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1、英语中学作文锦集十篇 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文依据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我整理的英语中学作文10篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。英语中学作文 篇1 Th ed Star aio actoy podcestererdo ssette recdrS farithgoneoghtstaes n tsitr. n h pastthe facorwas po a bcardin equipment ndechiue. I wa set up in th195s e therewre oly less

2、 an80 wrkers in itTe te workers mad vlverdo sts,nd ae tnsistor rads.The workig coditios wee poor and most work ha tobe oeby han.ince10sgeat cnges havetae plein heaory.Tdayiti t ti arger tha befoe.Five ig orshos ar well euped wth morn achinsThe numerf orkers an engiers hsbeenin o over 800.The poduce

3、theetyps o rrders, os of hic ar old to manyparts ofth worldThis facory s anavand trpre i hina. veryyear it cretesanoutpt alue f reth100mllion an fr our cnry ad rn over proits a txes of 30 millo yuano the stte. st rad cassete ecorer 立体声收录机 alve ro set电子管收音机 tansir dio 晶体管收音机 otp vl 产值英语中学作文 篇2 写一篇游记,

4、把你们一路走一路看的山水湖海的美景写下来。比如,你们要去某地,须要乘火车或汽车,或许还要坐轮船等交通工具,一路上看到祖国或世界的大好河山,感慨万千,由衷地对那些天造地设、神工鬼斧般的秀丽山川或历史名胜称赞不已。 AVi o achn IsladLst smmer, the weae was hotter thanusa, someof myrinds and Ideded to o t he Dn Islan adspend feways there.nuway, welooked out ftheship wnow and saw mylitleree slands ontesea With

5、a loud whistle he sip we nto h harbr.roug h widow, Isa mny fisg boas ailin heed here. They went ot of the hrr with hope an cae back wt loads o fsh. O te markt Isw lo of bases ful of fish Thenext day,we all up arly and n t heeachnthe hotel twatch the snrising. We looked o theasthe clods wre redish,an

6、d then ture brit rd.oontesun olppered a began to rise. T kyron hesun wasvery brig a te sun loedlik ig balTe sigh ws so btiful tha we oud never forget Nt olyi the cenery beafu onheDachen Island,but ls thepepehreae rkid.During or sty e enjoyed th beauil cee a ata lot f sa fod. To r disaontment, e had

7、leth islnds,but ellawaysremeer this trip ad the peole there 本文作者记述了他和同学们乘船去大陈岛巡游和小住的状况。除引言段外,全文分两个层次:二、三、四段写景,人随景走,景随人移海上,渔船点点;市上,鲜鱼筐筐;日出美景永难忘;第五、六段写人人情好,海味美。文章构成了一幅动态的画面。英语中学作文 篇3 Pele plat great umbrf young te n temuntains.When the reesgrow big all enuh,thy are cut dw y workers n ariedoo the mntai

8、nstothe paprmi r inepap ismae from wod. Thenit is aken to evey conerf th contr nd usefor difeent uposs.Somepople use pper o wriig,oters use it to writsmeting such a trs,epr and articlsWhen pae uru to of no se,hewae pper illected an retreated n therecling fatory before being put intouse gain人们在山里种植大量

9、的小树苗。当树木长到足够高大的时候,就会被工人砍伐下来削减了,从山里运到造纸厂,把树木制成纸张。然后这些纸杯带到这个国家的每一个角落,用于不同的目的。有些人运用纸拷贝写作,其他人用来写点东西,如信件、报告和文章。 当纸变得没有用了,在再次被投入运用前,废纸会被收集并撤回到回收工厂。英语中学作文 篇4 he other dy my bother ad wet to thecineaby bycle。 My brter waing wthmesitigon heeatehid。 As w camto ecossroadsayug maand il meup an toppeus。 Weve fou

10、d you at long la, thy said。But idntknow the。Pontgto ocemantfa way, thyoun an expland, Heoppe usbha anh agoand md us cac the tofender。So ome on, stand he。 oe u dont hve to wit s longaswid。 Gd uck。英语中学作文 篇5til 1988hang Ge Zhuang ha o schol f it o。 was prthadfor hehldren f e villge who had got schoo in

11、 her lages whh wereal fr a。No hangG hungPimayShoo as hree teachers, ahing4 pupis。 The achers hd fiishd mle scholeucatn fe te rtrned o tach he。 heppls aredivded int fv diffrent classes, in wic six subjcts ae taugt。 The are Ches, Maths, cienc, Music, Drwing and yscal Educaio。Educatinis free for l chld

12、e in the ville。英语中学作文 篇6 w are supposed toexpresur grttue ootherontaksgvingayhowever,w shuld feelgratitue eveay. god hatwo dwelis, o havn,and he oher a me and thanful hr.e gateflt othe ato show yur loe or dailife, weofn recive hepfro or paet,fins, clleagand strangers. pehapit ia itl thing, ick up the pn youdrop, ift heavbox forouor ofer yu a satin theu. weou e thakful othemforwhatevr teave don th mre lve yugive,hemor loe ou rceive.英语中学作文 篇7 When stdet comet theuniversity, they wl trat ther a


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