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1、Unit2 单元测试卷一、按画线部分的读音归类。(只填序号)A. city B. short C. call D. cinema E. mother F. tall G. summer H. milk I. fall J. horse(1) /l/ _ _ _(2) / _ _(3) / _ _ _(4) / _ _二、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。( ) 1. str_ _t (街道)A. ea B. ee C. re( ) 2. mus_ _m (博物馆)A. ar B. ea C. eu( ) 3. dr_ _m (梦)A. ea B. er C. ae( ) 4. s

2、q_ _re (广场舞)A. ra B. ua C. au( ) 5. c_ntr_ (中心) A. a; a B. o; a C. e; e三、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. right B. left C. stay( ) 2. A. city B. zoo C. library( ) 3. A. car B. star C. bus( ) 4. A. busy B. interesting C. thing( ) 5. A. place B. hotel C. park四、将下列词组与相应的汉语意思连线。(1) fly a kite A. 看电影(2) see a f

3、ilm B. 放风筝(3) go boating C. 照相(4) take photos D. 体育中心(5) sports centre E. 去划船五、选择填空。( ) 1. _ can I get to the cinema?A. How B. What C. Where( ) 2. There are _ big buses or trains.A. dont B. isnt C. no( ) 3. Is there _ university in the city?A. a B. an C. some( ) 4. You can go there _ subway.A. of B.

4、 by C. for( ) 5. The square is _ Apple Street.A. in B. of C. on六、选出下列问句的正确答语。( ) 1. Is there a zoo in the city?A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are.( ) 2. What can you do there?A. I can go boating there. B. I can go there by bus.( ) 3. Where is the toy shop?A. Yes, there is. B. Its on Banana Street.(

5、 ) 4. What do you want to do?A. I want to fly a kite. B. Im going to the zoo.( ) 5. How can I get to the sports centre?A. Thank you. B. You can take the subway.( ) 6. Where is the bank in your city?A. Its across from the hotel. B. There is a bank in my city.七、为下列句子选择相符的图片。(1) I want to go boating. A

6、. (2) I want to fly a kite. B. (3) I want to see a film. C. (4) You can go there by bus. D. (5) You can take a subway. E. 八、连词成句。1. my, This, city, map, of, a, is (.) _2. next, hospital, Its, the, to (.) _3. cars, and, There, many, are, buses, so (.) _4. fly, Some, it, people, kites, like, in, to (.

7、)_5. fun, city, There, places, are, many, my, so, in (.) _九、根据表格内容,回答下列问题。NamePlacesDo thingsJohnbookshopbuy a bookAndytoy shopbuy a toyLi Mingsquarefly a kiteWu LanRenmin Parkgo boatingBobcinemasee a film(1) What is John going to do tomorrow?_(2) What is Andy going to do next Sunday?_(3) Where is B

8、ob going this weekend?_(4) What does Andy want to do there?_(5) Where does Li Ming want to go?_(6) What does Wu Lan want to do there?_参考答案一、1. CFI 2. BJ 3. ADH 4. EG二、1-5 BCABC三、1-5 CABCA四、(1)-(5) BAECD五、1-5 ACABC六、1-6 AABABA七、(1)-(5) BDEAC八、1. This is a map of my city.2. Its next to the hospital.3.

9、 There are so many buses and cars.4. Some people like to fly kites in it.5. There are so many fun places in my city.九、(1) John is going to the bookshop.(2) Andy is going to the toy shop.(3) Bob is going to the cinema.(4) Andy wants to buy a toy there.(5) Li Ming wants to go to the square.(6) Wu Lan wants to go boating there.



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