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1、论最蓝的眼睛的叙事技巧On the Narrative Skills in The Bluest EyeAbstract: Toni Morrison is one of the most prominent African-American women writers in the world. She received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993 for her excellent achievements in writing, and becomes the first African- American woman to win th

2、is award. As a gifted writer, Morrison employs a lot of writing techniques, the excellent mastery of the writing crafts and heart- beat spoken language to create the sense of intimacy. In the novel, The Bluest Eye, several prominent artistic features should be paid attention to. They are the arrange

3、ment of the chapters, the unique prelude, the multiple narratives and so on. All of them make the novel more attractive and interesting to read. Meanwhile these writing techniques help to express the novels theme successfully, which can make readers imagine and think freely and deeply.Key words: Ton

4、i Morrison; The Bluest Eye; narrative skills摘要:托尼莫里森是二十世纪最为杰出的非裔美国女作家之一,因其卓越的创作才华于1993年获诺贝尔文学奖,是第一位获此殊荣的美国黑人女性。作为一名才华横溢的作家,莫里森运用独特的写作技巧和驾驭语言的高超技术,以震撼人心的语言使其作品具有亲密感。在最蓝的眼睛这部小说中,独特的章节安排,奇妙的开篇,多角度的叙事手法以及写作技巧的运用都很好地服务于小说的主题表达,同时增强了小说的阅读快感,令读者深思与遐想。关键字:托尼莫里森;最蓝的眼睛;叙事技巧Contents I. Introduction.1A. General

5、 introduction to Toni Morrison.1B. Introduction to The Bluest Eye.2. Narrative Structure of the Novel.4A. The distinctive prelude of the novel.4B. The unique arrangement of the chapters.5C. Multiple narrative voices in the novel.7. Conclusion.11Works Cited.12I. Introduction With the development of c

6、ontemporary literature, the study of “minority discourse”, especially of African American literature has drawn more and more attention in the world. Now African American literature has become one of the indispensable components of American literature and culture. The whole world should be thankful t

7、o African-American novelists who have made such great contributions to the world literature, and at the same time no one will forget African-American writers endeavor to promote African American literature in the literary arena, nor ignore the unimaginably hard struggle that African American literat

8、ure has waged for its development.A. General introduction to Toni MorrisonToni Morrison is one of the most outstanding and influential contemporary African American women writers. For her collective achievements, she was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, and has been launched into the

9、spotlight as a talented African American women writer and social critic. Her works root deeply in the peculiar history, tradition, legends and the lives of African Americans. She offers a penetrating look at the trauma of African Americans and scrutinizes the damaging impact of the dominant culture.

10、 She pushes the African American novels to a newer and higher standard both in the thematic contents and in the narrative skills.When she was in collage, she toured Deep South, where for the first time she witnessed what life was like for black people in the South, “This was a crucial experience in

11、Tonis life, bringing into focus certain ancestral information, particularly the iniquitous loss of family land to whites, the pain and the glory of which would, fifteen years later, drive her to writing” (Danille 140). Toni Morrison is considered one of the best fiction writers in the world, “not th

12、e best woman writer, not the best black writer or the best American writer-the best fiction writer in the world”(Ron 8). In life and art, Toni Morrison has extended and enlarged the tradition of strength, persistence and accomplishments of black women in America. Her strong ties to her black culture

13、 and oral tradition create a rich foundation for her novels. Black lore, black music, black language and all the myths and rituals of black culture were the most prominent elements of her early life. According to Toni Morrison, her writing has a strong connection to ancestors and her life seems to b

14、e dominated by information about black women. They were culture bears. At that time, storytelling is a shared activity in her family. Her parents would spend hours telling them terrifying ghost stories, and the children were encouraged to participate in it. In terms of music, her mothers family were

15、 all musicians. Her grandfather was a violinist, her mother played in silent-movie theaters and sang everything from opera and jazz. Her grandmother wrote her dreams in a book, and then decoded the symbols with the help of another book. Throughout her childhood, without knowing it, she absorbed the folktales, myths and songs that had been an important part of Southern black culture for centuries.In life, her immediate models are


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