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1、1. Replacement therapy is becoming more and more popular in the usa.More than one third of 31000 who are being tested have used such therapy which includes yoga,meditation,herbal medicine,special dieary and even the pary. Experts explain that such therapy against the traditional way may bring the si

2、de effects sometimes. 替代治疗在美国变得越来越流行。在 接受调查的31000 人中,超过 1/3的人用过替代治疗。这些替代疗法包括瑜珈、冥想、 草药、特殊饮食甚至祷告。根专家介绍,有些背离传统医学的治疗方法有时也会有副作 用2.T 38.3C, P 89/min, R 18/min, Bp 20/min.The patient had no significant pain or jaundice all over. Normal sound was heard on auscultation in heart and lungs. Flat abdomen was in

3、spected and normal bowel sound was heard. Tenderness, muscular tension and rebound tenderness in right upper quadrant and right lower quadrant were palpated. There was no evident lump or abdominal external hernia. Limbs were as usual and normal digital examination of anus. 2. 体 温38.3C,脉搏89次/分,呼吸18次/

4、分,血压110/65mmHg。患者无明显疼痛,无黄 疸,心肺听诊正常,腹平,肠鸣音存在,右上腹和右下腹有触痛、肌紧张和反跳痛,未 及明显肿块和腹外疝,四肢如常,肛门指诊未见异常。3. Alternative medicineincluding yoga, meditation, herbs (草药)and the Atkins diet(艾特金斯饮食法)and prayerappears to be growing in popularity in the United States.More than a third of American adults used such practice

5、s , according to the government survey of 31, 000 people. Experts explain that such therapy which is turning away from conventional treatments may bring side effects sometimes. 1. 替代治疗在美国变得越来越流 行。在接受调查的31000人中,超过 1/3的人用过替代治疗。这些替代疗法包括瑜珈、 冥想、草药、特殊饮食甚至祷告。根专家介绍,有些背离传统医学的治疗方法有时也会 有副作用The temperature was

6、38.3C, the pulse 89 beats per minute, and the respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute. The blood pressure was 110/65 mm Hg.On physical examination, the patient did not appear to be in severe pain, and there was no jaundice. The lungs and heart sounds were normal. The abdomen was flat, and bowel sound

7、s were present. There was tenderness in the right upper and right lower quadrants, with guarding and rebound tenderness. No mass or hernia was detected. The arms and legs were well perfused. No abnormalities were found on rectal examination. 2.体温 38.3C,脉搏 89 次/分,呼吸 18 次/分,血压 110/65mmHg。患 者无明显疼痛,无黄疸,

8、心肺听诊正常,腹平,肠鸣音存在,右上腹和右下腹有触痛、 肌紧张和反跳痛,未及明显肿块和腹外疝,四肢如常,肛门指诊未见异常。4.Breathing is the process of taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide.Almost all the living things need to perform this function in order to keep alive.Humans breath is one type of respiration which is also called external respirati

9、on,while internal respiration or tissue respiration, another type of respiration, means gaseous interchange between blood and other tissues. 1.呼吸就是摄取氧气和排出二氧化碳。几乎所有生命体都必须施行这一功能以维 持生命。人的呼吸是呼吸的一种,称为外呼吸。血液与人体其他组织之间的气体交换是另一种呼吸,叫做内呼吸,或组织呼吸。Life depends on various materials for cytolergy obtained from the

10、outside. All the materials ingested from the external world,except oxygen, are taken into human body through alimentary system, where they are digested into microparticles small enough to enter the blood. Food debris which isnt absorbed into the blood for one reason or another will be discharged as

11、stool. 生存有 赖于从外界获取细胞进行活动所需要的各种原料。所有从外界进入人体的物质,除氧气外, 都是经由消化系统进入的,而消化系统则必须把食物分解(消化)成小到足以进入血液的微 粒。由于这样或那样的原因而未被吸入血流的食物残渣以粪便的形式从体内排出。1. 散步同游泳、骑车、跑步等一样,是一种有氧运动,能够增加皮肤和肌肉的供氧,从而 增进体能和耐力。舒适的速度步行能促进心肺活动,从而提高心肺功能。这种运动可成 为预防心血管疾病的主要因素。Walking -like swimming, bicycling and running - is an aerobic exercise which

12、 builds the capacity for energy output and physical endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to skin and muscles. Walking at comfortable speed improves the efficiency of the cardio-respiratory system by stimulating the lungs and heart. Such exercise may be a primary factor in the prevention of h

13、eart and circulatory disease.2. 印度的医生刚宣布一条消息,他们把猪的心脏移植于人体已经取得成功。看来人们越来 越迫切要求增加这种异体器官的移植。欧洲和美国正在专门培育大批的猪经遗传工程处 理后用于提供器官。 1996 年这一课题至少发表了两篇重要报告,一篇在欧洲,一篇在 美国。两篇报告一致认为异种器官移植在伦理上是可行的,并审慎地建议应准予施行。Doctors in India have just announced that they have successfully transplanted a heart from a pig into a person

14、. Pressure to increase the number of such xenotransplants (异种器官移植)seems to be growing. In Europe and America, herds of pigs are being specially bred and genetically engineered for organ donation. During 1996 at least two big reports on the subject - one in Europe and one in America - were published.

15、 They agreed that xenotransplants were permissible on ethical grounds and cautiously recommended that they be allowed.器官移植医生身手不凡。他们从一人体内取出器官移植到另一人体内,让幸运的器官接受者 延长寿命改善生活。可惜的是,每年还有成千上万的人却没有那么幸运,他们等不及找到合 适的器官就死去了。器官移植的最大制约是,每延长一个人的生命一定要有另一个人的死亡, 而且这个人必须年青健康其器官具有移植价值。这样的器官供体很少,而等待移植的人数却 很多,而且越来越多。Transpl

16、ant surgeons work miracles. They take organs from one body and integrate them into another, granting the lucky recipient a longer, better life. Sadly, every year thousands of other people are less fortunate, dying while they wait for suitable organs to be found. The terrible constraint on organ transplantation is that every life extended depends on the death of someone young enough and healthy enough to have organs worth transplanting. Such donors are fe



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