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1、Chapter 6非谓语动词不定式、动名词、分词不定式1、不定式(短语)做主语不定式作主语既可以位于句首,又可用先行词it作形式主语。To invite her to the party is a good idea.It is a great idea to invite her to the party.It is difficult for middle-aged men to change their jobs.2、不定式(短语)做表语His dream is to be an engineer.Tips: 主系表结构的句子中,主语和表语都为动词时,前后对称。To choose tim

2、e is to save time.To change your attitude is to change your life.3、不定式(短语)做定语 被修饰的中心词与作定语的不定式之间存在着逻辑上的施动关系: His next book to appear this month will be popular.His next book to be published this month will be popular. She will be the first woman to be elected to the committee. The applicants to be in

3、terviewed are required to bring all the necessary papers.4、不定式(短语)做状语To associate with friends, we should be honest and open.现在分词一、现在分词的形式主动形式被动形式一般式DoingBeing done完成式Having doneHaving been done1. 现在分词做定语A.前置,即将现在分词放在名词前修饰名词,相当于一个形容词。The internet is developing at an eye-dazzling speed.B.后置,将现在分词放在名词

4、后修饰,相当于一个省略了的定语从句。Employees who work at home have fewer interruptions and distractions. =Employees working at home have fewer interruptions and distractions. 在限定修饰的定语从句中,如果关系代词作主语,可以化简成分词短语 法则:a,删除关系代词B, 其后动词变成现在分词C, 如果该动词为be动词,变成现在分词being后,可以删除。The man who is talking to Mary over there is my father

5、. -The man talking to Mary over there is my father.2. 现在分词做状语。 只要主句的主语是分词动作的发出者,现在分词可以做全句的状语。Surfing the Internet, we often annoyed by various advertisement.法则:A,两句的主语相同时,被化简得句子主语要删除,如果主语不同,保留。B, 主语后的动词变成现在分词。C, 如果该动词为be动词,变成现在分词being之后,可以省略。*句中有助动词do, does, did时,可以直接删除。 句中的完成时助动词 have, has, had 要视为

6、动词变成现在分词 having。不穿恰当的衣服,人们会被认为是不懂社交和人际关系技巧的人。Peoople dont wear proper clothes.People will be considered those who do not know social and interpersonal skills.TNot wearing proper cl ot hes, people will be considered t hose who do not know social and interpersonal skills.过去分词一、过去分词形式: done二、过去分词功能。1.

7、做定语 前置:过去分词放在名词前修饰名词,相当于一个形容词。Life that has no established aim is miserable. 诚实与真诚是人们长期珍视的美德。Honesty and sincerity are two long-cherished virtues. 后置:一个省略的定语从句Difficulties which are mastered are opportunities.Tdifficu lties mas tered are oppor tuniti es.Children who are encouraged to study alone can

8、 cultivate their independence and toughness.-childern encouraged to study alone can2. 过去分词做状语 从全面考虑,强迫老人退休是给年轻人机会的可行方法。All things considered, forcing the elders to retire is a feasible means to give the youth chances.现在分词翻译练习现在分词做定语和状语如果鼓励他们学会竞争,孩子们在未来将更好的适应社会。EncouRAged to leArn competition, childr

9、en will adapt themselves to the society better in the future.当被问到是否有传染病暴发时,政府有时会否认。When asked whether some kind of infectious disease breaks out, the government will deny it sometimes.被看作生产力的主要驱动力,科学在人类发展中起了很重要的作用。Recognised as the chief force behind productivity, science plays a crucial role in hum

10、an development.吸烟是一种令人上瘾的恶习,不仅对吸烟者构成健康威胁,也危及周围的人们, 即被动吸烟者的健康。Smoking is an addictive menace, posing a hea 1th hazard not only for smokers but also for people surrounding the smoker-passive smokers.由于住在乡下,人们很少进行社交活动,缺乏娱乐和休闲设施。Living in the country, people have few social visits and lack entertainment

11、 and recreation facilities.我们应该帮助野生动物,把面临灭绝危险的物种进行封闭饲养来提高数量。We should help the wildlife and bring threatened species into captivity to breed them, thus increasing the population of those species.如果在动物园,稀有动物可以享受到更好的居住环境和专业的照料。Kept in zoos, some rare animals can enjoy better living conditions and prof

12、essional care and treatment.(条件状语)据报道,有些学生被送出国外学习之后,不能适应当地的生活,甚至自杀。Sent to study overseas, some students are reported to fail to adapt to the local life and even commit suicide.由于受到网络上过多的色情与暴力的影响,有些青少年误入歧途。Deeply influenced by excessive pornography and violence on the internet, some teenagers go ast

13、ray.电视不仅给我们呈现了逼真的世界,同时使我们了解各个领域的最新发展。Television not only presents a vivid world to us, but also keeps us well-informed of the latest development in all fields.被看作是社会的良心,许多记者发现报道真实新闻对他们而言很难。Regarded as the conscience of society, a great many journalists find it difficult for them to come up with fact

14、ual news stories. 附加练习: 1吸烟只是一种个人爱好和娱乐。(动名词)is just a personal hobby and .2. 玩游戏无须学生们具备任何的创造力。 does not require students to use any of their.3. 现在,饲养宠物如猫和狗在大城市里正变得越来越流行。Nowadays, such as dogs and cats in big cities is becomingmore and more popular.4. 家庭在塑造孩子的性格方面起到重要的作用。 Family plays an important ro

15、le in .5. 住在校园里,对学生不仅在学术上有益,而且在心理上也有益。 is beneficial to the students not only but also .6. 和大家庭相比,小家庭有一个独特的特点。(分词短语) , a small family has a unique advantage.7. 远离家庭生活,人要忍受孤独和思乡。 ,one will suffer from loneliness and homesickness.8. 吸烟花费大量的钱,给吸烟者的家庭带来巨大的经济负担。 Smoking costs a large sum of money, .9. 由社会提供的商品和服务已经变得更多样化。The commodities and services has become more .10. 有些弊端由饲养动物引起。There are some disadvantages .11. 你总能看到沉溺于电脑游戏中的年轻人,甚至成年人。You can always see young people and even adults12. 要得到一个绝对的结论是困难的。(不定式短语) It is hard to .13. 对老年人来说,和他们的孩子们有代沟是不可避免的。It is for the ol


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