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1、敬启者: 我们对贵公司的XL3滤水器很感兴趣。如果我们订30台这款滤水器,费用怎么算呢?贵方是否能提供折扣?如果可以,请贵方说明详细的折扣率。另外,该款产品的保质期为多长时间?您收到我们订单后多久可以发货?盼早口回更呈上!原文8Deal- sir:Thank you for inquirmg about oui XL/3 water purifier. The answers to yourquestions are as follows:1. The cost per your ordered 30 units) would be HK52,500.2. The guarantee is f

2、br one year from tlie date of purchase.3. We could deliver within 10 days upon receipt of your order.4. Unfbitunately, we can not give a discount, because tliis is a new model.Please let us know if we can be of further help.Smcerely youis,译文8敬启者:谢谢您对我们公司生产的XL/3滤水器的咨询。您所提问题的答案如下:lo单位价格(如果贵方的订购数量为30台)

3、为港币2500元。2。保质期为一年,时间从购买之口算起。3。我们能在收到您订单后的十天之内发货。4。很遗憾,我们不能提供折扣,因为这是新款的滤水器。如果我们能进一步帮到您,请随时联系我们。呈上!43原文9Dear Mis. Winters:Thank you for inquirmg about oui spiiiig catalog. We are niailmg the catalog separately, and you should receive it in about two weeks.Ne would also like to mention that tluough tli

4、e month of June there will be a 50% reduction on oui caslunere sweater collection. If you aie interested in this sale, please fill out the enclosed postcard and letuin it as soon as possible. We will then send you tlie latest mfbrniation on our caslunere inventory.Siiicerely youis !译文9尊敬温特斯夫人:感谢您对我们

5、春季产品目录的容询。我们将另函邮寄一份目录给您,预计您在两周之内可以收到。我们公司将在六月对暗什米尔毛衣开展五折促销活动,活动将持续整整一个月。如果您对这次促销感兴趣,请填写随函所寄的卡片并尽快寄回我们公司。我们将为您提供最新的略什米尔毛衣库存信息。呈上!原文10Dear Mr Holladay:Thank you very much fbi mquumg about oui mail order sendee.For the last 30 years MacGregors mens wear has been sold in major depaitment stores worldwid

6、e and is now gaining international popularity tluough mail-order as well. Wb appreciate this opportunity to mclude you on our mailing list and guarantee that the clothmg selections in our catalogs are of the same quality as those we sell in our stores.As you asked, we have enclosed oui latest catalo

7、g featurmg most of our sununer clotlung selections. Orders from this catalog may be placed as late as August 31, You can expect to receive our fall catalog in nud-July. Complete instnictions for 44ng your clothing size aie on tlie center page of all catalogs, along with order information.Should you

8、find interest in any of our products, please do not hesitate to send us enquuies.Veiy tnily yours !译文10尊敬的霍迪拉先生:感谢您对我们公司邮购服务的咨询。在过去的30多年中,麦格雷戈系列男装主要在全球主要的百货公司销售, 现在通过邮购销售方式,麦格雷戈系列男装正在世界范围内受到人们的好评。能借此机会将贵方纳入我们的网购客户群,我们感激不尽,并向您保证,邮购目录中的产品和我们在各大百货公司销售的产品具有同等质量。按照贵方的要求,我们随函附上最新的部分夏季服装目录表,以便贵公司选择。根据这个目录,

9、贵方在8月31 口之前下订单都视为有效。另外,预计您可以在七月中旬收到我们的秋季产品目录表。帮助您确定所需衣服尺寸的完整说明位于所有产品目录的中间页,此页另附有订单信息。如果您对我们产品感兴趣,请及时发给我们拘盘。呈上!原文11Deal- sir;Ne are a newly established film seekmg information fiom manufacturers of autobody repair tools and related equipment.Would you please send us your spray gun catalogues and puce

10、s?Veiy tiuly yours !译文11敬启者:我们时一家新成立的公司,希望P|f 4上产车身维修工具及相关设备的厂商需求45原文6Deal- sir:I am mterested in ordermg sliiils from you on a regular basis, dependmg upon quality, fit, and ease of delivery. Wduld you please send me your latest catalog right away so that I can make some spring selections9 Also, co

11、uld you send two or tlu ee of your most recent back issues?I am looking fbrwaid to hearing from you.Sincerely youis !译文6敬启者:我对贵公司的衬衫很感兴趣,计划未来能根据货物的质量,尺寸和运输便利程度定期卜.单。能否尽快邮寄一份贵公司的最新产品目录给我,以便我从中选择一些春款。另外,贵方能否邮寄两到三件最畅销款给我呢? 期待着您的回玛呈上!原文7Deal- sir:Wis aie interested in your XL/3 Water Purifier. If we ord

12、ered 30 units, how much would they cost? Could you give us a discount? If so, how much? Also, how long does the guarantee last? Fmally. how soon could you deliver upon receipt of our order?I am looking fbrwaid to hearing from you.Sincerely youis:42息。能否请贵公司邮寄你方生产的喷枪产品目录表和相应价格表呢?呈上!原文12Deal- Sir:Thank

13、 you fbr your catalog and price list.I am mterested in your Model 11 fu.e extmguishei s. If I oi deied 10 of them, could you deliver by Febmary 15? If not, how soon could you deliver? Also, let me know what the shippmg charge would be.I am looknig fbiward to healing fiom you.Sincerely!译文12敬启者:谢谢您的产品

14、目录及价目表。我方对贵公司型号为11的灭火器很感兴趣。如果我订购10台该款灭火器, 你方能否在2月15号之前交货?如果货期更久,那么请问需要多长时间才能发货呢?另外,请告诉我运费需要多少。期待着您的回音。呈上!原文13Dear Mrs. Tvson:Thank you fbr asking about our Silver Streak mountam bicycle.Uiifbitunately this model is temporarily out of stock because of the Cluistinasrush, but we could deliver one to y

15、ou by the end of January.Ne also have other models that could be delivered iiimiediately. The ZX model, fbr instance, is beconmig one of our most popular bicycles because it is light weight (only 18 pounds) but very strong. The cost is a little more than the Silver Streak, but if 46d like to receive Cluistmas delivery of this or any other bicycle in the enclosed brochure, please let us know.In the meantime, we send you our best wishes for a happy holiday season?Sincerely youis !译文13尊敬的泰森夫人:非常感谢您向我方汴询购买银条牌山地自行车。遗憾的是,因为圣诞节的购物热潮,这种款式暂时缺货,但我们能在一月底之前给您发货一台。我们也有其他款式的自行车,并且能够立即交货。例如


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