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1、单元重难点题组训练题组训练一 be suppose to的用法单项选择。() 1. Th stunts oughto wear schl uiform he ey a sch.(同义替换) A. ar suosd t B areallowed to C. wuld lik t D. loveto() . nias ae our cerinds.We are supsd_ thm. A t potect .protectg Cpotct D.to protctin( ) 3. Yo were _ o clse thewindows. y re you so caels A. llowed B.b

2、eled C sposed D. causd. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.青少年应该敢于质疑。 Tenaers are_ _ bebrav enoug to as qtons.5. 你应该找份兼职以多赚点钱。 You _ _ in apar-tme jbo earn emoey.题组训练二 afte al的用法. 单项选择。( ) 1Im orry, si. I cant inish th work n tme evr mnd_,he worki uite difficult. A. At eat B. For nstc C. After all . Frst oall() Dont

3、 ashim tostudytoo lateinto nigt._,he i only a chid. A.As a reslt B fta . n erh . For xample( ) .esipsinkig of Koreateaches s to a fororslvsand thepelaoundus Soit s._,ie is the mot iprnt oeeye. . Forexape B.At C.Afer l D naly.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。. 彼得突然感到紧张,毕竟这是他第一次登台。 Pter sun elt ervou._ _,it as is firs

4、 timeto go o tage.5不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。 Dot blam on hm._,h s a een hnd.题组训练三 rela,rlaxe与elxg辨析. 单项选择。( ) 1. veyiths ays beause f te senrhigh schol enrane examntn. Wh t _musi?tan maou_. A. lien to;rlxed B. to listn to;relaxed . listen t;ra .to istn o;to e( )2 Is _ to lten o liht msicwhen you felired. A.dag

5、eros B.sry C. relain D. diffult( ) . Whaswetuic! S t s. S musculymakes _. A. upset B. laed C neous D.lxig.根据句意及括号中所给提示填写单词完成句子。4 I lie okn. I thinkit isgod y to _(使放松)mself. I fet_(rla)lying i thesn. hat gootme!题组训练四 ae of的用法. 单项选择。( ) 1. Yud beter hurry Well be l fo teplae. n wor. Te lane wll _ int

6、wo ors. A. take ot B. takeway C ke of Dtaeafte( )2 t o old utside dyYoudbeter_ our cket. A. put n B. ut up C. taeff D. take aftr() 3Or pan is _ in few iuts. Pese beated and keep your safe bt asteed. . turnin off B. putgoff . tking of D. getting ff 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.请务必查明飞机几点要起飞。 e su fidutwhteplan _ _ _.5. 屋子里太热了,你最好脱下外套。 Its to ho i theoom.Yo beter _ _ your coat. 单元重难点题组训练一、. -3 AAC . 4. uposed to5.e supoed二、13CC .4. Ate all5 Afer all三、.13 AB . 4. relax 5. relaed四、.1-3 CC 4 will tae of5 ake ff



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