法填空1.I cant say which wine is bestits _ matter of personal taste.2.The message is very urgent,so it is supposed _ (send) as soon as possible.3._ (suppose) we cant solve the problem,what shall we do next?4.He spoke in support _ the plan,which made me very happy.5.He is always re

2、ady to take _ heavy responsibilities.6.It doesnt matter _ me whether to go by ship or train.Its both the same to me.7.I am _ (bore)with this job,doing the same thing all day long.8.The old man went through all kinds of _ (suffer) during the war.9.I cant stand _ (wake) up by the noise outside at midn

3、ight.10.We should switch _ the lights when we leave our classroom because we must save electricity.11.They are_ interesting novels that I want to read them once again.12.A lot of people often forget that oral exams are designed _(test) our communicative ability.答案1.a2.to be sent3.Suppose/Supposing4.

4、of 5.on6.to7.bored8.sufferings9.being woken10.off11.such12.to test.单句改错1.Le Jia has the same hairstyle that Meng Fei has.2.A good plan came up with at the meeting yesterday.3.I found myself in an entirely new world at the moment I arrived in Beijing.4.He was such fat that he had to go on a diet.5.Pr

5、oper clothing ensured us against/from suffering the cold.6.To be frank,I would prefer play football to jogging.7.This building is designed to weddings and other celebrations.8.As well as learn English,we learn Chinese.9.Im quite interested in the job advertising in todays newspaper.10.Where can you

6、hide,supposed you are able to escape from the police?答案1.thatas2.去掉with3.去掉at4.suchso5.suffering后加from6.playplaying7.tofor 8.第一个learnlearning9.advertisingadvertised10.supposedsupposing/suppose.课文缩写语法填空In the morning,Brian Blakey watches the childrens programmes and old movies until about half past t

7、en.Then he goes downstairs and 1._(switch) on the TV in the 2._(live) room.At noon he has biscuits and a glass of milk 3._ lunch and watches the news.In 4._ evenings he often watches TV series or sport and the news again.He usually switches 5._ the TV at about 2:00.Bob Black 6._ (usual) wakes up abo

8、ut five minutes 7._ his alarm clock goes off.And he is always the first person 8._(get) to the office.Most of his time 9._ (spend) on meetings and phone calls.He gets home at about ten,and looks at some documents 10._ are brought back from the office.答案1.switches2.living3.for4.the5.off 6.usually7.be

9、fore8.to get9.is spent10.which/that.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.过去汤姆放学回家,总是把电视打开。(switch on)_2.看电视花去了他大部分的业余时间。这使他患了近视。(take up;suffer from)_3.意识到这个问题之后,他决心半年不看电视,这对他来说是个挑战。(challenge)_4.在家人的帮助下,他的诺言成了现实。(support)_5.他做得如此好,以至于他的视力恢复了正常。(so.that.)_答案1.Tom used to switch on TV after he returned home from scho

10、ol.2.Watching TV took up most of his spare time.It made him suffer from shortsightedness.3.Recognizing this problem,he decided not to watch TV for half a year.It was a challenge for him.4.With his familys support,his promise came true.5.He did so well that his sight returned to normal.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇

11、【参考范文】Tom used to switch on TV after he returned home from school.Watching TV took up most of his spare time,which made him suffer from shortsightedness.Recognizing this problem,he decided not to watch TV for half a year,which was a challenge for him.However,with his familys support,his promise came

12、 true.In the end,he did so well that his sight returned to normal.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解ALove working with children? Looking for an exciting new opportunity? Want to work on a friendly, fun and supportive team? This is what our team member Anna says about working at My Crche:“Its the nicest place Iv

13、e ever worked.Everyone is so friendly and we have so much fun working together.They give me opportunities to learn new things every day.They care about my personal development.Working at My Crche has enabled me to build relationships with the children as well as parents within the community which ma

14、kes me feel so welcomed in the local area.”Conveniently located in the heart of Crouch End, London, N8, My Crche offers dropin and prebooked childcare for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years of age.We also provide afterschool and breakfast clubs for children up to 8 years old.Our goal is to enable parents to pursue personal and p


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