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1、北京语言大学21秋英语语音平时作业一参考答案1. How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.How did Ann feel after she had opened her eyes?AVery much pleased.BVery much frightened.CGreatly attracted.DGreatly surprised.正确答案:C解析:文章最后一段讲述到,飞机起飞后,安睁开双眼,看到窗外的美景,深受吸引。2. (11)(David is

2、always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays.) There s this TV show that he loves , a soapopera showing on Channel 2, and he has watched it regularly for almost two years now. (12) ( His wife has11. Rewrite this sentence by adding an appropriate tag question. Follow the example.Example: She likes music. She li

3、kes music , doesn t she?12. Change this sentence into negative form. Follow the example.Examle: She likes music. She doesn t like music.13. Build one question about the underlined part in the sentence.14. Change this sentence from active voice into passive voice.15. Change this complex sentence into

4、 a simple sentence.参考答案:11. David is always at home by 8pm on Tuesdays , isnt he?12. His wife hasn t given up telling him to help with the dishes after rndinner.13. What does he forget to eat?14. The TV is turned on by him.15. He grabs the remote control firmly in his hand and uses it to encourage r

5、nor threaten the characters on the screen.3. Do you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCtoDo you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCto go; to watchDgo; watch正确答案:A4. We solicit a continuance of your confidence and support.We solicit a cont

6、inuance of your confidence and support.恳请贵方继续给予信任,大力支持。5. 一 Do you mind if I take off my coat? 一 _ A. Of course not, make you一 Do you mind if I take off my coat?一 _A. Of course not, make yourself at home.B. No, thanks. Thats really nice of you.C. Thats too kind of you.参考答案A6. Nothing could stop _.A.

7、him comeB.that the cameC.him from comingD.him to come参考答案:C7. 2在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.curt/ai/nB.p/ai/ntC.s/ai/lD.str/ai/gh参考答案:A8. English_in America.A. is speakingB. is spokenC. are spokenEnglish_in America.A. is speakingB. is spokenC. are spoken参考答案:B9. Functional competence r

8、efers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes inFunctional competence refers to the ability to accomplish communication purposes in a language.参考答案T10. Which of the following is NOT the benefit brought by teddy bears, according to the author?Which of the following is NOT the benefit brou

9、ght by teddy bears, according to the author?AEliminating inequality among people of different background.BProviding a cozy home to those who long for it.CTaking peoples mind temporarily off the danger and meanness of the modem world.DHelping people better express themselves in writing greeting cards

10、.正确答案:B解析:本题为推理题。题目问哪个选项不属于特迪熊给人带来的好处,本题可以用排除法。A项“消除来自不同背景的人与人之间的不平等”是对文章第五段第一句的解释,C项“使人们暂时忘记现实中的危险和卑劣”是对第七段的解释,D项“帮人们在写贺卡时更好地表达意思”是对第八段的解释。而根据第五段第二句中的“在你离家在外时能感受到的家的感觉”可以发现,B项“给那些渴望家的人提供一个舒适的家”不正确。因此,正确答案是 B项。11. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词b/e/nch中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.obj/e/ctB.h/ei/ghtC.eff/e/ct

11、D.d/e/lay参考答案:C12. You may rest _ that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.You may rest _ that we will effect shipment without delay on receipt of your letter of credit.AinsuredBensuredCissuedDassuredD13. 写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社

12、会的必要性。 2学生了写作要点: Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus 1学生了解社会的必要性。 2学生了解社会的途径。 3我怎么做?正确答案:With the development of our society the campus should no longer be an Ivory Tower . It is necessary for college students to go outside to get to know the world. They should acquire knowledge not only fr

13、om books but also from the society. Thus they can adapt to society more quickly after they graduate from school.rn Science and technology are developing rapidly with each passing day. Most students can keep themselves informed by watching TV listening to the radio reading newspapers and using comput

14、ers. Its also good to take a part-time job such as tutoring or working in a restaurant. Any of these methods will enable students to get in touch with society.rn Summer vacation is round the corner. Ive already enrolled to be a volunteer to help others. I think I can do well. Although I wont be paid

15、 the most important thing is that I can learn a lot about society.Withthedevelopmentofoursociety,thecampusshouldnolongerbeanIvoryTower.Itisnecessaryforcollegestudentstogooutsidetogettoknowtheworld.Theyshouldacquireknowledgenotonlyfrombooksbutalsofromthesociety.Thustheycanadapttosocietymorequicklyaftertheygraduatefromschool.Scienceandtechnologyaredevelopingrapidlywitheachpassingday.Moststudentscankeepthemselvesinf



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