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1、Section B【学习目标】 1、知识目标:1) Key words: scared, shout, happen, accident, heard, modern, kill, murder, binght, bell, silence, recent, destroy, terrorist, flight, earth, hero, flew2)Key phrases:jump down, take a photo , at the train station, be crowded, Beijing International Airport , at the doctors, tak

2、e place, World Trade Center, one of the most important events, in modern American history, walk home in silence , be destroyed by, at that time , in space , a national hero , be famous /become famous, for the first time3)Key sentences:While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station, the dog

3、got out of his box and ran away.When Linda finally saw Davy, he was jumping and running with another dog.People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.This was one of the most important events in modern American history.【重点】1.while when 引导的时间状语从句

4、2.anywhere 的用法【难点】 过去进行时的学习和运用与写作训练【学习过程】Step1预习导学与自测:自主完成activity 1.1.爬树_2.跳下来_ 3.惊恐的_ 4.火车站_ 5.从出来_6.跑掉_7.寻找_8.某事发生在某人身上_Step2情景导入:(1) I was reading the book. The light was off.(用连词while把两句话连接起来:While I was reading the book, the light was off.)(2)I was cooking. The door bell rang.(用while把两句话连接起来:T

5、he door bell rang while I was cooking.)Step3自主探究:词组用法。1、be scared to do表示“不敢做某事”,是主观原因。例如:He is scared to go out at night.2、be scared of doing 表示“担心出现doing所出现的情况、结果”,doing 是客观上造成的。例如:He is scared of failing in this maths test.3、小节回顾1) While 表示“在过程中”,强调在一段时间内,所以While引导的从句中的谓语动词必须为延续性动词。如:While was wr

6、iting a letter ,the children were playing outside.Mary 写信时孩子们正在外面玩。(此句中主句动词play为延续性动词,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生。)when连接的状语从句是个特殊句型,前一个分句(谓语动词用过去进行时)+后一个分句(谓语动词用一般过去时)表示在前一个动作正在进行的过程中突然发生了后一个动作如:I was walking along the road when I met a friend of mine.2) Shes shouting.A shout, shout at, shout to 的用法(1)shout 的意思

7、是“ 大叫、呼喊”,指为了使人听见或引起注意而提高声音。(2)shout at sb. 对某人大声喊叫,表示某人非常生气,冲着另一个人大喊大叫,态度不好。例如:Hell shout at me if I do something wrong ,so I should be careful enough not to annoy him.(3)shout to sb.由于相隔距离远,声音小了听不见,因而高声喊叫某人。例“Come and help me ,please”she shouted to him because he was far away.Step 4 Reading (1)按要求

8、写出下列单词hear (过去式)_ fly(过去式)_(名词形式)_ become(过去式)_ring (过去式)_tell(过去式)_现代的_杀死,杀害_谋杀,凶杀_ 明亮的_寂静,沉默_英雄_ _ (复数) 发生_ (单词)_(词组) 像.一样_在地球上_听说_ (2) 快速读课文,找出些列短语以及画出其所在句子。重要事件_ _ 重要的事件之一_ _在历史上_在美国当今历史上_在这一天 在操场上玩_被破坏_ _对。来说有意义_在月球上行走_ 环球飞行_成为一个民族英雄_(3)再读课文,回答下列问题。What happened on April 4 ,1968 in the United S

9、tates ? _ _ What was Robert Allen doing when he heard the news ? _ _ _When did Dr Martin Luther Kings murder take place ? _ _ _What was wrong with the World Trade Center in New York on September 11,2001? _ What do you know about Yang Liwei in China ? what did he do ?_ (4) 完成3a 连线。(5)合作交流1.总结含有 off 的

10、短语:关闭_ _起飞_脱下_从.掉下来_2. 用上面的短语填空。1) Please _ the TV. I want to sleep now. 2) I _the ladder(梯子) yesterday.3) While we were driving to the airport, the plane _.4) Its hot in the room. You had better _ your coat.3.as as 的用法as 与 as 之间加_(词),其否定用法为:_或_例如:I think math is as important as English. You are not

11、 so tall as me. He is not as lazy as her.4.Happen / take place 都有“发生”的意思。 happen 有“碰巧发生,偶然发生”的意思。固定词组为“happen to sb.”, 如:What happened to him ? He had an accident yesterday . take place 往往表示必然性的发生或计划内安排的发生。如:It will take place sooner or later(迟早)。【当堂达标】 (一)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.The boy _(look) out of the w

12、indow when the policeman came.2.While they _(play) soccer, we were watching TV.3.My father was reading a book when I _(get)back.4.The weather _(be) fine while we were in Beijing.5.The girl was really _ (scare) when she saw the snake.(二)完成句子。1.正当琳达买报纸的时候,狗从箱子里出来然后跑掉了。While Linda was buying a newspape

13、r, the dog _ _ _thebox and_ _ .2.格林一家人正在考虑去长城。The Greens are _ _ going to the Great Wall.3.汤姆发生了什么事? What _ _Tom?4.对我来说,学开小汽车很难。Its _ for me _learn to drive a car.5.我在学校外面遇到了一位老朋友。He met an old friend_ _ _ .(三) 单项选择。( )1._ I was cooking, Tina called me.A. Why B. While C. After D. Before( )2.We can see a big tr



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