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1、 景 泰 县 喜 泉 学 区 小学 五年级 第四单元集体备课教学内容分析主备人 田维霞备课组长审核 小组成员 单元教学内容Lesson19 Li Ming Comes Home.What did you do yesterday? Did you have a nice trip? Lesson20 Jenny Goes Home. I go to the library on Sundays. I went to the cinema yesterday. Lesson21 Look at the Photos!is was am was are were的用法Lesson22 Gifts

2、for Everyone. Green is my favourite colour. I bought this for you. Lesson23 An E mail from Li Ming.I had a great time. Lesson24 A Gift for Little Zeke. This book is for you.a ball crayons a book a bed单元教学目标1、四会词 had fun missed wanted to walked to looked in play see happened eat sing drink 、句型 What d

3、id you do yesterday? Did you have a nice trip? I go to the library on Sundays. I went to the cinema yesterday. is was am was are were的用法 Green is my favourite colour. I bought this for you. I had a great time. This book is for you. a ball crayons a book a bed单元教学重点1、 四会单词、句型。2、能够掌握常见的单词。3、能够运用新句型。 4

4、、掌握特殊疑问词用法。一般过去式的用法。单元教学难点 I go to the library on Sundays. I went to the cinema yesterday. is was am was are were的用法 Green is my favourite colour. I bought this for you. I had a great time. This book is for you. a ball crayons a book a bed课时安排教导处审核意见 景泰县喜泉学区 五年级英语集体备课教案 课题:Lesson1 I Am Excited. 授课教师

5、:主备人田维霞组长审核课 时1课时成 员上课时间教 学 目 标知识目标:1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:run sing dance jump sitting 2. 学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:Dont sing .Dont jump.3.学生能听懂、会说句子:I am excited .I want to sing 能力目标:在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。 情感目标 1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。 2.找机会练习学生的听力技巧。 教学重点1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇 run sing dance jump sitting2. 学生能认读、理解并运用句

6、型结构: Dont sing .Dont jump.3.学生能听懂、会说句子: I am excited .I want to sing. I want to jump .教学难点运用I am excited 进行说话和交流 教具应用 图片,课件、单词卡 教学过程二次备课开始上课和复习Class opening and review 问候Greeting。并复习学过的单词 .课文导入:这节课,我们将要谈论在火车上。 新概念New concepts: I am excited .I want to sing 出示单词卡 run sing dance jump sitting 利用句型 Dont

7、sing .Dont jump. 板书: I am excited .I want to sing. I want to jump . 出示图片,说:Dont sing . Dont jump . 让学生跟读、练习。 2.Lets do it! 课件分别出示 I am excited .I want to sing. I want to jump . 学生跟读句子:Pair work. talk and write . 4.Lets play! 5.Introduce I am excited on the train.结束课堂教学:用汉语问这节课学了什么,并复习所学内容。 Goodbye,class! 布置作业 1、 run sing dance jump sitting 抄写两遍。2、用 Dont sing .Dont jump.写一句话。 板书设计 Lesson 1 I Am Excited. run sing dance jump sitting Dont sing .Dont jump 教导处审核意见 喜泉学区教学课后反思科目教材篇目课题任课教师任课班级反思时间教材内容简析教学回顾教学得失今后教学思考备注


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