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1、co高中英语必修一教案i 1Frindship .Tecng aimsand dmands类别课程原则规定掌握的项目话题iends a friens; ierperon relaionshis词汇add pon pset igoe a cncernoo cheat reasn lit srfeling Nerlads German outdoos crazyatue purosedare thunde ntirey oeracorintrs idoor suffr teenageravce quetonar quiz situati eito comuncthabitadd up alm do

2、wn e got t beconcrnedout walk e dog go through hide a et down res f on prpseinorder to face tofce acording to geong wi fll in loejonin功能态度(ttiudes)reyou fraid at-?verown crazabout- dntdare-2. 批准和不批准(aeme dgreement) I agree. Itink s. Eactly. I don gee. I dnthn s.m afrid not.肯定限度(crtainty)Thas correct

3、 Of cousenot.语法直接引语和间接引语(1): 陈述句和疑问句陈述句“Idont wat oset own a sries o facin a dir.” Sa Ann.-nne said tht he idn want t set dow a seres offts n adiary.一般疑问句He ae, “Are yo leaing tonght?”-He keduswhthr we re leavig at gh.特殊疑问句“hen ddougoto bed las gh?” fahe sadtoAnne- athr ase nne whenshe we bd h niht

4、efre1. Sggeste eahing no1). Analss ofte taching cntentsi uni i about rienshp,ad nary al te teachingaterias ente on i.Wigup-he qetoaire leads stdntsto thinadtak aut fiendsip, e to know theroles beenfriends andseek olutions, whic mk prepartionsfor he further ahing i tpics, agoud nvoabuary.Pereding-The

5、quton prmttutto think ctically about fiendsand frieip in alty, ertingthe to hefat that esidsople, a dary canbe a fiend, ooReaing- The iary bheJewih gil nnegave a glimpseof e life drngher familys slter in strdafrom te Geran Nis killin in world ar shetrets hedr as her bes fin, ndin t eels herogng fo a

6、nrmal lie an clse contac wih nture, whchhls her ge hrough the days.Comprending-Ithelsudents the understnheext ing mutipe hices, queson andanswrs,an tcing.Larnin aout lanuage-It teches te mortt xpresion and tucurs angrammar: direct and idirt speechsUsnglanua-Te two letters,ltening, quesionirdsin, ett

7、r iing and fuwin eparstudents tofurther tal abot riendship, especiay h prolem ih msndetadig, ad uriedline, thu segtenn stdnablit t practce lnguage, discover,and oleproblems.Sumingup-It smmrizes h whole ntents ofthis uni from the asect oftopis, vocauayd ramrLrng tip-Thi p encouraestdents to form th h

8、bit of ritin a diar.Integratigks-The txt ntrdceshe way Haaiians expess friendsip, t gtstudents t reaize the cltal dfferences the vales o fendsip in adiin i iportance i ll cultue.2) aki o e tahin planTi unit centersonrens an frndsh, eporing diffrn typ of frndhipwthpaticlaateio totht on canelop it ons

9、el, i., he mfort ad sportone seks from an imgiry riend. Stdets are xpected t com t betrly we f he qulites ad oduts tamak a oodfriend,dslay and deelope ailiy to cop wih isndersading,cnflicts ad pblem relatd toienshp, andgive ve ont. Te cnep that ven an rdinay hng can a friendshould reak down the trad

10、itnal bef in he inepesnalnturffrindhip. Ao, h compaion of silritis dssilaits n friedsip coprehension be the East andth West led student tkow bette evaus of riendship inWsternses. lliall, thi untpoises t uveil the ressece of friendsip ad elp stdetsto led a moreenly aharmonious life Thus,based on the

11、theme,ontentsand eacing bjecves, teleteachig proceres cn fall to five o as ollws:Priod 1amig up an spakigPero2ReadinPeriod GrmmaPeriod Inegting ils (B)Period 5sianae. acing plasfor ac priodPeriod1 Warmingand Speaking1. Teahg objectives:1)Tget laguagI (dont) thin I (dont) thnkso. (t) agree. liee Thatscorr



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