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1、Unit16 On the London Eye在伦敦眼上句型与结构词There are two cars in/on/under .Are there any women in front of / near / beside .?There arent any children in the park.There are some children in the classroom.How many boats are there in .?I cant see any children in . but I can see some in .There are two men in th

2、e street. They are policemen.课文注释:题目:On the London Eye乘坐几乎所有的交通工具我们都on来表示。图1:Isnt this fun? Isnt.? 需要用“Yes”来回答的疑问句;fun抽象的不可数名词前面不加冠词。图2:the River Thames 河流名称前面要加the;the River Thames 表示名称的首字母要大写泰晤士河是流经伦敦及伦敦河口汇入大海的一条河流。它会有潮汐现象,即使在伦敦市的西边(内陆)也如此;只有在涨潮的时候,船只才能进出伦敦塔桥上游的伦敦池(Pool of London)。图3:Tower Bridge

3、在地标性建筑的纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 Its open 塔桥(Tower Bridge)的桥身可以分开并抬起,大型般只可以由此驶向上游的伦敦池。 Pass me 与give me和show me作比较一双宾语动词,其间接宾语是me,直接宾语是the binoculars。固定短语。the binoculars 只有复数形式,后接复数动词。图4:Can you see any ships there? 我们用a ship来表示非具体所指的单数名词。问句中的复数用any ships来表示。Any指不确定的数量。I can see one one,代词,指代“one ship”。 Westmins

4、ter Bridge 在地标性建筑和纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 Some people/cars/buses some用于肯定句中,表示不确定数量的复数名词。 图6:Big Ben 著名的塔钟,与议会大厦毗邻。它的钟声通过英国广播电台BBC传遍世界,因此成为伦敦的象征。其它:否定疑问句1、定义:疑问句的否定结构称为否定疑问句。2、构成:完全式 助动词+主语+not+? 简略式 助动词的否定缩略式+主语+? 例如:(1)一般疑问句:Are you my uncle, Tom? 你是我叔叔汤姆吗? 否定疑问句:Are you not my uncle, Tom? Arent you my uncle

5、, Tom? 难道你不是我叔叔汤姆吗? (2)一般疑问句:Is this great? 很棒吗? 否定疑问句:Is this not great? Isnt this great? 这难道不棒吗?3、回答方式:回答否定疑问句时,如果是肯定的回答要用yes,加肯定句;否定的回答要用no,加否定句。例如:(1)Isnt this interesting? 这难道没有趣吗 Yes, it is. 不,有趣。 No, it isnt. 对,没有趣。(2)Arent you happy? 你难道不高兴吗?Yes, I am. 不,我高兴。No, Im not. 是的,我不高兴。 【注】这类否定疑问句一般

6、表示希望得到肯定答复。不定代词some, any1、定义:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。不定代词表示各种程度和各种类型的不定意义。2、用法:some, any作为不定代词,意思是“一些” 、“几个”的时候,用于表示不定数或不定量,可以修饰复数名词。一般说来,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。 例如:(1)肯定句:There are some apples on the table. 桌子上有一些苹果。 否定句:There are not any apples on the table. 桌子上没有苹果。 疑问句:Are there any apples on t

7、he table? 桌子上有苹果吗?句型讲解陈述句Daisy/Icantbelieve this.We/Theyare/re(all)together on the London Eye.Ican seeTower BridgeTherearesome people on the bridge.一般疑问句Isntthisfun/great/grey?Canyou/shebelieve it?/see Tower Bridge?Arethereany people on the bridge?特殊疑问句Whereare Daisy and Jack?What is grey and silver

8、?What colouris the river?whatcan they see?What timeis it?How many shipsare there?总结答案:Daisy, Jack and Claire are all together on the London Eye. The River Thames is grey and silver. Tower Bridge is open. Claire can see one ship, and some boats. There are some people on Westminster Bridge, and there

9、are some cars and buses on the bridge. It is twelve oclock.听力:Lucy: Flora and her Dad are here today, but I cant see them.Paul: What about those people with the dogs?Lucy: Hmm.I cant see them very well. No, those dogs arent Floras. Floras dogs are both very big. Thosr dogs are small.Paul: show me. P

10、ass me the binoculars, please.Lucy: Just a minuteNo, I cant see them. . OK. Here you are.Paul: Whos that man with the camera? No, that isnt Floras father. Are you sure they are here today?Lucy: Oh, look, Paul! I can see them! There they are. Can you see that girl on the horse? Thats Flora. Lets go a

11、nd meet them.答案:Flora is the girl on the horse. Floras father is the man beside her.填词游戏:横栏:1 church 3 River 4 ready 5 people 竖栏:1 camera 2 BridgeUnit17 Smile, please!笑一笑!句型与结构词Can you do Maths? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Can you drive a car?Yes, I can. Its easy. / No, I cant. Its difficult.Can you pl

12、ay tennis? Yes, I can. Im good at it. / No, I cant. Im useless at it.课文注释:题目:Smile, please 这是摄影师对摄影对象发出的典型指令。图15:smile/watch/look/come/take 这些词都是祈使动词。在can/cant后面它们也是原形。图15:can后面接不带to的不定式(与祈使动词形式相同)can balance,can do,can take等。在疑问句中,can放在主语前面:Can you balance? (与Are you?/Is he? 等用法相同),主语后面接不带to的不定式。否定

13、式cant的构成方式与isnt/arent类似。(我们教给学生cant而不是cannot,cant更常用,而cannot不常用,在某些情况下cannot似乎过于强调否定了。现在不要把它介绍给学生。) 图1:can balance on this ball can在这指能力。 do it/that do是及物动词:它后面总是跟一个宾语,如:it/this/that。 I can try can在这里指“可能性”=“it is possible for me to try”(我有可能试一试)图2:as well 与too可以互换使用,放在动词短语的后面。 图3:on my knees 即“knee

14、ling”(跪着)。我们在所有描述身体部位的短语中都用on: on my/ones head/back/front/hands/feet等等。 Its fun fun是名词补语,its fun的意思是It is enjoyable(有趣的)。图4:good at/useless at + 名词 两个形容词都与at搭配。图4和图5:gymnastica,Maths(Mathematics的缩写)有一类名词以-ics结尾,形式上是复数,但是它们表示某个研究或实践的学科名称的时候,后面总是跟单数动词:Maths is fun.(美式英语中把缩写成Math,而不是Maths。)图5:Never mind! 感叹句=“Theres no need for you to be upset!”(没关系,别沮丧!) Maths,Music 当它们指学术性研究学科时,要把首字母大写。 you can take a photo can在这里指“it is possible for you to take a photo” (你可以拍一张照片)。Take a photo的意思是“operate a camera”(操作一架相机),而不是“be in a picture”(在照片中)【中国人经常把take和have相混淆。T



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