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1、1If the weather is fine tomorrow, he will take his girl friend to the beach.2When he was a young fellow ,he was very sensitive about what he said and did3He is interested in a particular girl and often goes with her to Shanghai Grand Theater to watch plays4As soon as he finished what he had to say,

2、the guy next to him got all excited and laughed loudly5On that day, the boy was not willing to go to school, so his parents had to push him 1不一会儿,大伙儿都围着我站了一圈,吵吵嚷嚷地对我说:好的,范曼,说出来啊!2回到家里,我把这事告诉了妈妈。她给了我各种各样的指导,告诉我如何做这样那样的事。3她遵守这样一个传统:母亲教儿子如何善待下一代女性。4当时她还在楼上做准备,这是意料中的事(女孩子临行前总是那样),因此,她的家人让我在餐厅里等她。他们在餐厅里跟

3、朋友一起吃馅饼。5我告诉她,在我年幼的时候,父母让我学了一段时间的钢琴,六个月后我还在弹“花之圆舞曲”,于是我忍无可忍了。1The students were sitting around the classroom and discussing questions when their teacher came in2Last year I bought this house, but I have not paid off the money I owe on it3My friend nodded to me and thought over the questions I put fo

4、rward4It is not difficult to understand that housing has become a popular subject of conversation these days5You have got used to these problems of your old house, just like your own shortcomings1一个星期六的晚上,我们和一些老朋友散座在我们相当破旧的起居室里,就在这时一个朋友开始努力回想我们已经在这住多久。2“这房子对谁来说不那么值钱了?”我大声地问他,音量超过来使他听清楚所必需的程度。3在靠近我妻子

5、书桌的窗帘后面,有一块四英寸宽的墙没有涂最后四层涂料,以便保留那些小小的粉笔印记和对面的日期。4如果有什么东西出了问题,如果地毯破旧了,卫生间或浴室的水池漏水了,邻居不友好,你渐渐习惯于这些问题,并像对待自己的缺点一样,有办法听之任之。5我走进屋里,熟悉的家具在欢迎我,某种感觉温暖着我的心,带来这种感觉的东西或许仅仅是灰尘而已,但它是我家的灰尘,我喜欢它。1The students listened and took notes carefully as the teacher gave them a lecture.2We admire great people because what t

6、hey did is worth admiring3Four students share a flat, where they share a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom.4Those Americans were curious about Chinese culture and were curious to know about the main differences between Chinese culture and American culture.5Those British students enjoyed their summer

7、vacation in China last year, mainly because they mad lots of Chinese friends.1.如果你们想说同意,不要用拇指和食指做成一个圈儿,那位女士大声说道。.在美国,这表示同意,许可的意思,但在苏联,那样做含有淫秽的意思.你可能没有热的自来水洗澡,你也可能不得不与五六个人共用一间浴室。4到达苏联时,那些美国人为自己已准备好体验共产主义制度下的生活而感到高兴。5那些苏联人知道美国人喜欢在餐馆吃快餐,但看到美国人在家里也吃快餐,他们感到失望。1They were eager to know if the room was avai

8、lable for them to spend the night,2The teacher sounded as if he had a cold or a cough when he spoke.3For a long length of time many people in our country believed that the number 13 was bad luck.4As a hardworking student, he learns by heart every text he has studied.5I havent seen Professor Wang sin

9、ce he moved away from the old neighborhood.1他点了点头,开动马达,然后向我道歉:“对不起,我刚才在看信。”2然后,他又说了起来,与其是在对我讲话,不如说是在自言自语:“我不应该同他断了联系,是的.”他重复一遍,”我不应该同他断了联系。” 3第一句话让我想到我自己:我一直都想给您写信,但迟迟没动笔。”4“是这么说的:你多年来的友情对我真的意义重大,不是我能用语言来表达的,因为这类话我说不好。”5我们已经坐车行了几公里,差不多要到达我住的旅馆了,于是我就读最后一段话,所以我想你会愿意知道我现在正在想你。1She felt very excited tha

10、t she had won the first prize at the English Speech Contest2The little boy found it hard to fit into his new school3He is satisfied with everything here, and never complains about anything 4If I could pass my school examinations ,I would be filled with the sense that I would soon become perfect5Some

11、 parents choose and buy stories of child geniuses for their children to read, with the hope that the children will become remarkable some day1我是一个舞蹈演员,站在舞台一侧,等待着音乐响起,好让我在舞台上像一片羽毛般轻轻的飘舞2“如果你还不赶快把我从这带出去,我就永远离开你”他警告我说,“那么你将永远一事无成”3第一晚,她拿出一本关于一个三岁小男孩的故事,那个男孩知道美国所有州的州府,甚至大多数欧洲国家的首都他也都知道 4测试越来越难-心算,从一副纸牌中

12、找出红心Q,空手倒立,等等5在又一次看到妈妈那张失望的脸后,我灵魂深处的某个东西开始消逝1One of the most beautiful and happiest events in ones life takes place on the day in which ones wedding is held 2Her mother slaved over the task of sewing cotton items3Many people spend a lot of time and money in preparing for their wedding parties4In the

13、 past, at her wedding ,a girl was expected to bring many things to her husbands house including quilts, sheets, a large clothes chest and so on 5It is a traditional custom that a couples marriage takes place one year after they are engaged1每个村民都受到邀请,在婚礼之前的日子里,兴奋的情绪日益高涨2就新娘来说,她的家人从她一出生起就一直在为她的婚礼做准备。3

14、同时她父亲一直在存钱,因为为新婚夫妇安个家是新娘家的责任。4牛、 山羊、 钱 、一辆牛车 、一台电视机 ,如今还要一部洗衣机嫁妆里包括其中的一部分或全部,还要视女方家庭的收入情况而定。5新郎新娘在教堂外面接受客人们热闹的道贺,之后大家都到新人家里去庆祝。The football team he led took part in many international games . It lost its first game after 10 straight victories2 Teachers should focus on key and difficult points in cla

15、ssroom teaching so that their students can really grasp them.3 He takes a positive attitude towards his work and pours all his energy into whatever he does 4 Wallenda would not have fallen to death if he had not worried so much about his safety during that midday walk 5 As an excellent manager, he i

16、mmediately corrects any wrong decision he has made1 他带领的球队在主场29连胜后第一次输了一场比赛,他的反应是:好极了!现在我们能够把精力集中到打赢比赛上面来,而不是在不输球上面。2迈耶显示了这样一种精神:向积极的目标奋进,全身心地投入工作,而不是往后看,为过去的事找借口。3 对许多人来说“失败”这个词让人产生一种穷途末路的感觉,但是对于成功的领导者来说,失败是开始,是希望的种子。4 这是他生平第一次有这样的担心,在我看来,他与其说是在全力以赴地走钢丝,倒不如说是全力以赴地不让自己摔下去。5每当我作决策时,我一开始便意识到我很可能会犯错误,我所能做的就是尽力而为。1Every day, whe


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