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1、PEP教材四年级上册一单元 掌握知识点:四会单词classroom window door picture light board computer fan wall teachers desk 三会单词many our classmate have a look seat near what in the we have new go where clean good idea all right good job you see me look at 重点词组:In the classroom open the door turn on the light sweep the floorC

2、lean the window put up the picture clean the board have a lookNear the door good job重点句型:1. Whats in the classroom?2.We have a new classroom.3.Lets go and have a look.4.Lets clean the classroom.5 Its nice and clean.综合训练一、按顺序写出字母,从A 到G的大小写的书写体。二、看图补充单词所缺的字母。三、选择填空,将字母编号写在括号里。(15)( )1. Mike : Nice to

3、meet you . John: _.A Nice to meet you . B Good morning .( )2.Sarah: Whats your name ? Wu Yifan A Im Wu Yifan . B Im OK .( )3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy:_. AOK. B Hello.( )4.教室里面有什么? A Whats in the classroom ? B Whats on the board ?( )5.我们有一间新教室。 A I have a pen . B We have a new classroom

4、 .( )6.A: Wheres my seat ? B:_.(在门旁边) (A) Its near the door . (B) Its near the desk .( )7.A. Good morning ! B:_! A Good afternoon . B Good morning .( )8.A:Hello! B:_! A Nice to meet you . B Hello.( ) 9.A: How old are you ? B: A Im 10 . B Im fine . ( ) 10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧! A Lets clean the window . B Let me

5、 clean the board .( ) 11 This _ my new classmate. A. are B. is( )12. We _ nine fans in the classroom.A. have B. has( )13. - _ clean the classroom. - Good idea!A. Let B. Lets ( )14. - Wheres my seat? - Its _ the door. A. near B. on ( )15. - Lets clean the door. - _. A. Thank you B. All right四、把问题和合适的

6、答语连线。1Good morning, boys A. Hes my friend.and girls.2. How many pens can B. I can see two.you see?3. Whos this boy? C. Good morning,teacher.4. Lets clean the window. D. Its near the pen.5. Wheres the sharpener? E. OK.五、情景会话。( )1、当你看到一台很漂亮的电脑时,你会说:A Wow! Its so nice.B This is my computer.( )2、你自己想擦黑板

7、时,你应该如何说:A. Lets clean the board.B. Let me clean the board.( )3、当你工作做得很好时,别人应对你说:A. Good job.B. Its nice.( )4、让别人和你一起扫地时,你应说:A. Let s sweep the floor.B. Let me sweep the floor.( )5、你想请别人让路或你打扰了别人时,你应该说:A. Excuse me.B. Thank you.( )6、当你要告诉妈妈你有一个新老师时,你会说:A. Mum, I have a new teacher.B. Mum, this is my

8、 new teacher.( )7、当你要告诉朋友你的座位在门的附近时,你会说:A. My seat is near the door.B. My seat is behind the door.( )8、当你要表达桌子如此干净时,可以说:A. Wow! Its so clean!B. Wow! Its nice!PEP教材四年级上册二单元 掌握知识点:四会单词Chinese book English book math book schoolbag story-book notebook twenty-one thirty thirty-one forty forty-one fifty三会

9、单词Colour fat may sure bag pencil pen too many heavy sorry book ruler pencil-case重点句型1.How many books do you have?2.I have a new schoolbag.3.What colour is it?4.How nice!5.May I have a look? Sure , Here you are.6.How many English books can you see?7.Whats in it?8.My schoolbag is heavy.综合训练一、 请将下面的英语单

10、词中所缺的字母补充完整。 n_teboo_ _o _ k _oodle_ l_m_ _acke_ r_c_ _ p_n k_t _ _ _uirrel _enci_二、在框格里选择适当的字母填在空格里,使它成为你学过的单词,每个只选一次。1. f_n 2. r_d 3. b_ _rd4. tw_ _ty5. th_ _ty6. Ch_ _ese7. ice-cr_ _m8. _ esk9. ch_ _r10. C_ke三、单词归类。在框格里选择合适的单词和横线前的单词排成一排。floor _monkey _thirteen _四、根据所给的情景,选择合适的答案。( ) 1. Zip: _ Zoom: I have 6 notebooks.A. How many notebooks can you see?B. How many notebooks do you have?( ) 2. Mike: How much is this schoolbag? John: _ A. 50 yuan.B. 50.( ) 3. Amy: What colour is it? Chen Jie: _ A. Purple. B. Thank you.( ) 4. Miss White: Where is the bee? Zhang Peng: _ A. Yes. B. It is on



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