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1、英译汉(历年考试真题).three times as much here三倍多A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.狗一直一来被大家公认为是聪明、友好的动物A dolphin is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal.海豚以聪明和友好的动物闻名。A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我的一个高中同学现在正在英格兰工作。A good memory is a great he

2、lp in learning a language. 好记性对于学习一门语言是非常有帮助的A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。After I get home, Ill call you. 到家以后,我会给你打电话。Air is all around us. 空气无处不在。Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.空气污染比水污染更严重。All that glitters is n

3、ot gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。Americans usually eat three meals a day. 美国人通常一天吃三顿饭。Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果喜欢水和阳光.Are you fond of music? 你喜欢音乐吗?As a result, our personal income rose an average of 14 per cent last year alone.结果, 仅去年一年我

4、们人均收入平均增长13%。As is known o all. China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家.Before leaving the classroom, please turn off the lights. 离开教室前,请关灯。Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. 北京奥运会能让中国人工作更努力。Bill hit his car into a wall last night. 昨晚比尔开车时,车撞到了墙上.Bob and Peter found ou

5、t that they were twin brothers. 鲍勃和皮特发现他们是双胞胎兄弟。Both Ann and Mary are suitable for the job. 安和玛丽都很适合这份工作。Business success depends on hard work. 事业上的成功依靠努力。But Ive got room for only two of you in the house.但我在房子里只留了你们两个人的空间。By 1901, states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people.1900年以前,各

6、州法令规定禁止向年轻人售卖香烟。Call me tomorrow if you have time. 你明天如果有空给我电话。Can you finish your work in time? 你能及时完成工作吗?Could you give me a cup of coffee, please? 请你给我一杯咖啡好吗?Could you show me the way to the train station? 你可以告诉我去火车站的路吗?Could you tell me how to get to the bank/your university? 你能告诉我去银行/你的大学怎么走吗?C

7、ould you tell me how to get to the bank? 你可以告诉我如何去银行吗?Could you tell me how to go to your university? 请你告诉我如何去你的大学,可以吗?Could you tell me where the post office is? 你能告诉我邮局在哪吗?David will get a birthday gift from his sister. 戴维将从他的姐姐那里得到一份生日礼物。Did you get that E-mail from me? 你收到我发的那封电子邮件了吗?Do you feel

8、 better now? 你现在感觉好些了吗?Do you go swimming every day? 你每天都去游泳吗?Do you have anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗?Do you know where the post office is? 你知道邮局在哪儿吗?Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗?Do you think students should do a part-time job? 你认为学生应该去做兼职吗?Do you want to go ou

9、t or stay at home? 你想出去还是留在家里?Does the computer have instructions on it? 电脑上面有使用说明吗?Don t you mind my opening the window? 你不介意我开窗吧?Dont trust him no matter what he says.不管他说什么都别相信他。Dont tell me what to do! 别对我指手画脚!Dont you think smoking is harmful to your health?你不认为抽烟对你的身体有害吗?Each time history repe

10、ats itself, the price goes up. 历史每重演一次,代价就增加一分。Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world.每年,他拿出一部分钱给世界上最优秀的科学家和作家。Eastern culture is different from western. 东西文化存在差异。Either you must improve your work, or I shall dismiss you. 你必须改进工作, 否则, 我解雇你。Everyone enjoy

11、s being praised instead of criticized. 每个人都喜欢被表扬而不是受到批评。Everything considered, their plan is still workable.所有因素都考虑到,他们的计划仍是可行的。Fewer high school students are smoking now than a few years ago. 相比若干年前,现在吸烟的高中生少了。Fires may do more damage than the earthquake. 火灾比地震更有破坏力。Five days is too long for me to

12、wait. Do you want to wait? 五天的等待对我来说太久了,你想等吗?Flight 220 is scheduled to arrive at 10.31 pm.220班机预定在晚上十点半抵达。Fred was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class. 弗瑞德是一个学习十分用功的学生,以至于不久他就成了班里学习最好的学生。From the East coast to the West it is about 3,001 miles wide.东西宽度约为3000英里。Go dow

13、n this street until you reach the second traffic lights. 沿着这条马路走,直到你到达第二个红绿灯。Good health is an essential part of good life. 身体健康是幸福生活的必要前提。Great wall is so wide for six horses to go side by side. 长城宽得足够六匹马肩并肩地走。Had the car gone over the cliff, they would have been killed.如果汽车当时翻到悬崖下, 他们早就丧命了。Have yo

14、u seen Tom recently? 你最近见过汤姆吗?He borrowed some money from his friend and hurried there. 他向朋友借了些钱,匆匆地赶到那儿He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five.他打电话和医生确认他们将在五点见面。He can run as fast as Jim.他和吉姆跑得一样快。He didnt need to attend the meeting. 他不需要参加会议。He didnt understand what the teacher

15、said. 他不懂老师所说的话。He failed to live up to his parents expectations. 他辜负了父母对他的期望。He had a traffic accident last week. 上周他发生了车祸。He has a foreign friend who lives in America. 他有个住在美国的外国朋友。He has made it clear that he has nothing to do with her. 他已经表明了他与她无关。He has sympathy for all poor people. 他对所有的穷人有一颗怜悯之心。He is a world famous pop star. 他是一位著名的世界流行明星He is a worldwide famous scientist. 他是世界闻名的科学家。He is one of the g



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