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1、求职意向英文范文求职意向就是根据个人的爱好和能力, 对自己进行职业规划,一 般用人单位会根据求职意向选择求职者。下面由为你提供的求职意向英文范文,希望能帮到你。求职意向英文范文(一)求职意向要切中要点,切忌空泛,不要说 什么没有实质性内容的“用我的经验和能力迎接新的挑战”,当然也可以从某种程度上范围广一点,如“谋求餐饮、娱乐行业的中层管理 职位”。如果你想应聘好几个职位,那么需要根据不同的职位撰写不同的 求职意向。然后整份简历就需要围绕该求职意向展开。一般来说,自我评价的写法没有定论,可结合自己的实际情况和 所应聘职位的特点来定制自己的自我评价。一般来说,将求职意向/职业目标归入自我评价一栏比

2、单独开辟求职意向部分更加合理、科 学。如: "OBJECTIVE - a software sales position in an organizationseeking an extraordinary record of generatingnew accounts,exceedingsales targets and enthusiasticcustomer relati ons.一般来说,求职意向的撰写原则为:OBJECTIVE: An xxx position in an organization where yyy and zzz would be needed (or

3、, in an organization seeking yyy and zzz).其中, CC是所应聘的职位名称,AA和BB则是该职位所需的技能求职意向英文范文(二)更多求职意向范例:Vice preside nt of marketi ng in an orga ni zatio nwhere astrong track record of expa nding market share and in ter net savvy is n eeded.Senior staff positi on with a bank that offers the opport unity to use

4、 my expertise in commercial real estate lending and strategic man ageme nt.An en try-level positi on in the hospitality in dustry where a background in advertising and public relations would be needed.A positi on teachi ng En glish as a sec ond Ian guage where a special ability to motivate and com m

5、uni cateeffectively withstude nts would be n eeded.Dive master in an orga ni zati on where an exte nsive knowledge of Carribean sea life and a record of leaving customers feeli ng they have had a on ce-i n-a lifetime experie nee is n eeded.求职意向英文范文(三)Name: Mr.Gen der: MaleWedlock: Sin gle Natio n: H

6、anReside nee: Guan gdo ng-Jieya ng Age: 29Locatio n: Guangdon g-Zhuhai Height: 167cmTarget Locati ons: GuangdongTargetPositi ons:Logistics/Procureme nt-Procureme ntCommissi on er/Assista ntIn dustry/Factories-New products into Engin eerSales Man ageme nt-Commerce ClerkTarget Jobs: SQE、 Procurement e

7、ngineerDesired Salary: NegotiableWhe n Can Start: immediatelyEducati on2005-092009-07Gua ngdo ngpetroleum chemicalin dustry in stitute in dustrial en gieeri ng Bachelor DegreeTrai ning2012-032012-03 Con trolsafety association zhuhaiPrimary safety director Primary safety director2010-112011-12 lean k

8、nowledge internal train2010-032010-03 internal ISO9001:2000Work Experie nce2years 10 mon ths work experie nce,a ndserved on 2 Compa ni es.(2010-09Present)Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category:Electrical,Micro-electro nicsJob Title: Product Engin eer Positi ons: Product Engin eerJob Descr

9、iption: 1. In NPI phase, follow up new supplier quality of the materials and Qual Build case tracking, assist with SQE to com muni cate with supplier and let them imporve the quality issue.2. Man ageme nt of material producti on scrap issue, reducethe production of each product scrap rate from $0.01

10、 to $0,005 in 2011.3. The groupresp on siblefor thedepartme ntimproveme nt activities of the orga ni zati on, participate in thelean producti on activities and process improveme nt. improve productionline capacity, improve the UPH,from 180 to 210,and UPPH from 4.25 up to 5.(2009-062010-08)Company Ty

11、pe: ForeignEnterpriseCompany Category:En ergy ,Min eralJob Title: Engin eer Positi ons: In dustrial Engin eerJob Descripti on: 1.More tha n one year experie nee in the electronics industry IE, mainly engaged in the productionofnew products in troducti on, was resp on sible for the import of 4 produc

12、ts2. Collect the manufacture issue, calling the meeting to review data on product, material, process and recommend modificatio ns. Then give a feedback to customer.3. Collect and executionof customer for new productsin troductio n requireme nts.4. follow up the schedule of the material preparationin

13、order meet NPI schedule.5. Assess and establish the workinghours of the newproducts.desig n the process and flow chart fo new products,output the WI/SOP .6. Resp on siblefor the process,effcie nt,productivityimproveme nt.Special SkillsProfessi onal Title:Computer Level: n ati onal computer exam. gra

14、de 1Computer Skills: Good un dersta nd Win dows XP and office soft.especially in EXCELStren gths: 1n dustrial Engin eeri ng with a solid theoreticalbasis and practical experie nee2. Good com muni catio n skills and project impleme ntati on capacity, logical thi nking3. Good at dealing with people,re

15、sponsibility,teamwork,adaptability4. Good at dealing with emergencies. Ability to learn, be patie nt5.0n the processes and have some kno wledge of LEANLan guage SkillsChin ese: Good Canton ese: GoodEn glish Level: CET-4 Spoke n Gen eralEn glish: GoodCareer ObjectiveCareer Direction: T arget: Professional managerPla n:1.Preliminary understand the operation of the factory,from the engin eeri ng, quality, supplycha in and material, etcand through understanding of the works in 3 years after graduate from school.



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