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1、高考训练题。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。n room at TexaChilden Cane Ceter iHutn, ghtyear-ol Smaaa ay ibed with dp (点滴) above her to fight he bncacer. Overherbald ead, hwor pink hat hatmat her cotes. B thethdgderchey dresin idnt mask hr pain and er eyes.Then avisitor shoed .“o ouwant rte ?” aske

2、dAnita Kruse, 4, oliga art equpwithan eletonickeyba, a microphone andspeke ia tred. “Ha yueverwritten a o?” Ana Krsecnined “Well,s,”imr ai.ithn mtes, imranwas eai her pom it th microhone“ome brd sorig throh the sk,”she si softl. “Iintion initsad” Aita Krs ad in muic, fe rig (鸣,唱) bird, and fill theg

3、irls voice. Thtynues aer, he peente Srn wita CD of her irecored sonTha wsthe beginning f it Kruses proje, Purple Sngs an Fly, oethathashlped mre tn 1 youn ptents rie anderdss.sacopoer and panit who hd eorme atheosit, rsesaid at theida of wsh uld help “ce in ne lash”.The ft the kidshasbeengreat.Oetee

4、nage girl, curing (蜷缩)inpain i er whehar,tood unaided t dance to hip-hp song she hadwittn A 12-year-old o wth Hodgisdisesewo arelypoe surpied hisdoctors it sog hcaled IanMake It“Myewih the kis seartbrking eaus of theseerity theiillnesses,” ays ita ruse“But hey a mke yu hppy, whe the chilen arsmilig,

5、 citd to shae thr withtir amilies.”Simran s now an acivsixh grader an cncer-fre. ro time to tm, se and her motlistet er ong, AwasRmembering, and the aly rmeer h “ely swee a nicend oving”ay whgae them sining moment in he dr hor.Siman Jtarayin bed in sta ecause _Aosto her ar had fallen ouB. h s receiv

6、intrtment fo ancr. she e depree ad uit fro chool she wsufering fm pain ihr bck2What do e w bout Ant ru projet?.It elp young paiesrecodsogs.BIt isupportd bngers and patetsC Itaims to replac te medical retment.D. t offers ptients chancsto reiz tir drms.3.Whaesthe cae f a2-yearod by suggest?A Most cilr

7、en ar naturly ond of muc. was raveenough to putup prformnc.C T project as oiive efe ooungpatients.D. Singn is te bet way o trt so illness.Wht s prbabl the best ttlo he pasage?A.Purle SongsF B. Singing CnImroveHalth. A hin ment i Life D. A KinWmanAtaKruse试题分析:文章重要简介了49岁的nta Krus进行的一项名为Pple Song n Fl的

8、协助患病的病人的筹划,文章中还列举了某些事例来证明这一筹划的有效性。1. 细节题。根据文章第一段第一句I a roomat Tex hdrn Cancer Ceer in Hoson, eigh-year-ol imra atarlay inbed wit drip (点滴) ove erto fit erb cner.可知她患有骨癌,正在接受治疗。故对的。2.A细节题。根据文章第四段第一句hat w theegini o Anita ruses projct,rpleSong anFl, e tha has hed more than 125 ongpatints writ andreco

9、song.可知Ania Kue这个筹划就是让那些年轻的病人写诗和录制歌曲。故A对的。3C 推理题。根据文章第五段第一句hefect othe shs beenget.这一筹划对孩子的影响是巨大的,接下来就列举了例子,阐明作者正是想用这个例子来证明这个筹划的有效性。故C对的。A 主旨大意题。文章重要简介了9岁的ita Krse进行的一项名为PurleSongs an Fly的协助患病的病人的筹划,文章中还列举了某些事例来证明这一筹划的有效性。故A对的。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、C、)中,选出最佳选项。 【高考训练】TSHIBALVATORS LTD ioe of thldin el

10、evaorcompaisin h ord ithmoe than 120 bran compais arunthe lobeSHEYANSIB ELEVAORS LTD in Shnyan produces hg-uality elevators. We aeofeing e flowing oitin:Plat aagr cnt Seniornier with epeence in t field o maag ou plnt in SenyagSenir Eiers (Mcanicl an Eletricl) Fo production andEngeringDepatmen, comma

11、nd of trntJoposos Fr ths who wh or sccesOne puaer (购货员) Prfrably texperince n a mechaial enineergcompandnerntioalmarkets.Cos Accout(会计) 5ear experincen echanil actorycosting, godknowld in Office , CT level. F tsesnior leel Position, we epct referbly a unrstydegre oan excellent jobrecord. 3- years o

12、xriece on hejb and ood commad of Enlis. I you reead twrk withs, we iloffe ttratiealary packet and bright fure. HENAN TOHIBA EEVTRS LD Shenyag () LiaoninProvinceTOWERY UCT OPATis well-kw food cpanyi Suzhou.Wereoferg thefollowingoitios:(1) Seretaryniersty aduat ood at Enlih speaing,ritin an ransaing oPC knwledge ad tpng skil Pleasatchracter ihgo pesona sil(2)accotans


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