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1、冀教版四年级英语上册期末考试试卷 姓名_ 成果_听力部分(30分)一、选出你所听到的单词,将标号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1、A. mum B.want C.way( ) 2、A. pencil B.pen C.play( )3、A. look B.light C. fly( ) 4、A.shop B.five C.seven( ) 5、A.face B.cinema C.thirty( ) 6、A.Monday B.yellow C.Sunday( ) 7、A.sock B. skirt C. shirt( ) 8、A.ball B. supermarket C. to( ) 9、A.b

2、ag B.classroom C.with( ) 10、A.school B.cold C.bike二、选出与你所听到的句子意思相符的图片,在下面括号中打(),(5分) 1( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3.( ) ( ) 4.( ) ( )5.( ) ( )三、圈出你所听到的数字。(5分) 12, 20, 36, 42, 57, 29, 10, 25, 34, 48四、为你所听到的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(10分)( )1.A.我骑自行车去上学 B.我打的去动物园C.我坐汽车去餐馆( )2.A.打搅了 B.李明离学校很近 C.不客气( ) 3.A.我整理床铺 B.我玩电脑. C.我读书

3、( ) 4.A.我迷路了 B.感谢 C.这是一件( )5.A.我喜爱你的裙子B.今日星期一 C.你想买什么?笔试部分(70分)一.依据汉语意思补全单词。(共10分)1.r_ _d(读) 2.to_ _y (今日) 3.n_w (新的) 4.to_ _to(西红柿)5.b _ s (公共汽车) 6. dr_ss(连衣裙)7.gr_ _ n(绿色)8. w_ _k(星期) 9. w_ nt (想要) 10. playg_ _ _ nd (操场)二.选出每组中不同类的一项(共5分)( )1. A. bus B. taxi C. potato( )2. A. Monday B. week C. Thu

4、rsday( )3. A. sweater B. shop C. shorts( )4. A. bike B. library C. car( )5.A.film B. cinema C. supermarket三.写出下列单词的相应形式(共10分)1.this复数形式_ 2. dress复数形式_3.near 反义词 _ 4.new反义词_5.let us 缩写形式_ 6.watch三单形式_7.library复数形式_8.wear同音词_9.potato复数形式_10.isnt 全拼_四.单项选择(每小2分,共30分) ( ) 1. _ is he wearing? A. WhatB. H

5、owC. Where()2. This is_ old trousers. A. a B.an C. /()3. I brush my_. A. face B. tooth C. teeth ( )4. It is_ scarf. A.Ling Mings B. Ling Mings C.Ling Ming () 5. Lets go to the cinema to_.A. fly kites B. read a book C. watch a film()6. I_ my homework in the evening. A. does B. do C. doing()7. Where _

6、 the playground? A.am B.is C. are()8. Is Jenny far _ the school?A. to B. or C. from()9.Where is the library? I can _ you. A. wait B. talk with C. show () 10. Red is stop and _ is go. A. blue B. red C. green () 11. The traffic lights have_ colours. A. three B. thirteen C. thirty()12. There are seven

7、days_ a week. A.for B. from C. in()13.What do you do_ home? A.at B. on C.in()14. _!Where is the park? A. Excuse me B. Hello C. Where()15. Lets go _.A. shop B. shopping C. shoping五、句子搭配,选出相对应的答语,将序号填在括号中。(5分)( )1.Thank you. A. I brush my teeth.( ) 2. What do you do in the morning? B. No, its near.( )

8、 3. Is it far from here? C. I want to buy a new dress.( ) 4. May I help you? D. Youre welcome.( ) 5. What do you want to buy? E. Yes, please.六、阅读理解,推断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Come and meet my family! This is my father. Hes a farmer. He is 32. He likes sports. This is my mother. Shes tall. Shes a teacher. She likes music. I am Lily, I have long hair. I like sport and science(科学). I love my family. ( ) 1My father is a teacher. ( ) 2. My mother is a teacher. She likes music.( ) 3. I have short hair. ( ) 4. I like sport and science. ( ) 5. I dont love my family.



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