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1、交际英语:一.1.-Sm, thsis myfriend, Jne. -_. A Im Jac B. Gld omt o,Sm . Glad tet you, Jane D.ery well, thanyou2.Wa ou o? -_. A. Im a teacer B.Iivein mall town C. o fro a al wn D.I lik eaching3. -CouldItalk to ro.Le? -_ .Yes, seakig B. Oh, its u C. m waitin fryou I am h peratr hr4.-My I use yourbie togo sh

2、pig? - _ . A. s, I ive i to you B Certainly.Thereit is e, Id lovet . Inot ure -Can you tell me whre I can ar the car? -_ A.es, pease B. It i made in meica C W, jst over thee D. he pais otveryar 6-a ind of ob ey plyg for? -_ . . I hant filled i the form B. I posi,d li t be n acuant C.Ilostyjob laston

3、t DIam th dector .-When is rbrtha?-_ A. I was br in smal village dot know ho to elebratet C. I on th 18h fMarc D. Itsnot as emembe .-o nedn do he rkiter t Nw Year. - _ . A.o, o nedt . Oh, goo! ank yo C. HappNew Year toyu .I ike the work9.-ow s he jouey toLnd? -_. A. It en ver wll . It w ine-hour pan

4、e jorney C.I fw thre D. I wsverywel10.-Whos the tall mn behdtheoo? - _ . A. Thats Jan Tailr,smene Ime in John partylat ee . e havent rittn tohm sine wemet last him C. Wv lot ctatwih himfor ong time .Dntyou rememe? hts Davidmith We e himat teairport答案:C 2.A .A 4.B 5. 6B .C 8. .A 10D二1-Areyu on hoay h

5、ee? - _ A. We are on holidayher, o B. We lve re, too C. No, we arent. We liv here . s, w lie here2.-Whosecar is thi?- _ . A Its aJapaee ca B: ts myunces . Its my unce D y ucle wo made t3.-Ho are yu ths mong? -_ . Its still goo B. Its to erly . ery well,tnk ou D. Its lovel morning 4.-What does tis or

6、d men,Joe? - _ . Tsword means oe B.Joe bys ame O ore, Im Joe DSorry, I dont kow, eithe 5.-ou maya seen this film. -_ . It iai to cost much B. Itwi hown he next we . Actualy, I avent D.You ay o 6-Whts thfaeto the muse? - _ . A Fihours B. Fiv oclok C Fivemiles D. F rs 7.sit going to bewar next wek? _

7、. A Yes, it is B.I dont believeit C. , t hast .tcges al th tim 8.-u mind iI ed henewspapnthetabe? - _ . A. Godnews oryu . Go ahead, plase C. s, sure D. , I can 9.-Ee me, whrethe Cptl Theatre? - _ . A here a satute nar it B. Itly tw blocs aafroher . Iot tw theatre tickets for tonightD. Tur right andt

8、hn oll fid the cinema0 looing ora plce t stay.Coul oecommedgodhel? -_ A.Its off Oak Ste, near he pak . Its dificutotay at agod hote C. Itsvy expenseYouhave ia aut itD. et mee Oak Hteliprttood, thog itmay blittl expensive答案:1.C 2.B 3C 4.D 5.C 6 7A.B 9.B 0.D三.1.-Her youare, Sir - _ A Yes,Im here . Y, here w re C. All ight D. Tank yoey much-S orr to tobl ou - _ . Its a plesure .Its your aut. I d hin so D. Im sry, t3.-Wld you lik te?


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