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1、有关爱因斯坦的英语作文 thwoldas see i - lbt istein- h srange is thelotof us morals! eah s he orabref sojou;for what urosbe knows t, thouhhe someties thnks henes it.butwithout deepe rflecion one knows from dail e hato exits for other po-fitof al r thos up s smile and wlbeing or onhappies is whly dependent, ad h

2、 or th mny, unnono u, t hos destiies we are ond byth e of math. hdred times every a rmi myel tat m innr ad ouer life are bae on t ar of oher mn,liin anddead, andthat mut exer li order t ive n tesmmese asi avereeivd nd mstll eiing i a stronglydan to a ruga lf an a ften oppreivlyaware tha am engossing

3、 an undueamount f th laor of my ellow-me. rar class distntns as unjusified ad, n e lastror, basenfce. i also bleve ha impl a unssuming lif is gdfreverybdy, physicaly ad mentall i donott albelive n humanfeeom i the philosophialene.erybodyacts otonly unde eternal oplo butlso inaccrdn wth inne eessit.s

4、chopenhur? syig,a man cando wt ewants,b ot ahat he wants, hs ben ery eal ispirton to me sincemy outh;it hseen acnnual nsolin nthe acf life? arshs, myown aothers?,nd unfailingwell-spring oftlerac.ths realition mriy miigates he esily parlyzig seneof reonsiblity adrevetus romtakg ourelvesand othr op al

5、 sriusly; it iconduive o a vieof ie wich,in pricua,gives humrits de. inqure tete aningrobject o one? own esence orhato all creture s alwayseemed tme absudfrm n objective point of viw.and eteveroyas certain ideals wich dtermie the diection o hi endeaos ndhs jdgmentsinthis sene i haveneelokduponease a

6、ndhappi as endin theseves-thi ethicbasis icl te iealof pigty. the idelsic hve lghd my wy,an e afer time have givenme newcourage to fcelie cheefuly, ave be kines, bety,and truth.whut hesene o kinsipwit me of likemin, itout the ocuatin with te obetiv ol,the eeraly uattainabl in he fiedof art nd cienti

7、ic endeaos, lie would av seemed tmeempy he trie obet o humn eot-poessios,outwa scces, luxuy-avealways emed to me teptibe assionate ene f oil justice a oca reponsbity ha awa onrasted oddlywithmy ponunced lakof need fr drctcontac wit ohrhumanbeins d mn cmunii. i m trualnetavelrndhaeneve beongd mycuntr

8、y,myhome, my frend,oreven m immeiat famiy,wt my whoe heart;thefcof ll hsts, i haeer lot aense ofdistaned aneed for sltud-felings wch ncrase with the yar. one ecoms shaplyaare, butthou regret,o t imit fmuua unerstadingand nsoane witoter peopl. nodout, sch a peronos sme o isinncence and unocern; o he

9、ote hand, he is larely idepednt, f te opions,habts, nd judgmnsof his fllow and vod thetmptatio to bilhis ne eqilbrium pon sch insecure foundations my oiticl ial is emccy. letveryman be respcte asainiidual and o man olized.i is n ionyfte thati myav been the ein o excesive amiation a reeencro my fello

10、w-being,througnofault,and n merit, o my own. th caus of y wllbe the dsre, uattainabe fo many, to undrstad the fe ieas to wich haitm eblpoers tainedhrog casees sru m quiteaare hat it s necessary for he achiemet of te ninvaable ue ttyants niusr succeeded by coundrls,for tis easo i ha lways been passio

11、atel opposed to stmssuas s in ialandrsia today. the thng that a rougt iscreit upnthe ormodemoracy as exiss eurpe today s not to be laid to hoor fteemocratic principe ssuch, but o h lacof sailty ooernmetsand to t imprsnal chaace ohelectoral syste. i blivetht inthis rspc thunitedtas of merica avefound

12、 te right a. th hve a edent powersreally t rcie his reponsibilit. whaue, on theother and, inthegeranpolitica system ithe morextensive provision h t akes fr te individual inca ofilles o n. h eallvalal thing inthaeat of human life sems tmeot he litica at, b th crtie, sint indvidua,theraity; italncreaes theole an h slme, whilethe hed a suchreais ll thought ad l i feling.s topibrings me to ta wortoutcrf erd life,hmiiar sstem,wc i



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