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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高考英语写作翻译技巧集中营(一) 在做句子翻译练习时,我们常见一个汉语句子有多种英译法。其表达意义几乎相同。这种近似句的翻译大致可从以下几个方面来考虑。利用复合句与简单句之间的关系来表达 通过使用分词、不定式、动名词、名词词组、形容词短语、介词短语或独立主格结构等来化简从句,从而达到另一种翻译形式。例如: 1现在正在建造的那幢房子将是我们的寝室。 The house which is being built now will be our bedroom The house being built now will be our bedroom(现在分词短语代替了定语

2、从句) 2去年建造的那幢房子是我们的寝室。 The house which was built last year is our bedroom The house built last year is our bedroom(过去分词短语代替了定语从句) 3下个月将建造的那幢房子将是我们的寝室。 The house which will be built next month will be our bedroom The house to be built next month will be our bedroom(不定式短语代替了定语从句) 4她生病使得她母亲担心。 That she

3、was ill made her mother worried(It made her mother worried that she was ill) Her being ill made her mother worried(动名词短语代替了主语从句) Her illness made her mother worried(名词词组代替了主语从句) 5我们都知道,她是诚实的。 That she is honest is well known to us(It is well known to us that she is honest) Her honesty is well known

4、to us(名词词组代替了主语从句) 6我们掌握一门外语是必要的。 It is necessary that we master a foreign language It is necessary for us to master a foreign language(不定式短语代替主语从句) 7战士应该是不怕死的人。 Soldiers must be people who are not afraid of death Soldiers must be people not afraid of death(形容词短语代替了定语从句) 8他在三岁的时候就能讲点英语。 When he was

5、three years old,he could speak a little English At the age of three,he could speak a little English(介词短语代替了状语从句) 9由于是星期天,所以图书馆关闭着。 As it was Sunday,the library was closed It being Sunday,the library was closed(独立主格结构代替了状语从句) 10一个五岁的孩子在外面哭。 A child,who is five years old,is crying outside A five-year-

6、old child is crying outside(合成形容词代替了定语从句) 高考英语写作翻译技巧集中营(二)利用同义词(或词组)与反义词(或词组)之间的关系表达 通过使用动词(或形容词、名词、介词、副词等)的同义词或者它们的反义词的否定形式也可来表达相同的意思。例如: 1这儿发生什么事? What is going on here?What is happening here? What is taking place here? What is occurring here? 很明显,上述四句中的go on,happen,take place和occur均意为“发生”,除此之外,还译

7、为: Whats on here? Whats the matter? Whats the trouble? Whats wrong? Is there anything wrong? Is anything the matter? Is there anything on? 2我父亲不在家。 My father is outMy father is not in My father is not at home My father is away from home 3老李什么时候到达上海的? When did Lao Li get to Shanghai? When did Lao Li

8、arrive in Shanghai?When did Lao Li reach Shanghai? 4他难教。 To teach him is difficult(It is difficult to teach him) To teach him is not easy(It is not easy to teach him)He is not easily taught He is not easy difficult hard to teachHe is a difficult student to teach He is a student difficult to teach 5史

9、密斯先生为他的字迹而感到自豪。 Mr Smith takes pride in his good handwritingMr Smith is proud of his good handwriting Mr Smith feels proud of his good handwriting Mr Smith prides himself on his good handwriting Mr Smith is pleased about his good handwriting Mr Smith is satisfied about his good handwriting 高考英语写作翻译技

10、巧集中营(三)6我们必须马上走了。 We must be off at onceWe must be off immediately We must be off right away We must be off right now We must be off presently We must be off in no time We must be off in a little while 7大量的水被净化。 Much water is made clean A great deal of water is made clean A large amount of water is

11、made cleanA lot of water is made clean Lots of water is made clean Plenty of water is made cleanA large quantity of water is made cleanLarge quantities of water is made clean 8我伯伯四十多岁了。 My uncle is over forty years old My uncle is more than forty years old My uncle is below fifty My uncle is in his

12、forties My uncle is above forty My uncle is a man above forty My uncle is over forty years of age 9听到这个消息时,我们不禁笑了。 We couldnt help laughing at this news We couldnt avoid laughing at the news We couldnt resist laughing at the news We couldnt keep from laughing at the news We couldnt stop from laughin

13、g at the news We couldnt prevent from laughing at the newsWe couldnt but laugh at the news 10他一两天就会回来。 He will be back in one or two days He will come back in a day or two He will return in a day or twoHe is coming back in one or two days 高考英语写作翻译技巧集中营(四)利用“构词法”的形式来表达 通过单词的派生、合成或转换,也可表达相同的含义。例如: 1这不

14、公平。 It is not fairIt is unfair 2使我们高兴的是他按时来了。 To our pleasure(joy),he has come in time To please us,he has come in time We are pleased with his having come in time What pleases us is that he has come in time We are pleased with that he has come in timeHe has come in time,which pleases ourselves His

15、having come in time pleases us That he has come in time pleases us Its pleasant for us to see that he has come in time 3她对英语非常感兴趣。 She is very interested in English She has(show feels takes)great interest in English English interests her very much What interests her is English English is very interesting to her 4这个盒子有多重? Whats the weight of the box? What of the weight is the box? How much does the box weigh? How weighty is the box? 高考英语写作翻译技巧集中营(五)利用一义多型的句法来表达 通过使用多种句型来表达同一概念。


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