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1、上海市七宝中学2020学年第二学期高二英语期中试卷第一卷 (共69分)Listening Comprehension (17)Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.1

2、.A. Receptionist and guest.B. Hairdresser and customer.C. Doctor and patient.D. Boss and staff.2.A. On Thursday morning.B. On Monday night.C. On Friday morning.D. On Thursday night.3.A. In a library.B. In a classroom.C. In a furniture store.D. In a computer shop.4.A. The time of the lecture.B. The b

3、oredom of the lecture.C. The length of the lecture.D. The problem of the clock.5.A. Go to the movie alone.B. Check the Reader.C. See a movie with the woman. D. Find a nice movie.6.A. The cost of fixing the window.B. The difficulty of cleaning up the broken glass.C. The possible harm to the people in

4、volved.D. The type of punishment he will give Tommy.7.A. The clerk doesnt like to be bothered.B. The machine was just repaired.C. The man couldnt make any more copies.D. The woman can teach the man to use the machine.8.A. The man will buy some envelopes for the woman.B. The man will take the woman t

5、o town.C. The woman will have to go and buy some envelopes herself.D. The woman has written several letters today.9.A. Because she doesnt feel tired.B. Because the seat is occupied.C. Because she feels tired.D. Because she feels terrible when sitting on the bus.10.A. He is surprised that Dan did not

6、 fail.B. He is working especially hard on physics.C. He wonders how Dans history course went.D. He wants to pass the management course.Section BDirections:Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. The change of the weekend.B. Attitudes towards leisure activities.C. Shifting jo

7、b opportunities.D. Attitudes towards employment.12.A. How many weeks there are in a month.B. Which day begins the week.C. Which days people should work.D. How the week is divided into days.13.A. It would make the workday longer.B. It would allow people to work on weekend.C. It would create much more

8、 free time.D. It would make leisure activities expensive.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear one longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your

9、answers on your answer sheet.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Which course do the two speakers take together?(21) _.What is the womans major?She is a (22)_ major.Which floor does the man live on the campus?The (23)_ floor of Butler.How will they solve their problem?T

10、hey will (24) _.考生注意: 语法题涂卡从25题开始II. Grammar and Vocabulary (16)25. A new study shows anger may help people reduce the negative impacts _ stress and help you become healthier.A. inB. ofC. onD. at26. Mrs. Richardson couldnt find her ring for ages, but after a few days it_ in her hand bag.A. turned ou

11、t B. turned over C. turned toD. turned up27. The newspapers owner and editor _ away on holiday.A. is B. are C. be D. have been28. After the doctors discussion about the mistakes they were making, new life-saving systems were designed to prevent those errors from _.A. repeatingB. repeated C. being re

12、peated D. to be repeated29. We all need knowledge from the past _ it comes from personal experience or from studying history. It is our only guide to the future.A. as B. whether C. how D. when30. The man _ from serious heart trouble needs a surgery badly.A. suffered B. suffering C. who suffering D.

13、who was suffered31. He said that the study was the first he had seen _ massage in such depth.A. to analyzeB. analyzing C. analyze D. analyzed32. The cause he had devoted himself to _ a perfect success.A. proving B. provedC. was proved D. has been proved33. Later in this chapter cases will be introdu

14、ced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.A. where B. when C. who D. which34. As for space exploration, we should take the fact into consideration_ many countries can not afford the expenses.A. whatB. which C. / D. that35. The pressure _ causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.A. to compete B. to be competedC. competing D. having competed36. _along either bank of the Huangpu River, trees and flowers added beauty to the newly-decorated bund.A. Planting B. Planted C. To plant D. To be planted37



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