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1、实用精品文献资料分享九年级英语 Unit 10 You re supposed to shake han ds 测试卷(有答案人教新目标版)Unit 10达标测试卷 时间:90分钟 总分:120分 题号I II皿IV V W VH忸IX总分得分I .听力(共20分)(I )听对话,选择正 确的答案。每组对话读两遍(每小题1分,共5分)1. Whatare people supposed to do in Toron to? ,A) ,B) ,C) 2. What does the woma nwant to eat? ,A) ,B) ,C) 3. What do girls wear in w

2、inter in Japan?A. Shirts. B. Skirts. C. Dresses. 4. Where will Sarah go this summer holiday? A . The United States. B . France. C . Germany. 5. Whatare the Irishmen doing? A. Dancing. B. Singing. C. Playing.(I)听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍(每小题1分,共10 分)听第一段对话,完成第 6至7小题。6 . When does the train suppose to arrive

3、? A. At 2: 00. B. At 2: 30. C. At 3:15. 7. Where are the two speakers? A. At the bus station. B. At the airport.C. At the train station.听第二段对话,完成第 8至9小题。& Whats Peters favorite subject? A. Math. B . English.C. Chinese. 9. What does Peter advise Cindy to do before going to bed? A . Listen to music. B

4、 . Take a hot bath. C . Watch TV. 听第三段对话,完成第10至12小题。10 . Whodid Robert go to India with? A. His father. B. His friends. C . His brother. 11. When did the girl go to Japa n? A. Last week. B. Last mon th. C. Last year. 12 . Can Japanese make loud noises when eating noodles?A. Yes, they can. B . No, th

5、ey cant. C . We dont know. 听第 四段对话,完成第13至15小题。13 . What was Anns hobby when she was a child? A . Dancing. B . Reading. C . Singing. 14 . How often did she take dancing lessons? A . Once a week. B . Twice a week. C . Twice a mon th. 15 . Whe n did Ann start to win awards in some competitions? A . Whe

6、n she was 5. B . When she was 10. C. When she was 15.(皿)听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍(每小题 1分,共5分)Last summer holiday , I traveled to South Africa with my mother.We got to my pen pal Lis home fifteen minutes late because of_16_. Wetook off shoes before we came into Lis home.Then I kissed Li and her mother , but in

7、fact I should17_in stead. Then, we had dinner together.To mysurprise , we should sit_18_, cross legs throughout themeal.The food looked very nice, but I found it was toospicy.Later , I got to know _19_ is one of the table manners there. I made many mistakes at first.Li and her mother were_20_ me and

8、 we had a good time there. During the visit , I learned more about South Africa and its customs.II.单项填空(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)21. What are people in Japan supposed to do whe n they meet for the first time? They are supposedto. A . bowB. kissC. shake handsD. hug 22 . David is from Australia.Heeating withcho

9、psticks. A. used to B. is used C. is used to D. use to 23. We oftenour friendshomes. A. drop B. drop in C. drop byD. drop out 24. She had never been to the Great Wall before.Today she saw itthe first time. A. at B. for C. in D. by 25. Neveruse your chopsticks toat anyone. A . point B . lookC. stick

10、D . stare 26 . Chinese people eatchopsticks.A. with B . by C. in D . use 27 . When were, we shouldbe careful about the table mann ers. A . at a table B . at table C. at the table D. at tables 28 . rm afraid the boy cant deal with the problem. Me too., he is only 8 years old.A. In general B . So far

11、C . After all D .For example29.Whatare people in China supposedwhe nthey meet forthefirst time? A. to do B. do C. doing D. tobe done 30 .The planewillfrom Beiji ng Capital Airport and land in London.A. take on B . take off C . take out D . take away 31 . All the workers went homeyesterdayMr.White.Wh

12、y? Because hewason duty. A. except B. besides C. except that D. beside 32. It is possible for meone hour fin ishi ng the job. Youare right. A. spend B. to spend C. spending D. spent 33. Myfather is used toafter school every day. A. pick up meB. picking up me C . pick me up D . picking me up 34. We c

13、antwork out the physics problem.Can you tell us ? A . howto do B . what to do it C. howto do it D. what should to do 35 . Mo Yan is a Chinese writer, and his works are worth.Doyou think so? A . read B . to read C . reading D. for reading 皿. 完形填空(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)In China if a person whoinvited other

14、 people would pay for the meal ,but its not the _36_in western coun tries .In_37_ coun tries people will thi nk youon ly in vited me but its not your resp on sibility(责任)to_38_for me.I can afford (负担)it.They wo nt be _39_if you pay for them.In western countries like America andEngland,people will al

15、ways give tips (小、费)_40_the waiterafter they_41_the meal in a restaurant.lfyou dont , they willnot be happy because tips are _42_of their major in come (收入).In Chi na this only happe n in sometop restaura nts and hotels in large international cities _43_Beijing, Shanghai andGua ngzhou.Wester n people will also _44_ you are rude if you makesound during the meal.Western people do not hold their bowl up even _45_ they have a bowl of soup. 36. A.thing B . wayC. reason D . meal 37 . A.western B . Chinese C . west D . China 38 . A.cost B . spend C. take D. pay 39 . A.sad B . angry C. happyD. tir



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