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1、1020一、名词和主谓一致1.多亏了同事们的帮助,他进公司后英语口语进步迅速。(progress)_2.女子排球队赢得冠军的消息传来了。(word)_3.尽管我也不是很富有,但我会尽力相助的。(means)_4.这个区的图书馆遗失的书籍数量很大。(number)_5.勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。(infect)_6.所有的这些事实证明,你和我一样能胜任教练一职。(as well as)_7.他是这期买彩票者中唯一一个获得一等奖的。(one of)_8.近年来,这种关于“真人秀”的节目很受观众喜爱。(popular)_9.新开的这家超市离我家骑车只有十分钟的路程。(ride)_一、名词和

2、主谓一致1. Thanks to the help of his colleagues, he has made rapid progress in his oral/spoken English since he entered the company.2. Word came that womens volleyball team had won the championship.3. Although Im not rich enough, Ill try every possible means to help you.4. In this district, the number o

3、f books missing from the library is large.5. Washing hands frequently/often/regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by diseases.6. All these facts have proved that you as well as I are qualified as a coach.7. He is the only one of the lottery buyers who has got the first prize

4、 in this issue.8. In recent years, this kind of program on “Reality Show” has been popular with the audience.9. The newly opened supermarket is ten minutes ride by bike from my house.1027二、冠词,数次和代词10.既然你已经是成年人,应该很明白善恶。(knowledge)_11.在那个村庄,感染艾滋病的人的数量仍然在上升。(number,infect)_12.医院的这个紧急病房是由资深的格林医生负责的。(cha


6、spend)_10.Since you are already an adult, you should have a good knowledge of good and evil.11.In that village, the number of people who have been infected by AIDS is still increasing.12.The emergency ward of this hospital is in the charge of a well-qualified doctor, Dr. Green.13.The undercover poli

7、ceman caught the thief by the arm when he was putting his hand into a ladys handbag.14.The company has made it a rule that whoever is late for work will be fined.15.It is said that the site of an ancient city has been discovered at the bottom of the lake.16.It never occurred to me that Tom would be

8、elected/made chairman of the students union.17.Its very hard for those who havent been to the small village to describe its beauty.18.I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.19.Although her daughter is usually naughty, she knows how to behave herself when there

9、are guests at home.20.With the development of science, we will live in cities quite unlike those of the present.21.The workers (had) spent three or four days cleaning all the windows of the building before the residents moved to their new houses/flats/apartments.三、形容词和副词22.和他们预料的相反,这种颜色的窗帘和绿色的墙纸配起来很好看。(contrary)_23.在场的领导有公司的总裁,还有各个部门的经理。(present)_24.星期五之前让我完成这工作实在是太难了。(much)_25.她对这次考试的结果极不满意。(far from)_26.随着年龄的增长,他感到看、听、爬楼等都越来越困难了。(find)_


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