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4、机构的运营成本,使扶贫保险可持续发展。六是统筹一部分扶贫资金用于扶贫保险的保费补贴,解决资金制约。关键词:精准扶贫,扶贫保险,影响因素AstrSice te reform nd opening up, hinas oerty aleation and delpmnt hs maderemrkabe chevents. The ru por opulatin hsdropped fro 25 milio in 1978 43.35 illn b the nd of 202X. Although rat cheemen have been a ipetyallevtion wrk oucontry

5、,ue elarge le ofpoverty,por ondatin an hroblmof relti povety is highlhtd, the usesof povrtyuto illns n naualdisasters hv occudfrom me me. Howver,e event lag behd i poor areas, espeilly econtigoudetitue areas, Thtsk of overty lviion andevlmet istil ey ardos. Consideri sch cmtaces, the ste ha put fora

6、dhe cocept fprecie povertallvition imed a eciselyientifing, acurately hpng,and acurtey anagin the targets ofpvert-strcken eopl in dfferent poerd regionl environmns theeent coditns f poorpeasats.The core o pecis pover alleviin is trgting tedifrent idvidul overtyricn oanalye he specifcses ofovert,iaco

7、ancew lacoditions, the polo ndivu useol, anpolicy makig due t the elopmet of appropiate aiperty measureit epreepovrty allevition n he recise mlementation o the tioverty srategy, he poble ofoverynpovertycused y h illnes addisastr hasbcome icreasingy prominen. ccordig o the ststcs,amogte rul poor i Ch

8、na,42% arepoo becuse of illnes, 20% are por bcau of isaster. Theris roblm as beome a ajor fato constainn t poor from get thinuto poerty. nrecen years, he overyallvaion depmns and heinrce reglatoryauhrits wrktgethefom h apecs of agricutural israce, health nurance, lilihood nsurne,idustrial over insua

9、ne, eduaton o of pverty insurance n so on. In terms of sstin efrts and viouspubciy of pertyallevition yisurance servies, emrkable achieement ave beemde. overty lleviaton inurace hsgraduall becom arecipe fr thegvermen t solve thprblef etrng povty aaeult of tdiea and illss.In ecetears, although the po

10、vr allevaioinurancehmadesome proress, accrdng ote satistcs of the insurane isttutons, th perentage f insuedpon in epoorpopuain is stll low. In vie o his,base on e literature reiew danlysi, hruhe surey of10 poor houehold livedin5dmiistrative vlgesin cunty,whihis the ke county in pverty aleviatonnd eo

11、pmet. Ths apeanyz te wilgnesso ruapoor to purchaseovert letioinurace n county, identify the infuencing factors, an propo apprpriatecounrmeasures.hrouh istat naalysis, ca seethat hecos influncingthepr peopl o buypoerty aleviatio inuane are nludin: Th publiiy ofpoverty leviato iurance by ernnt departm

12、et an insurceistitutions,undestndin of isurance yporpeople,serc level ofnsranceinitutionsand govenent susds.At pet, tprobles exisingin thedevelopent o perty alleiion insurancein M county re inlthathe as ofpershent fo the por i sml, the operatingcost isuranc ompaies is ih,d the funds of govennt sbsdi

13、es are lng. eod,therare ral rss ad adrse selction roblemsn nrng for the oor husholds.Thr, The stof moniorig te cot is t h;Fourth, The adocacy n eies should mprove by iurace compans Acordin t thereults of mpreheie invesigationand anlys, thfollowigcountermeaurs andsugestionsae utfrwardin viewf the status u d caracteristic o povty aleiatio israc dveopentin Couny:irst, der the gvement-e moe,



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