Con-14 Group Luggage Check In(团队入住行李处理程序)

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《Con-14 Group Luggage Check In(团队入住行李处理程序)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Con-14 Group Luggage Check In(团队入住行李处理程序)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、标准操作程序Standard Operating Procedure公司名称: XX酒店管理公司Company : XX Hotel Management Limited编号:Reference No.FO-CON-14部门: 前厅部礼宾部Department: Front Office DepartmentConcierge日期Date2010年11月8日标题: 团队入住行李处理程序Title: Group Luggage Check In页 Page第 1 页 共 1 页Page 1 Of 1Why is this task important for you and our guests

2、?为什么这个任务对你和你的客人非常重要?Answers回 答: 1. We must provide a prompt and accurate luggage service to our guests.我们必须给客人提供及时,准确地行李服务。2. Safety is one of the most important issues to our guests; we must make sure guests luggages safety.对客人来说安全至关重要,我们必须保证客人行李的安全。3. Increase guest satisfaction.提升客人的满意度。4. Demons

3、trate my professionalism.展示我们的专业水准。WHAT / STEPS工作步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎么做/工作标准Training Question& How we talk提 问和话述1) Group arrival团队到达When group arrives at the hotel, the Doorman should direct the coach to the side entrance so that it does not block the main entrance.当团队达到时,门童应立即引导大巴去侧门以避免酒店正门被堵塞。 Doorma

4、n will greet guests and escort them to the lobby. The Sales Manager or Assistant Manager will escort our guests to the group check-in area.门童应热情地招呼客人,提醒下车客人注意阶梯,并主动为下车客人暂拿随身行李箱。并引导客人进入大堂,销售经理或当值大堂副理则陪同客人去到团队登记入住区域,确认该团体是当天预期到店的团体。Why do we need to direct the coach?为什么我们要主动引导团队大巴?Why does the Doorman

5、 have to escort the guest to lobby?为什么门童必须引导团队客人进入大堂?“晚上好,欢迎光临明宇尚雅饭店,请注意台阶,让我帮您拿您的行李。”请到这边休息。“2) Handle luggage处理团队行李Designated Bellmen and Doormen should unload the luggage and place them in neat lines adjacent to the entrance. Check all luggage carefully, If any damaged luggage should have record

6、and inform the tour leader and bus driver accordingly.指定的行李员和门童卸下行李,集中依次整齐地摆放在侧门入口处附近。仔细检查车上无遗留行李,仔细检查卸下的行李,如有破损应记录下来并通知团队领队和巴士司机。统计总数并同领队确认。由领队确认客人自行运送(主动为客人提供帮助)或由酒店运送。并按照团队行李规模装车,或由领队及礼宾部按分房表分送。Luggage will be stored in the Hotel Lobby designated area.团队行李摆放在酒店大堂指定区域。To ensure the safety of lugga

7、ge is our top concern.为保证行李安全。The concierge shift leader must confirm the number of luggage items with the tour leader and driver,ask them to sign on the record.礼宾部主管必须和团队大巴司机和团队领队在行李到店后确认行李数量,并签字确认。Why do I need to place the luggage in lines?为什么我要将团队行李集中依次整齐地摆放?How can we ensure all luggages are ke

8、pt together?我们怎样才能保证所有行李都被存放在一起?Why do we need to confirm the number of luggage with the tour leader and driver?为什么礼宾部主管必须和团队大巴司机和团队领队确认行李数量。3) Tag luggage给团队行李挂行李牌Bellmen should have a group rooming list, luggage tags and a pen. 行李员应准备团队房间安排表, 行李牌和笔。 Using the rooming list, the Bellmen will apply t

9、ags, marked with the appropriate room number, to the luggage.对照客人行李箱上的名牌,行李员根据分房表在行李牌上写相应的房间号码.What do we need to help us tag the luggage?我们再帮团队行李挂上行李牌时,要准备些什么?4) Deliver luggage运送行李Luggage is loaded onto trolleys as per floor, for delivery.行李要根据房间楼层依次摆放在行李车上准备运送.Deliver the luggage to the guests ro

10、om according to the group rooming list. 根据客人房号将行李送至客人房间.按一下门铃,有节奏轻敲三下门。Record the number of luggage by each room.记录每间房的行李数目。Bellmen are to return the rooming list to the Chief Concierge after the delivery.行李员在送完所有行李后, 应将房间安排表交还礼宾部主管.How should we deliver luggage to guest room?我们应该怎样运送客人行李去客人房间?“Bell

11、 service,您好,行李员。“晚上好,先生,您的行李。“一共两件吗?“Why do we need to return the rooming list to the Chief Concierge?为什么行李员在送完所有行李后, 应将房间安排表交还礼宾部主管?Summary questions问题总结:1. How can we ensure all luggage from one is kept together? 我们怎样才能保证所有行李都被存放在一起?2. Why do we need to confirm the number of luggage pieces with to

12、ur leader and driver? 为什么礼宾部主管必须和团队大巴司机和团队领队确认行李数量。 3. How should we place the luggage in the lobby?我们怎样在酒店大堂临时存放行李?4. What do we need to help us tag the luggage?在给行李挂行李牌时,我们需要准备什么?5. Why do we need one Bellman to be responsible for the safety of the luggage? 为什么最少一名行李员会被指令去看管临时存放的团队行李.6. Why we mus

13、t we confirm the quantity and condition of the luggage with the tour leader? 为什么我要在团队离开时, 和团队领队确认行李的状况与数量?7. Is there a preferred method of loading luggage into a coach?在往团队大巴上摆放行李时,我们有什么好方法?Summary questions问题总结:1. How to ensure guests luggage safety during check out?如何保证客人行李安全。2. How to promote hotel transportation?如何销售酒店订车?3. How to identify guest potential need?如何判断客人的潜在需求? Now ask the Trainee to practice the whole task from start to end to test competency.现在让培训生从头到尾练习工作程序以检测能力.Task Fit Luggage Upon Check Out Page 1 of 5



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