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1、三年级外研版英语下学期语法填空考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选词填空(词汇运用)。inatundertoonbyforwith(1)What do you do_Sundays? (2)Ms Smart is on the phone_her friend. (3)Heres a book_you. (4)In Harbin, its cold_winter. (5)The cat is_the chair. (6)Mike walks_school every day(每天). (7)Does your father go to work_car? (8)Please look_the

2、 bird in the tree.2. 按要求填空。1girl(对应词)_ 2I am(缩写形式)_3is(复数)_ 4itis(缩写形式)_5they(单数)_3. 读句子,选词填空,将序号填在横线上A. Close B. bread C. at D. red E. like1Look_my legs.2Colour the balloon_.3I_this panda. Its cute.4Sam would like some_.5_your mouth.4. 用画线的词的反义词填空。1The tiger has alongtail. The deer has_tail.2I amsh

3、ort. My brother is_.3He hassmalleyes. I have_eyes.4My watch isold. Your watch is_.5. 选择填空,完成句子。1_(My, I)names Zip.2I have_(a, an) eraser.3Show me_(you, your) bag!4Look_(at, in ) me!5Nice to meet you,_(too, to).6. 看图填空,补全句子。1I eat_.2I eat_.3I eat_.Yummy!4I eat_.5I eat_.6A_bowl in my tummy!7. 读一读,选出正确

4、的一项,补全句子。1(He / She)_is my sister.2Look at that_(man / woman). (He / She)_is my grandma.3The elephant is too_(big / many).4How many_(apple / apples) do you have?5I like_(banana / apples).8. 选词填空。from new where again friends1Nice to see you_.2Hi. Im_China.3We are good_.4This is Sam. He is a_student.5

5、_are you from?9. 选择正确的单词填空,写在横线上。1There_(is, are) some fish in the river.2There arent_(some, any) children in the photo.3How many_(dog, dogs) do you have?4_(They, There) are_(any, some) toy bears in the room.5Ben and Jiamin_(has, have) five robots. Joan_(have, has) two dolls.6Are there_(any, some) p

6、ets in the bag?Yes,_(they, there) are.7There_(is, are)a pen and five books on the desk.10. 根据图意,写出相应的单词。1Who is she?Shes_Fang.2Whats your_?Im Alice.3You cant_the window. Its a rainy day.11. 按要求给下列单词分类。A. Panpan B. dog C. black D. desk E. green F. chainG. Sam H. bird I. door J. Lingling K. yellow L.

7、cat1.名字类:_2.颜色类:_3.实物类:_4.动物类:_12. 选出与句子相符的单词。1We have two new_(student/students).2This is Amy._(He/ She) is a student.3This is Mr Jones._(He/ She) is a teacher.4Pandas are from_(China/ Canada).5Amy and Tom_(is/are) friends.13. 选词填空。where when what do is has1.-_are you from?- I am from China.2.-_is

8、in your desk?-Oh, its a book.3.-_is that girl?-She is my sister.4.-_this your sister?-Yes, she is.5. Look at the giraffe! It_a long neck.6.-_you like bananas?-Yes, I do.14. 选一选,填一填。Whats Whos1-_this?-Its a bird.2-_that?-Its a book.3-_this?-Hes my father.4-_that?-Shes my mother.15. 将句子补充完整。1Its_hard

9、outside.2My clothes are_in the rain.3Mother asks me to_my clothes on my own.4The_s neck is very long.5The tiger is_. Because it is on the land.6The_is very small.16. 读一读,数一数,在横线上写出表示个数的单词。1eye_2mouth_3hand_4leg_5face_6head_7body_8foot_17. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1._(Do/Does)the cat like meat?Yes, it does. 2._(Ha

10、ve/Has)she got a sweater?Yes, she has. 3._(Who/What)is that?Its Tom. 4.Whats your favourite_(song/colour)?Yellow. 5.Amy_(go/goes)to school on Monday.18. 用share来说几句话。1219. 根据句意选词填空,完成句子。1Thats my grandpa, my fathers_(father/mother).2He is my_(father/ brother). Hes a pupil.3This is my grandpa._(He/ She) is 60 years old.4Whos that_(man / woman)?Miss Zhang.页码 / 总页数



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