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1、高效课堂自主学习型英语Lesson1Lesson2必掌握内容 班级:_ 姓名:_一、重点单词,要求会背。 middle 中间(的) shirt 衬衣 so 因此 ear 耳朵first 第一;首先 if 如果 third 第三 floor 地板;(楼)层 fifth 第五 second 第二 along 沿着 road 路二、 重点词汇,要求会读,会说,知道中文意思。get down 下来 go on 继续 some time 一段时间get on 上;骑上 look for 寻找 laugh at 嘲笑reading room 阅览室 teachers office 教师办公室 in fro

2、nt of 在前面talk with 和说话 go out 出去 三、比较级和最高级的基本变化形式1.一般情况下,比较级加er,最高级加est,如: shortshorter-shortest nearnearer-nearest smallsmaller-smallest fast-faster-fastest highhigherhighest tall-taller-tallest oldolderoldest longlongerlongest 2. 结尾有e的,比较级直接加r,最高级直接加est,如 nicenicer-nicest late-laterlatest safesafe

3、rsafest 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i,比较级再加er,最高级再加est, 如: heavyheavierheaviest prettyprettierprettiest happyhappier-happiest easyeasier-easiest4. 重读闭音节的单词须双写这个结尾字母,比较级再加er,最高级再加est, 如:hothotterhottest bigbigger-biggest fatfatterfattest thinthinner-thinnest sadsaddersaddest5. 不规则的比较级变法,如 good/well-better-best

4、many/much-moremost farfarther-farthest四、 基数词变序数词的基本变话形式 基变序,有规律,一二三,特殊记,八去t,九减e,遇见ve变f,遇见y变ie,后加th别忘记,序数词前要加the,我们一定要牢记。onefirst1st twosecond2nd threethird3rd fourfourth4thfivefifth5th sixsixth6th sevenseventh7th eighteighth8thnineninth9th tententh10th eleveneleventh11th twelvetwelfth12th五、 重点句型1. D

5、o you always have lunch at twelve?你总是在十二点吃午饭吗? Yes, I do.是的,我是。2. What do you usually have for lunch? 你午饭通常吃什么? Rice. 米饭。3. Does she always come here? 她总是来这儿吗? Yes,she does. 是的,她是。4. Lets call her, OK? 让我们打电话给她,好吗? OK. Lets go. 好的。让我们去。5. Does she always come before six? 她总是在六点以前来吗? Yes, she does. 是

6、的,她是。6. What time is it now? 现在几点了? Its twelve. 十二点。7. Does lele do morning exercise every day? 乐乐每天做早操吗? Yes, he does. 是的, 他是。8. Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? I come from the USA. 我来自美国。9. Where do you live? 你住在哪里? I live in New York. 我住在纽约。10. Where does Miss Green come from? 格林小姐来自哪里? She comes

7、from the USA, too. 她也来自美国。11. When do you usually get up? 你通常几点起床? I usually get up at six. 我通常六点起床。12. What time do she get up? 她几点起床? She always gets up before six. 她总是在六点以前起床。13. What time does he usually go to school? 他通常几点去上学? He usually goes to school at seven twenty. 他通常在7:20去上学。14. What are

8、you doing? 你现在在在干什么? I am having breakfast. 我正在吃早饭。15. What is she doing now? 她现在正在干什么? She is doing homework。她现在正在做家庭作业。16. How do you go to school? 你怎样去上学? I usually walk to school. 我通常走去学校。17. How does he usually go to school? 他通常怎么样去上学? He usually goes to school on foot. 他通常步行去上学。18. Is she tall

9、 or short? 她是高的还是矮的? She is tall. 她是高的。19. Is her hair long or short? 她的头发是长的还是短的? Her hair is short. 她的头发是短的。20. Is Green Frog pretty or ugly? 绿青蛙是漂亮的的还是难看的? She is pretty. 她是漂亮的。21Are there any hotels near here? 在这附近有旅馆吗? Yes, there are two. 是的,有两家。22. Which hotel is nicer? 那家更好? The bigger one is

10、 nicer. 更大那家更好。23. Which is heavier, the elephant or the bear? 哪个更重,大象还是熊?The elephant is much heavier than the bear. 大象比熊重的多。 24. Which is taller, the deer or the giraffe? 哪个更高, 鹿还是长颈鹿?The giraffe is much taller than the deer. 长颈鹿比鹿高得多。25. Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐! Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!26. Whereare

11、 our presents? 我们的礼物在哪? Go to the sitting room and find them. 去客厅找它六、 第三人称单数 (或复数)1. 一般情况下加s, 如: taketakes makemakes putputs comecomes wakewakes2. 以x、s、sh、o、ch 结尾的单词加es, 如: watchwatches washwashes go-goes dodoes missmisses dress-dresses 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,变y为i加es, 如: fly-flies cry-cries carrycarries4.不

12、规则的动词,如 have-has5. 不规则的名词变复数的单词如:child-children woman-women man-men leaf-leaves6. 单复数是一样的名词如: sheepsheep deer-deer people-people六、 现在分词(进行时)1. 一般情况下加ing, 如 beginbeginning startstarting waitwaiting talktalking cry-crying go-going wash-washing watchwatching flyflying carrycarrying ask-asking workworking2. 结尾有一个不发音的e的单词,须去掉发音字母,如: makemaking leaveleaving take-taking like-liking havehaving


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