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1、外企英文面试自我介绍范文经典 经常用得到英语自我介绍吗,下文是小编为大家整理的外企的英文面试自我介绍范文,仅供参考。 外企英文面试自我介绍范文一:goodorning, myname ack, it is rallya great hono hve sopportunityfor itrvie,iwuld lke t nwr hatever you ma rae,and can ke oo perforace today, ventully enoll in his pegios univrsityin septeernowi wll intodue mself rfly,i am 2 yea

2、r ,born iheilojiangroice ,ntheast o ina,an a urunly a seniorsudent ateijingXuni.y major is packaggegneering.an i ilreive m bachelrdegre aftr m gdutio in jne.he ast4 as,i spe mot f my tie n tud, ave asse CE4/6 with a ease. and have uired basckde of pacaid publishinot in theran i practce. besds, hav t

3、ed eera packaginghibiti hod in ejng, ths or adanag study here,i avetaenaoro som big factory andcopany. roug these hve a dep uderstanding of doestic ackagin ndutry copaedt evelopd ntries such s us, uforntely,although ave adxtarinaryprgress since 198,urpkan industrare stil nrdeveloe,ess, unstabe, thes

4、tuaion ofempoyesn thifldr awar. bui have full ndene in aright futue f olyou economy canke he growthpce sil. iues ou ayeiresedin te aso itchto a, and wt ismy pan dringradate sdylif, i wold lieto l ou thatpure w is oneof my lifeongoal,ilemy ajor packaging and wo";t give up,if can pueymasregree he

5、iwill cne lawt my fomerduatin. i wil worhardintheefild,paten ,tademark,opyrigh,n baof myearssudy in deprtm o p≈p, myhracter i an descrbe itwel,uti ow a optimstic n onfdent. oetims i prfer tostay lone, readng, listeg tousic, but a o loney, i like to cht with m clasats,almost al eveything ,m favote

6、pastmeivaleybal,plaing ar orsurf ole. trgh college life,iarnhow to blance beteenstudyn entetainmen. he, was actor of ourmaigramacub. ihada ewglorios eoy on sae. hat is my pid. 外企英文面试自我介绍范文二: God ornig! t is reall hnort hv thi opprtniy or a intrvie,I pe ian ake agod pformactoday Im ofent that I c

7、n succed Now i illintroucemysel efly 26 yes ld,bor in shandog ovinc I grauatdroqinda niersiy.my majr is electronic.andi got my bachelor dege aftemy grdatn inthe yea f202X. Ispe most of my me stuy,i hae assd CET4/6 . and i havairedbscknowee mmajo uring m schotim Jly 20, beg work or a sll rivate compa

8、nyas techical support eniner n ingDaoci.Becuse ;m capale fmore respnsibilitis, o dcdd to nge myjob. nd in Augus 202X,Ilef QingDto BeJngadwke fra foreig nterpse sa uomatio sfwaretseiner.Becaus nt to ng my ornnoment, I'dlik o fnda jb which is callengng. Morover Moorola is a globl pany, so I ee Icn gain emost from workng in t ind ofcompy ennirent. hats ereao whI com hreto copete or thispsition thn ';m a oodtemper adI#39;m a person of gre honestyto th. Alo I am blto orkuner greapse. hat□s a. Than youfor iving mete chn.


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