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1、7. What festival is it today?8. Where is the man smoking now?9. What does Mary give her father?10. Who will probably stay at home?2019 2020学年度枣庄台儿庄区第一学期初三期中素质教育检测初中英语英语试卷本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分;第一卷为选择题,第二卷为非选择题,共120分。考试时刻100分钟。第一卷选择题三部分共75分第一部分 听力听力选择题,共 4节,1 20小题,每题1分,总分值20分第一节 听句子,选择正确的答语。每题有5秒钟的答题时刻,读一遍。5

2、分1 . A.Yes, please.B .Not at all.C . No , please dont.2. A.Yes, I do.B .No, its easy .C . I think it helps .3. A.Its interesting .B .Yes, I am .C . No , it is nt.4. A.Thank you .B .Youre welcome .C . Yes, thats a good idea5. A.Quite well .B .Id love to .C . They re busy .第二节听对话,选择与其相符的图片。每题有5 7秒钟的答题

3、时刻,读一遍。5分6. Whats the girl looking for?A.第三节听对话及咨询题,选出正确的答案。每题有5秒钟的答题时刻,读两遍。5分11. A .A dictionary .B.A pen.C.A watch .12. A.By listening to tapes.B.By watching TV.C .On hercomputer .13 .A .Yes, she can.B.Yes, because she will be free tomorrow .C .No , because she will be busy tomorrow .14 . A . Prof

4、essor Gree n is ofte n late .B . Professor Gree n is n ever late .C . Professor Gree n ofte n gets here to give a talk .15 . A . It was excit ing.B . It was not very good .C . It was moving.第四节听对话,选出能回答所提咨询题的正确答案。每题有5秒钟的答题时刻,对话读两遍。5分16 . What is Mary going to do on Saturday morning?A . She is going

5、to stay at home .B . She is going to see a film .C . She is going to do some shopping .17 . Will they have lunch together on Saturday?C . Maybe .C . In the city cen ter .A . Yes, they will .B . No, they wont.18 . Where will they possibly eat on Saturday evening?A . At Marys home .B . At Erics home .

6、C . In a Chin ese restaura nt.19 . Where is the restaura nt they want to go for lunch on Sun day?A . Near the river .B . Near the cin ema .20 . Why cant they see a film on Sun day after noon?A . Mary has to go shopp ing. B . Eric does nt like film .C . Carlos has to catch the train .第二部分英语知识运用共两节,总分

7、值 25分第一节单项填空共10小题,每题1分,总分值10分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的最正确选项,并写在答题卡上。21. should not be allowed to go out at night .A. Twelve-years-oldB. Twelve-years-oldsC. Twelve year oldD. Twelve years old22. Today it ishot , but we still havework to doA. much; manyB. much too ; too muchC. too much ; much tooD. ver

8、y ; too23. This bookToms . Look! His name is on the book cover .A. must beB . may beC. cant be24. The mon keys escapedthe zoo yesterday eve ning.A . onB . ofC . fromD . must nt beD . out25 . He is too tiredany Ion ger .A . n ot to walkB . to walkC . walki ngD . not walk ing26 . Nobody can stop mewor

9、k ing hard at En glishA . forB . onC . fromD . in27 . Heto take a walk after dinner when he was in the countryside . Now he gets used toa walk in the garden .A . used; takeB . used; takingC . uses; takeD . uses; taking28 . If you cant get to sleep , then get up and try to do somethinglying in bed .A

10、 . andB . orC . in stead ofD. because of29 . He wont leave his computer , his mother is waiting for him to have dinner .A . ifB . becauseC . sinceD . even though30 . If Iyou , Ithe job .A . was; will takeC . were; would takeB . was; would takeD . am; would take第二节 完型填空共15小题,每题1分,总分值15分阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然

11、后从3145各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C和D中, 选出最正确选项,并写在答题卡上。Early in the morning , at noon, or in the evening , in big cities and in the countryside , all across the Un ited States, you can see America ns running . Men and wome n ,_31_ people and oldpeople are running . People run _32_ -along the beaches of Californi

12、a , _33_ Central Park inNew York , dow n quiet streets in small tow ns or at the gym . Some people even run in _34_living rooms .Running did nt use to be so popular. In the 1960s, runners were 35 athletes and healthy strange people. In those days, when people saw a runner, they used =36_,” Hey, what

13、s thehurry for? Or they might say to _37_,” Is he crazy? Women almost never _38_ . If they did , they might hear a man shout,” If I _39_ you , can I keep you? But today all this has 40. Men and women of all _41_ enjoy running .Doctors say many of the health problems in the United States _42_ these b

14、ad habits : eating too much , smok ing cigarettes, and _43_ exercis ing eno ugh. Doctors tell us ,” Eat less, dontsmoke, and exercise more.Running is good exercise because it helps_44_ strong heartsand lungs. It also helps most people _45_ weight .31. A.youngB .smallC . bigD .little32. A.any whereB .somewhereC . everywhereD .no where33. A.byB .throughC . withD .on34. A.ourB .yourC . hisD .their35. A.mostlyB .hardlyC . mostD .more36. A.ask ingB .askedC . askD .to ask37 . A .themB .themselvesC . theirsD .they38 . A .thoughtB .ranC . saidD .exercised39 . A .cat



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