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1、I never thought l would be addressing you, the esteemed members of the Oxford Union, without a guitar or an erhu, without my crazy stage hair and costumes. But I did perform in the O2 arena in London last week. Im not sure if any of you have been there then.我从没想过我会站在这里和各位尊敬的牛津大学学生俱乐部会员发表言论。没有吉他或是二胡,

2、也没有华丽的造型和舞台上的发型。不过上个星期,我在伦敦O2 Arena开了一场演唱会,不知道在场的朋友有没有人到现场了。But in many ways that is similar to what Im talking about today, that is, introducing Chinese pop music, See, Im actually an ambassador for Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, for both music and movies, and today Im here to give you a St

3、ate of Union address. Its not the Oxford Union, its the Union, its the union of East and West.但从各个方面来看都和我今天的主题有所关联,那就是介绍华语音乐。在华语流行音乐和电影方面,我都被视为正在代表着华语流行的大使,不管我喜不喜欢。那么今天,我就想与大家分享一个联盟演讲,不是牛津“联盟”,而是中西联盟。I want to frankly and openly and honestly talk about how weve done a good job, or how weve done a ba

4、d job, of bringing Chinese pop to the West. And I also Want to impress upon all of you here today the workings of that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.我想要以坦白,开放和诚恳的方式来解析我们是如何把华语流行带来西方,无论是在好的或坏的方面。同时,我也想让大家明白在软实力交流这方面所需要的努力,也想让你们知道在这个文化交流上,你我所扮演的角色。Soft power, a te

5、rm Im sure youre all familiar with, coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye, is defined as the ability to attract and persuade, Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TED Talk, “the ability of a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with him”. I like t

6、hat definition. But I want to put it in a plainer term for you students in the audience. The way I see it, East and West, are kinda like freshmen roommates, You dont know a lot about each other aside that youre living with each other in the same room. And each one is scared the others gonna steal hi

7、s shower time or wants to party when the other wants to study. It has the potential to be absolute hell. We all have horror stories of that roommate, we all heard about those stories. I know a lot of students here in Oxford have their own separate bedrooms.软实力,我相信大家应该都很熟悉这个名词,由Rhodes Scholar和牛津校友Jos

8、eph Nye创立,被定义为“吸引和说服能力”。在最近的TED演讲,Shashi Tharoor说:“软实力,指的是用文化说出一个引人入胜的故事,继而影响他人,让大家爱上它。”我喜欢这个说法。但我想把它载转成你们身为一位学生可以理解的说法。在我看来,东方和西方,就像是大学一年级的室友。大家都不认识彼此,但你们即将在同一屋檐下生活。每一个人都害怕对方会抢走了你的洗澡时间,或是当你想要玩乐时,对方却想要学习。它有可能会成为你的梦魇。我们大家都有经历过、或是有听说过室友很恐怖的遭遇。当然我知道现在很多牛津学生都拥有了各自的独立卧室。 / But when I was a freshman at Wi

9、lliams College. Well I had a roommate. And he was that roommate. Lets just call him Frank. So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed. laughterAnd he did it every day. And Frank had a 2-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up. For those Chinese s

10、peakers in the audience, Frank would 火力全开 on that bong. So I guess I was kinda the opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didnt inhale; I didnt try marijuana but I did inhale. Every single day. Second hand. And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up bein

11、g late for class. I was like, dude is it already 10 oclock?当我还是威廉姆斯大学的新生时,我有个室友,就叫他Frank吧。Frank什么都不喜欢,就只喜欢抽大麻。他每一天都在抽大麻。他有一个长达两英尺的烟斗在他的床底下,不断地被点燃。在座会说中文的同学,你们一定会说Frank每一天都在火力全开。我想我和Bill Clinton是相反的,他是抽大麻,但从不吸入,而我是不抽大麻,但每天都吸入大麻的二手烟。很诡异的是,每一次回到房间后,我都会变得模糊,导致自已上课迟到。每次我都是在醒来时才发现,天啊,现在已经是10点了吗?SO, how ma

12、ny of you have lived with that Frank, or be a Frank? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster. But it also can have the potential of being the greatest friendship youve ever had. See, Frank, he didnt make it to second year. And I got two new roommates instead: Stephan and Jason, and these days

13、 the three of us are the best of friends. So going back to my analogy, East and West, as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Steph and Jason, and I think in this day and age, in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter. Im assuming we all agree that this is the goal that we

14、all strive for.所以,你们多少人当中有和Frank这样子的人生过,或是你们就是Frank?拥有一个室友有可能是一场灾难的开始,但也有可能是你这辈子建立一段非凡友谊的始端。Frank第二年就辍学了。之后我迎来了两位新室友。Stephan和Jason,那些日子,我们三人就是最佳好友。回到这个相似的论点,东方和西方,就像是室友,我们要变成Frank,或是要成为Stephan和Jason?在我看来,在现今社会,2013年,我们需要的是努力成为后者。我就当作这是我们的共识。Theres actually an extremely high amount of negativity and

15、fear and anxiety about China, Sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed and misleading and ultimately dangerous. Very dangerous. And what about how Westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for Westerners. The most common of which are gwailo, in Cantonese which means “the old devi

16、l”, laowai, meaning “the old outsider” in Mandarin, ang moh, which means “the red hairy one” in Taiwanese, and the list goes on and on. So are these roommates heading for a best fried relationship? I think we need a little help. And as China rise to power, I think it is more important than ever for us to more discerning about what we believe because after all, I think, thats the purpose of higher education, an


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