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1、20102011学年第二学期三年级英语期中试卷班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_ 等级 、听力部分(40分)一、听音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,将编号填在题前括号中。(10分)( )1. A. bc B. ec ( )2. A. BPC B. BBC( )3.A. CAI B. CAB ( )4. A. jp B.gq( )5. A. fish B. ship ( )6. A. tiger B. lion( )7. A. have B. has ( )8. A. past B. pass( )9. A. like B. rice ( )10. A. do B. Does二、听音选择你所听到的图片,在正确的

2、图片下打“”。(16分)1、 2、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3、 4、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据所听内容选择正确答语。将编号填在括号中。(14分)( )1. A. Red B. A car ( )2.A. It is an elephant. B. They are elephants.( )3.A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does.( )4. A. Its half past six. B. Its a dog.( )5. A. She watches TV. B. I play football.( )6.A.Here you are. B.Tha

3、nk you!( )7.A.Its a monkey. B.Theyre monkeys.、笔试部分(60分)五、在四线三格内正确书写26个英语字母的大、小写。(12分)六、看图选单词,并抄写单词写单词。(10分) nine fish banana milk doll 七、从A.B.C.D中找出不同类的单词,将序号填在提前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A. rice B.noodles C.meat D.doll ( ) 2.A.apple B.red C.orange D.pear ( )3.A.yellow B.green C.panda D.blue ( )4.A.short B.f

4、at C.small D.tiger ( )5. A、car B、doll C、ship D、swimming八、单项选择,将编号填入括号中。(10分)( )1.当你想知道几点时,说: A.Whats this ? B.Whats the time ,please ? ( )2.当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么,你问:A.Whats this on the desk? B.Whats that on the desk?( )3.你想问大明是否喜欢肉时,怎么说?A.Do you like meat? B.Does Daming like meat?( )4.当你想要米饭时,要说:A.I like

5、rice. B.Pass me the rice please.( )5. I go to school eight oclock. A. past B. at C. 不填 ( ) 6. _ are they ? Theyre oranges. A.Who B. What C. Do ( )7. Tom likes _ bikes. A. ride B. riding C. rides ( ) 8. Look_the trees . A. at B. of C. In ( )9. What are they? They are _. A. lion B. a lion C. lions ( )

6、10.现在六点了 ,应该说: A:Its half past six. B:Its six o clock C:Its five.九、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在题前括号中。(12分)( )1.Whats the time? A. Yes, he does.( )2.Does he like basketball? B. No, I dont.( )3.Do you like apples? C. Its ten oclock.( )4.Whats your favourite song? D. They are lions.( )5.Is it fat? E. Its the ABC so

7、ng.( )6.What are they? F. No, it isnt.十、阅读对话,判断下列句子正误。(6分)Zhang Qiang: Good morning,Li Ting.Li Ting: Good morning.Li Ting: What do you have at school?Zhang Qiang: I have Chinese,Maths and Science in the morning. What do you have in the morning?Li Ting: I have Maths,English and Science in the morning

8、. And I have Chinese in the afternoon. Whats the time ,please?Zhang Qiang: Oh,its half past eleven. Lets(让我们)have lunch .Li Ting: OK.( )1、Its in the afternoon.( )2、Zhang Qiang has Chinese in the afternoon.( )3、Li Ting has English and Science in the morning.( )4、Li Ting and Zhang Qiang have Maths in the morning .( )5、Its half past eleven.( )6、They will have lunch



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