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1、内 容 摘 要“倾销”是指一国以低于正常价值的价格向另一国输入产品,而对另一国利益产生损害。反倾销正是针对这种非正当竞争所采取的一种非关税壁垒贸易措施。在世界出口贸易中,我国是遭受反倾销最多的国家,特别是加入WTO后,遭受国外对华反倾销的数量更是持之上升。本文通过分析反倾销的现状,产生的原因,背后所隐藏的经济学问题,来提出相应的应对策略。本人仅在其他专家的基础上,对反倾销做粗略的研究。本文结构分为以下三个部分:第一部分,中国反倾销的概况及出口企业的现状。文章首先介绍反倾销的含义,然后通过数据说明我国遭受反倾销问题的严重性,通过分析我国反倾销及出口企业的现状,来做一个大致的了解,加深我们所研究对

2、象的印象。反倾销作为对倾销的抵抗和进口国为保护本国利益所采取的措施,重点是限制低价和大量输入,出口企业要减少反倾销诉讼,就要从这方面出发。第二部分,具体介绍我国鞋业反倾销的现状及对鞋业反倾销背后经济学的考虑。文章首先从中国鞋企的优势劣势来对中国鞋业的现状做个大致了解,从他们存在的一个总问题中引出中国鞋业的反倾销现状,进而研究背后的经济学问题。第三部分,反倾销规避与反规避的讨论,出口企业的对策。通过国外对华反倾销的分析,发现我国遭受的反倾销主要原因是我国企业产品低廉,应诉不利等,所以着重介绍企业方面的应对策略,再会同政府及协会方面。关键词:反倾销 现状 对策ABSTRACT“Dumping” r

3、efers to the sale of goods at the price that is lower than the normal ones and harms the other countries benefits. The anti-dumping is a non-tariff barrier trade method that points at the non-justice competition.In the international exporting trade, our country is the country that faces most frequen

4、t anti-dumping, especially after joining in the WTO, the amount of facing the anti-dumping rises. Through analyzing the actuality of anti-dumping, the reasons of coming into being, and the implicit economic problems, this thesis suggests the corresponding strategies. Based on previous literature, we

5、 investigate the anti-dumping problem.The thesis is divided into 3 sections:Part I: The general conditions of Chinas antidumping and the actuality of exporting corporations. This thesis firstly discloses the implications of anti-dumping, then, shows the challenging anti-dumping against China by usin

6、g data. Through analyzing the actuality of our countrys anti-dumping and exporting corporations, we have a general understanding and a deep impression of this topic. The anti-dumping as one way of resisting the dumping and protecting their benefits for importing countries, its most important is to l

7、imit low price and plenty of entering. If exporting corporations want to reduce anti-dumping lawsuit, they should set off from this facet.Part II: we introduce our countrys actuality of shoe industry and consider the economics of their anti-dumping. This thesis firstly have a general understanding a

8、bout the actuality of Chinas shoe industry from the advantages and disadvantages of shoe corporation, from the existence problems the actuality of anti-dumping faced, then this thesis study the economic problems.Part III: we discuss the evasion and its counteraction of anti-dumping, the strategy of

9、exporting corporations, and we reap the revelation from them. Through analyzing the anti-dumping of China by abroad, we find some of the reasons are the cheap price of our goods, the tardy reaction of lawsuit, and so on. So we emphasize on introducing the strategies on corporations as well as govern

10、ments and institutions.KEYWORDS:antidumping actuality strategy 正文目录引言1一、问题的提出1二、反倾销问题1三、本文的分析框架2第一章 中国遭受反倾销的概况及出口企业的现状3第一节 中国遭受反倾销的概况3一、中国遭受反倾销的现状3二、我国遭受反倾销的危害4三、遭受原因4第二节中国出口企业的现状5一、 中国出口的情况6二、中国企业的现状6第二章中国鞋业7第一节中国鞋业的现状7一、温州鞋业的现状7二、优势8三、劣势8四、存在的一个总问题8第二节 中国鞋业遭受的反倾销9一、中国鞋成为“替罪羔羊” 9二、鞋业反倾销背后经济学的考虑9第三章

11、 对策研究12第一节 反倾销时的规避与反规避12一、含义12二、特征12三、发生的原因13四、结论13第二节 应对反倾销的对策13一、政府方面14二、企业方面14三、协会方面15第四章 总结16 参考文献17致谢18中国最大的论文知识平台 引言一、问题的提出随着我国对外贸易的持续增长,特别是中国加入WTO后,国外对华反倾销越来越多。自1979年国外对华发起的首例反倾销调查开始,30年来,我国产品遭受猛烈的反倾销调查和制裁,成为世界上有名的遭受反倾销大国。这种现象严重制约了我国的出口贸易,使我国企业及政府遭受巨大损失。反倾销问题的严重性引发我们对此问题的深入思考。我国遭受反倾销,从外国来说是贸易

12、保护手段,维护本国利益。从我们国家出发是因为我国企业产品价格低廉,大量输入国外而遭受反倾销调查。因此,我国想要减少反倾销调查和制裁,就要从这些方面出发,并要努力熟悉入世规则。 反倾销是针对倾销这种不正当贸易手段而采取的措施,也是国际竞争越来越激烈下的必然现象。企业要想在世界中站稳脚跟,就必须提高自己的竞争能力,可以应对反倾销调查并应诉。二、反倾销问题倾销现象可以上溯到亚当斯密所处的重商主义时代,到现在已有数百年历史,反倾销也已有百年历史。一次大战以前,还未见主要工业国家间专门的反倾销行动记录,至少这以前还没有一个主要工业国家进行反倾销立法。而这些主要工业国家的附属国,反而是率先针对进口倾销做出




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