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1、雅思口语考试考官最爱问的170个经典问题http:/ 2007年12月26日 09:04 无忧雅思网法门:凡经自己思考后的答案,必然吸引考官注意!若没有思路,证明平日缺乏生活累积,或吃喝玩乐,没有压力,或生活工作均无目的,于是言之无物,缺乏激情。相比之下,句型和语法,倒在其次了。 1. Whats your name? SSQ2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where were you come from? 4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 5. What is t

2、he main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7.? What are the main places of interest in your hometownsuch as yuanmingyuan , tiananmen and so on8. What is the climate like in your hometown? 9. What is the character of the people like in the region where

3、 you live? Young people like me10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing? 11. What is peoples favorite food in your region? Work of people like to eat fast food students like to eat some sweets12. How do you make dumplings? OH it was too hard for me I hav

4、e not done dumplings13. What do you do during the Spring Festival? travel or playing mahjong with parents14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people? Spring Festival each year can be reunited with their families15. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your count

5、ry? 16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival. Lantern Festival our family together while watching TV while eating Lantern Festival17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival. In the Ching Ming Festival, well buy some things to worship18. Tell me something about the customs of your cou

6、ntry. 19. How long have you lived in Beijing? 20. What is the weather like in Beijing? 21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown? 22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ? 23. Which is the worst place youve been to China? 24. Which is the best place youve been

7、to China? 25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why? 26. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved? 27. What is the biggest problem China faces? 28. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why? 29. Could you tell me something about your family? 30.

8、 Have you any children? 31. What is your childs name? Does his name have a meaning? 32. What does your wife/husband do? 33. When did you get married? 34. Describe your wedding. 35. How have weddings changed in recent years? 36. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region? 37. Describe

9、 a traditional wedding ceremony. 38. Where did you go for your honeymoon? 39. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married? 40. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying? 41. Where do you think a newly couple should live? Living with their parents

10、or on their own? 42. What responsibilities should a couple take? 43. How do Chinese usually celebrate birthdays? 44. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby? 45. What kind of parent do you intend to be? 46. What do you think of One-Child Policy in China? 47. Why do people in China tr

11、aditionally want to have a son? 48. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age? 49. What do you think needs to be done in order to relieve the farmers worries? 50. What hope or fears do you have for your children? 51. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up i

12、n? 52. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How? 53. Do you enjoy shopping? 54. Who does most of the shopping in your family? 55. What are you good at cooking? What is your favorite dish? 56. Who does most of cooking in your family? 57. Is there * discri

13、mination in China? 58. How do you sum up womens conditions in China? 59. What are the causes of * discrimination? 60. Should government pay certain salaries to those housewives? Why or why not? 61. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or to stay at home taking care of the household a

14、fter you get married? 62. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite *? Why (why not)? 63. What would you do if your next-door neighbour were noisy nearly all the time? 64. Do you have a lot of friend? 65. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friend with? 66. What is

15、 your major? 67. How do you like your major? 68. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained? 69. Do you still remember your school days? 70. What impressed you most when you were at university? 71. Which is the best university in your country? 72. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points? 73. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary



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