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1、How do students around the world get to school? 都安县初级中学 蓝卫Tel:13977831905 教学目标和内容设计教学内容Go for it Grade Eight Unit 4 How do you get to school? SectionB 3a-4教学对象都安县初级中学初二(39)班,学生人数57人教学项目词汇: part river boat 短语not all depend on take the bus/train/subway=go/comebybus/train/subway walk=go/comeon foot rid

2、e the bike=go/comeby bike take the boat=go/come by boat句型:In china,it depens on where you are. That must be more fun than taking a bus.写作:write a nwespaper article.教学方法任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学法, 教学目标知识目标学习the means of transportation,会运用How do /does sb.get to school?Sb.get (s) to school on foot/by bus /by

3、 bike的核心句型能力目标读:通过自主和小组合作,理解短文的内容,培养阅读能力。写:模仿课文3b范例,根据教师提供的。信息写一篇作文,提高学生运用语言的能力。情感目标从保护环境的角度考虑,提倡学生出行时尽量使用减少污染环境的交通方式。文化意识了解世界各地的交通状况及学生的上学方式。学习策略能对所学内容主动练习和实践,提高合作意识和自主学习的习惯。教学重点培养学生的阅读能力教学难点模仿课文范例,溶写作教学于单元教学中,提高学生语言运用能力。教学过程设计一、 课前准备1、 教师根据教学目的及内容,准备好电脑,课件和音乐录音等设备。2、 课前十分钟进教室,调试好电脑,课件和音乐录音设备,并在屏幕上

4、放映本节课的标题和一些交通方式的图片,以便学生熟悉本节课的教学内容。3、 课前三分钟组织学生按座位坐好。二、课堂教学Step1 warming up (3mins)1、呈现教学任务: 2、Greetings3、Sing an English song-(播放录音,学生跟唱)How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How long does it take?It takes about 20 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?Its about three miles.Its about thre

5、e miles(教学说明):通过师生问候和音乐创设英语学习气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。Step2 Make a survey and lead-in (3mins)T: Last period we have learnt the means of transportatoin which people can use to their destinations. I also want to know how students in our class get to school.Now pairworks,ask your deskmate:How does he/she get to sc

6、hool and then write down their answers.学生活动:同桌之间互相问答,How do you get to school?然后记下对方的回答,最后汇报。应急措施:教师在介绍任务的过程中,若学生没有听懂,则要附带一些中文解释,使学生听明白教师布置任务的内容。评价策略:注意观察学生是否认真听,若没有认真听应予眼神提示。(利用多媒体把表格呈现在屏幕)the means of transportation which students in our class use to schoolMeans of transportationwalkRide bikesTake

7、 busesTake taxisTake the train Take the subwayTake the boatNumber of students5251510002T: I know most students in our class come to school by bike ,many students come by bus,some students take taxis ,and other students walk to school,only a small number of students come by boat.No students come by t

8、rain or subway, why?Ss: Because there is no train or subway in our county.T: Yes .but I think in a short future ,our county will build our own train station and subway station. Do you think so?Ss: Yes .we think so. (教学说明)设计调查任务,为本节课step6的写作训练作铺垫。同时又复习句型:How do you get to school? I get to school on f

9、oot/by bus /by bike .Step3:reading (3a 10mins)T: Well, you all know how students get to school in our class,do you want to know how students around the world get to school?Ss: Yes .T: Ok lets come to SectionB 3a,read the passage and get the answers .(板书:How do students around the world get to school

10、 ?) 学生活动1:学生独立快速阅读课文,然后叫三个同学到黑板写答案,同学点评。Task 1:fast reading and fill in the chart (利用多媒体把表格呈现在屏幕)countriesHowIn AmericaMost Some On the school bus Walk、ride bikes In Japan Take trains Walk 、ride bikes In ChinaRide bike、take buses Take a boat (教学说明)根据课文内容设置问题,通过学生完成任务的情况来检阅对课文的理解,培养学生的快速阅读能力。应急措施:若某个

11、学生不能完成或写不完整,则可以请其他学生给予补充。评价策略:观察并了解学生个体的任务完成情况。学生活动2:学生再次仔细阅读课文,然后4人小组讨论,判断下列句子的正误。Task2: Carefully reading and discuss in groups, write T or F for the statements according to the passage. (利用多媒体把判断题呈现在屏幕)1. In North America, not all students take the bus to school. ( T )2. Other parts of the world

12、are different from the United States. ( T )3. In Japan , the three most popular ways to school are bus ,train and bike. ( F )4. In China, bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. ( T )5. Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao haveto take a boat to get to school. ( T )(教学说明)利用task

13、 1的表格来降低判断题的难度,进一步加深对课文的理解。应急措施:学生在讨论的过程中,教师要对学生进行帮助和指导,特别是稍弱一些的学生,通过检查答案,来了解全班学生对课文的理解程度。评价策略:观察学生参与课堂活动情况,对表现积极,回答问题正确的学生给予表扬,对于回答问题错误的学生给予引导和鼓励,增加其信心。Step4:difficult pions(3mins) (利用多媒体把难点难句呈现在屏幕)师生双边活动:教师解释重点短语或句子,让学生用此短语来造句。然后教师板书。1. not all:并非所有,e.g: Not all the rich are happy. 并非所有的富人都过得很开心.2

14、. depend on: 视而定.e.g Wheather we will go outing this weekend,it depends on the weather. 这周末是否外出郊游要视天气而定. In china,it depens on where you are. 在中国,要看你住什么地方而决定你用什么交通方式。3、 That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. “ That”means taking a boat. 意为:乘船比乘巴士要有趣得多.(教学说明)通过例句来解释课文难点,加深对语言的灵活运用。评价策略:对表现积极,所

15、造的句子正确的学生给予表扬,对于难点句子不理解的学生给予更详细的解释说明。Step5:Groupswork:(3b 4mins)According to the chart and complete the passage in 3b.T: Just now we learnt the passage and know how students around the world get to school,now we also want to know how students in Garden High School get to school. Look at the chart and discuss in groups.学生活动:4-6人一小组根据表格提供的信息共同讨论,得出答案。Check th


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