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1、 单 元 教 学 计 划内容Module 3 序号3使用人王 琳授课时间单元知识分析Unit1课文内容为Amy在电话中告诉Daming他们上周末的活动情况。通过Amy的讲述,让我们了解到英国的几处名胜古迹和旅游景点,如:大英博物馆、伦敦眼、大本钟等,要求学生掌握及运用句型What did you do at the weekend?I visited lots of places. Unit2的教学内容更多的是为Unit1起巩固复习的作用。单元教学目标知识与技能复习巩固动词的过去式变化。掌握元音字母a,o及字母组合or,al,oo在单词中的发音。过程与方法能询问及讲述上周末的活动情况。情感态度

2、与价值观查找了解英国名胜古迹的相关资料,增强学生跨文化意识。教学重点句型What did you do at the weekend?I visited lots of places. 讲述上周末的活动情况。教学难点学生相互谈论上周周末或其他过去时间里的活动情况。课时分配本模块分两课时进行,具体分配如下:Unit1 Where did you go?Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father.课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit1 Where did you go ?教案序号3-1教学目标知识与技能:复习过去式,对过去式有大体的了解。认识t

3、he British Museum, the London Eye, wonderful, wheel,postcard, 能利用 what did you do?where did you go?询问别人过去做过什么。过程与方法:能听说本节课主要单词,运用重点句型来能力来与他人交流,同时能运用过去式来表达自己或他人过去做的事情。运用所学的知识解决课本中的问题,培养学生解决问题、分析问题的综合能力和创新精神。情感态度与价值观:培养学习的兴趣,了解西方的名胜古迹,培养积极探究的精神。教学重点句型:What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?单

4、词:wheel, understand, postcard, the British Museum, the London Eye.教学难点正确运用以when、where、what开头的特殊疑问句,去询问发生过的事情。教学方法小组活动,讲授,分角色互动教具准备单词卡片,多媒体课件板书设计Unit1Where did you go?What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?the British Museum, the London Eye, wonderful, wheel,postcard,教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整1 .

5、warm up:听并且跟唱100e 中Module2 unit2的歌曲,调动学生学习英语的气氛,为下面的学习做铺垫,并且复习了上节课的重难点。Teacher: Lets sing a song together.跟唱完歌曲后,然后针对歌曲的主要内容,提问How many的意思,在学生回答完毕之后,进而顺承的提问“How many days in a week?”。出示白板内的课件,进而提问,“What do we call Saturday and Sunday?”将课件内的日期内周六周日用白板内的内置画笔重点圈出来,引导学生回答周末这个词语.教授weekend这个单词。 T: What is

6、 the meaning of “How many”? S: Seven. T: What do we call Saturday and Sunday? S: weekend. 出示图片,提问“what did they do at the weekend?”利用白板的遮挡功能,先把答案遮挡起来,在学生回答完毕之后,给出正确答案。T:what did they do at the weekend?S1:He played basketball at the weekend. S2:She listened to music at the weekend. S3:She watched TV

7、at the weekend教师提问这些句子的共同点,然后和学生共同回顾过去式的规则形式和不规则形式。在 不规则形式里,加入一个连线题,利用白板的直线,让学生自主把原形与过去式连线。在连线题里设置一个新单词send sent,简单学习一下这个单词。2. Lead in出示图片,放大,问学生这是什么,Postcard,学习这个单词,然后出示下一张图片,放大展现给大家,Bus,给学生个任务,描述一下这辆巴士。然后告诉学生今天将带领学生游览伦敦,自己快速画图画一辆车,给学生一个直观的印象。学习visit这个单词。T:Lets visit London.We have three stations.出

8、示大英博物馆的图片,学习并描述这个地方。同样方式学习伦敦眼,并且引出“Its wonderful.”句型。在描述伦敦眼的过程中给学生演示一下wheel的形象。在学习完各个景点后然后提问学生我们刚刚去过哪些地方,帮助学生用“We went to”来回答问题。3. Consolidation和学生交流说,今天Amy 和Lingling也去伦敦了,我们看看都做了些什么?在听课文的过程中希望大家找到What did Amy and Lingling do at the weekend? Where did they go? What does Lingling like best?跟读并且回答问题四、

9、课堂检测 以小组为单位,翻译课文句子。 学生自主学习,打开电脑,将课文在电脑上自己听读上传录音或做听辨句子单词拼写的练习。 检测学生的对课文的掌握,分角色朗读。 在检测完毕后,给学生出示图片,让学生大体了解一下大英博物馆等欧美文化,激发他们探究外国文化的兴趣。五、课后作业1、 听课文,熟读。2、写封关于你曾经到何地旅游的信给老师。课 时 教 案主备人王 琳使用人王 琳时间课题Unit1 Where did you go ?教案序号3-2教学目标知识与技能:复习过去式,对过去式有大体的了解。认识the British Museum, the London Eye, wonderful, whee

10、l,postcard, 能利用 what did you do?where did you go?询问别人过去做过什么。过程与方法:能听说本节课主要单词,运用重点句型来能力来与他人交流,同时能运用过去式来表达自己或他人过去做的事情。运用所学的知识解决课本中的问题,培养学生解决问题、分析问题的综合能力和创新精神。情感态度与价值观:培养学习的兴趣,了解西方的名胜古迹,培养积极探究的精神。教学重点句型:What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?单词:wheel, understand, postcard, the British Museum,

11、 the London Eye.教学难点正确运用以when、where、what开头的特殊疑问句,去询问发生过的事情。教学方法小组活动,讲授,分角色互动教具准备单词卡片,多媒体课件板书设计Unit1Where did you go?What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?the British Museum, the London Eye, wonderful, wheel,postcard,教学反思教 学 过 程师生活动思考与调整Step 1: Warming up and lead-in. 1、Warming up: Teacher

12、 and the children greeting to each other.Sing the song “Where did you go?”. (Teacher encourages students to sing loudly) 2、Lead-in: T: Boys and girls, what day is it today? S: (Encourage students try to say) Its Wednesday. (let more children say it.) T: Saturday and Sunday is the weekend. (Show the

13、words card of weekend, learn the word and the phrase “at the weekend”.) T: What did you do at the weekend? I watched TV at the weekend.(show the question and the answer on screen.) Have some children try to use the past form and answer. (teacher asks some students, then have them try to ask another

14、one.) Have children look at the screen and review the past form of the verbs.Step 2: Look and say. 1、Presentation :Showing T: Did you go to Qingshan Park? Ss: T: Did you visit Big Ben? Ok, look, its Big Ben. Its a big clock.New words and sentences. T: Did you visit the British Museum ? (learn the British Museum) Its in London. T: Now, look. Did you visit this place. Its the London Eye. Its a big wheel. Its wonderful. ( learn wheel and wonderful.)T: Here are three places in London. Do you understand


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