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1、Unit 4 Learning efficiently1. in detail 详细地Will you explain it to us in detail?请你给我们详细地解释一下这件事吧。2. think about 考虑、回想、想起We are thinking about inviting a professor from Beijing University to give us a lecture.我们正在考虑从北京大学请一位教授来给我们做报告。3. at the beginning 在开始时刻地点Do you start at the beginning and continue

2、 reading to the end or do you other things first?你是从文章开头(的地方)开始然后继续读到结尾,还是先做其他的事,比如。?请比较:In the beginning of the class, the teacher asked us some questions.在刚开始上课时(刚开始那一段时间内),老师问了我们一些问题。4. agree with 同意、和。一致、适应I agree with you/ your opinion/ your idea.The soup/ weather doesnt agree with me.注意:agree

3、on 是“双方或几方面就某一件事达成统一的意见或协议”意思;agree to是“一方不得不同意或接受另一方意见等”意思。比如:They agreed on the price of the car.他们就小车的价格达成了一致(的意见)。He agreed to his wife on buying a new flat.他只好同意他妻子的意见买一套新公寓。5. would like to do 想要做某事(也有说:should like to do)Id like to hear what you will tell me.我想听一听你能告诉我什么。6. look forward to doi

4、ng 期待、盼望。(常用进行时态)We are looking forward to your reply.我们期盼着你的答复。注意:The boy is looking forward to see clearly whether its a snake or a rope.那孩子倾身向前想要看个究竟,这到底是一条蛇还是一根绳索?7. find out (通过调查研究)得知、发现I wont tell you; you must find out for yourself.我不会告诉你的;你要自己去找。8. such as 像。这种的、诸如。之类的、例如Such girls as he kn

5、ew were teachers.像他所认识的这些女孩是老师。Books of reference, such as dictionaries and handbooks, sell well nowadays.参考书,比如词典、手册之类的, 现在很畅销。9. the same () as 和。一样The 2 brothers look the same as each other.那兄弟俩长得一模一样。注意:也有the same that结构,但是两者的意思有区别。比如:Tom is wearing the same coat that his father did last winter.

6、 汤姆穿着他爸爸去年冬天穿过的袄子。(同一件)10. apply to应用于。、向。提出。We should apply the theory to practice.我们要把理论应用于实际。Im applying myself to compiling this handbook during these days.最近我在致力于这本手册的编写。11. up to 从事于、胜任、轮到、该由、直到What are you up to here?你在这里要干什么?Im not up to this job.我不能胜任这项工作。Its up to you to decide when we sha

7、ll start. 何时动身由你决定。This kind of single-lung fish can live up to 12 hours when out of water.这种单肺鱼离开水面能生存多达小时。12. the way 用这样的方法、从。样子看来He doesnt speak the way I do.他讲话的方式和我的不一样。The way you work, you must be a master carpenter.看你干活的样子,你一定是个技术熟练的木匠师傅。13. keep in mind 记住He promised to keep my wishes in m

8、ind.他承诺要记住我的愿望。14. in a way 某中程度上、在某一点上This has been well done in a way.从某方面讲,这件工作做得很好了。15. set up 建起、支起、组建、供给、恢复健康Roadblocks were set up by the police to catch the escape prisoner.警察设置路障抓捕逃犯。We are well set up for the apples.这些苹果能供我们吃一段时间了。He set up as a house painter and soon made a success of it.

9、他干起房屋油漆工并很快成名了。16. make sense讲得通,有意义;make sense of 弄懂。的意思This sentence doesnt make sense.这个句子讲不通。I cant make sense of this email.我看不懂这封信的意思。17. be similar to 与。相似Our opinions are similar to theirs.我们的意见和他们的相似。18. as long as 只要。(注意:as long as的语气比if重)You can go out, as long as you promise to be back b

10、efore 11 oclock.你可以出去,只要你答应十一点钟之前回来。19. relate to 与。有关(关系良好)She doesnt relate very well to her mother.她与她母亲的关系不好。20. Some others and some few .一些。其他的。,还有一些。这是很有用途的句型,常被用来叙述一个整体里不同的分类情况。比如:Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.有些书只须浅尝,有些书可以吞咽(囫囵吞枣

11、),只有少数须要咀嚼、慢慢地消化。We have 40 students in our class. Some are from the local city, others from the countryside and a few from other provinces.我们班有人。一些是本市的,(另)一些是乡下的,还有少数来自外省。21. prefer to rather than宁可。而不愿。I prefer to be shown what to do rather than be told.我宁愿人家做给我看,而不愿要别人跟我说如何如何去做。They prefer to lis

12、ten to explanations or instructions rather than read them.他们宁愿听(别人)解释或指示,也不去读。22. too to do sth 太。以至不能。Its never too late to learn.活到老学到老(永远也不会太迟了以至不能学习)。23. I wish I were doing as well in my English class.我希望在英语课堂上做的同样好。wish后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。(参见本单元“语法知识归纳”)24. Can you figure out ?你能领会到算出来?Can you figure

13、 out the meaning of unknown words from the context?你能从上下文中断定生词的意思吗?课文长句难点剖析1. It is the same with reading. 剖析:句子中It is the same with是“。也如此”的意思,相当于So it is with句型。用于前面描述的是“两中或两种以上”的不同情况,这些情况对于后者来说也如此。比如:Tom is very weak and lazy.汤姆非常虚弱也很懒。So it is with his wife./It is the same with his wife.他的妻子也如此。译

14、文:阅读也如此。2. One way to test whether a text is at the right level is to read the first page.剖析:动词不定式短语作定语修饰way;该不定式短语里含有一个宾语从句。译文:检测一篇课文是否适合(阅读)的方法就是先读第一页。3. If the percentage of new words is higher than 3%, you will not be able to read the text easily and so will probably not enjoy it.剖析:句子中and 是连词、so是副词,连词and可以表示“因果”关系,所以,该句中没有so也是正确的。这不是倒装句。译文:如果生词超过,你们会觉得课文难读,因此,也许欣赏不了。4. That way you would be practicing reading in English as well as studying biology.剖析:句中as well as是固定短语,意思是:也、又。比如:This boy is li


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