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1、2022年考博英语-煤炭科学研究总院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Soil on the mountain slopes is very susceptible ( ) erosion.问题1选项A.ofB.toC.withD.by【答案】B【解析】考查介词辨析及搭配。A项of “的”,B项to “到、朝、对于”,C项with “和”,D项by “由、被、到之前”;句意:山坡上的土壤很容易被侵蚀。be susceptible to “易受的影响”;因此B选项正确。2. 单选题A piece of glass was embedded ( ) her hand.问题1选项A.wi

2、thB.withinC.inD.inside【答案】C【解析】考查介词辨析及搭配。A项with “和”,B项within “在之内”,C项in “在里”,D项inside “内部、内侧”;句意:一块玻璃扎在她的手上。embed in “嵌入”;因此C选项正确。3. 单选题During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I (1) th

3、e idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesnt want to (2) a few dollars? More than that, Id always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I werent (3) enough about free credits, news about our (4) was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which (5) I would be learnin

4、g from one of the games (6). I could hardly wait to (7) him.Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this (8) was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it (9) that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to (10) the class among other

5、criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to (11) what we would learn in class to our future professions and (12) to our lives. I managed to get an A in that (13) and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the (14).Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, Im still putting to

6、use what he (15) me: “the absolute most important (16) that you learn when you play chess is how to make good (17).On every single move you have to (18) a situation, process what your opponent is doing and (19) the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my (20)a

7、s a journalist.问题1选项A.put forwardB.jumped atC.tried outD.turned down问题2选项A.wasteB.earnC.saveD.pay问题3选项A.excitedB.worriedC.movedD.tired问题4选项A.titleB.competitorC.textbookD.instructor问题5选项A.urgedB.demandedC.heldD.meant问题6选项A.fastestB.easiestC.bestD.rarest问题7选项A.interviewB.meetC.challengeD.beat问题8选项A.ch



10、3题:C第14题:B第15题:A第16题:D第17题:B第18题:A第19题:D第20题:A【解析】1. 【试题解析】考查上下文语义和动词短语。A项put forward “提出”,B项jumped at “欣然接受,急切的接受”,C项tried out “试验、考验”,D项turned down “减小,调低(声音)、拒绝”;上文说I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.(我被告知教育部门为学生提供了一门免费的

11、课程思考象棋,这门课程有三个学分),由此可以看出是欣然/急切的接受了这门课程,因此选B。2. 【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项waste “浪费”,B项earn “获得”,C项save “节省、储蓄、保存”,D项pay “支付”;上文提到急切的接受这门课程,推断是因为“我”想省钱;所以此处用“save”最合适,save money “省钱、存钱”;因此选C。3. 【试题解析】考查语义和形容词辨析。A项excited “感到激动的”,B项worried “担心的”,C项moved “感动的”,D项tired “疲劳的”;通过even if I werent ( ) enough about fre

12、e credits, news about our ( ) was appealing enough to me句子和上文“我”对免费课程是欣然接受的态度来看,关于免费的学分“我”是感到激动的;句意:即使免费的学分不足以让我感到激动,但关于的消息就足够吸引我。因此A项正确。4. 【试题解析】考查语义和名词辨析。A项title “标题”,B项competitor “对手”,C项textbook “教科书”,D项instructor “指导员、教员”;根据下文He was an international grand master (他是一位国际象棋大师),由此看,此处需要填入的词义为“老师/指导

13、员”;因此此处D项正确。5. 【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项urge “驱策、催促”,B项demand “要求”,C项hold “持有”,D项mean “意味着”;根据句子He was an international grand master, which ( ) I would be learning from one of the games,可以推断句意是“他是一位国际象棋大师,这意味着我将在数一数二的象棋棋手那里学习”,因此此处D项正确。6. 【试题解析】考查形容词最高级的用法。A项fastest “最快速的”,B项easiest “最容易的”,C项best “最好的”,D项 rar

14、est “最罕见的”;根据上文“我”的导师是国际象棋大师,可知 “我”将在数一数二的象棋棋手那里学习;one of the best “最好的之一、数一数二”;此处C项正确。7. 【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项interview “面试、采访”,B项meet “见到”,C项challenge “挑战”,D项 beat “打败”; 根据句子“I could hardly wait to ( ) him” 可以知道句意“我等不及要去见他了”;cant /can hardly wait to do sth.等不及干某事。因此此处只有B项正确。8. 【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A项chance “机会”,B项qualification “资格”,C项honor “荣誉”,D项 job “工作”;上文说Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach(Maurice Ash



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