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1、拍卖 auction 拍品 lot出价 bid 成交 sold流标 pass 委托人 seller竞买人 bidder 买受人 buyer拍卖师 auctioneer机动车vehicles vi:klz房地产不动产real estate rl stet艺术品 works of art 破产企业 bankrupt enterprise bkrpt entpraz产品经销权product selling right prdkt专利patent ptnt 文物cultural relics kltrl relks公物public property prpti无形资产 intangible asset

2、s ntndbl 公开 publicity pblsti公平fairness fens公正justice dsts英格兰式English system 荷兰式dutch system dt sistm起拍价starting price 成交价hammer price(purchase) hm(r) p:ts保留价reserve price委托竞投absentee bid bsnti: bd拍卖公告auction announcement nansmnt委托拍卖合同auction contract kntrkt有底价拍卖auction with reserve 无底价拍卖auction with

3、out reserve rz:v竞买号牌bidding paddle bd pdl拍卖规则business conditions bzns kndnz中国拍卖行业协会(China Association of Auctioneers)瑕疵defect di:fekt 保证金deposit dpzt处置disposition dspzn委托 entrust ntrst增加幅度 increment krmnt报价offer f(r) 无主的ownerless 佣金 premium (commission) pri:mim kmn价格目录price list 资产评估 property evalua

4、tion prpt vljen成交确认书 purchase confirmation p:tst knfmen成交物品purchased lot p:tst注册拍卖师 registered auctioneer redstd成交价款拍卖收益 sale proceeds prsi:dz中华人民共和国拍卖法 the Auction Law of the Peoples Republic of China 过户手继 transfer procedures trnsf:(r) prsi:dz1、 数字表达:1-10 one two three four five six seven eight nin

5、e ten11-20 eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 100(one hundred) 120(one twenty) 1000(one thousand) 1100(eleven hundred) 1200(twelve hundred) 10,000(ten thousand) 11500(eleven thousand five hundred) 12000(twelve thousand)18000(eighteenthousand)100,000(on

6、ehundredthousand)十万,110,000(one hundred ten thousand)十一万, 1,000,000 (one million)一百万 10,000,000(ten million) 一千万,100,000,000 (one hundred million) 一亿,110,000,000 (one hundred ten million)一亿一千万, 1,000,000,000(one billion)10亿Its my great honor to hold todays auction as the registered auctioneer of chi

7、na. Any bid ?(请问有人应价嘛)800first 800second ,last chance. Lot 1,we starting at 100. lot 1,we start at 100. lot 1, we open at 100. we have 200 now. 200 appears now. 200 now. any more bid ? any more? Any other bid? No more for it? How about 400?. Once twice last chance. first second last chance. Calling

8、once calling twice last calling(call).2、 句型:whenever a price is knocked down,it has legal effects and nobody shall deny it.一经成交,买卖双方不得反悔Domestic residents shall register with identification Card and residents abroad with passport.境内人士须公民身份证,境外人士凭护照,办理身份登记。Auction a public as le of property to the hi

9、ghest bidder. Auction with reserve: An auction in which the seller or his agent reserves the right to establish a minimum bid ,to accept or reject any and all bids and to withdraw the property at any time prior to the announcement of the completion of the sale by the auctioneer.有底价拍卖,即卖家或其代理人有权设定一个最

10、低价、确定是否接受竞买人出价,并有权在拍卖师宣布拍卖结束前撤回拍品。一、翻译:1“落槌价”用英语翻译为:hammer / purchase price ;“流标”的英语表示为:pass. 2“And now let us begin with lot 1”所表示的中文意思是:现在让我们从1号拍品拍起。 3“How about ¥400?”所表示的中文意思是:400元怎么样? 4拍卖参与方中的“委托人”、“拍卖师”、“竞买人”、“买受人”用英语表示分别是: seller、auctioneer 、bidder 、buyer / purchaser . 5“one thousand and thre

11、e hundred”所表示的中文意思是: 1,300 6“¥3,900 over there. ”所表示的中文意思是:那边有人出价3,900元。 7“¥2,300 sold to bidder No.188.”所表示的中文意思是:该标的以2,300元的价格卖给了第188号。 8拍卖人应在拍卖日7日前发布拍卖(公告)Announcement(用英语填写括号中的词)。 9如果要问“有人应价吗?”你可以用英语简单回答为:Any bid? 10“The auctioneers shall take care of the lots entrusted by the seller.” 把其翻译成为汉语:

12、拍卖人应对委托人交付的拍卖物负保管责任。 11“Auction, a public sale of property to the highest bidder.” 把其翻译成汉语:拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。 12“The auctioneers shall issue the auction announcement 7 days before the auction.” 把其翻译成汉语: 拍卖人应在拍卖日7日以前发布公告。 13“起拍价”用英语表示为:starting price 14“The buyer himself must sign the Purc

13、hase Confirmation on the spot.” 把其翻译成汉语:买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。 15“An auctioneer has the right to require clients to explain the source of the auction items and any defects.” 把其翻译成汉语: 拍卖人有权要求委托人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。 16“Calling once, calling twice, last calling(call).” 把其翻译成汉语:第一次,第二次,最后一次。 17我是(中国注册拍卖师)the regist

14、ered auctioneer of China,很荣幸为大家主持今天的(拍卖会)auction 。(用英语翻译括号内的汉语) 18“In English system, the bidders keep raising their bids, the last bidder is the successful buyer. ” 把其翻译成汉语:在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。 19“Domestic residents shall register with Identification Card and residents abroad with passport.” 把其翻译成汉语: 买方属境内人士须凭本人公民之居民身份证,境外人士须凭护照办理身份登记。 20“The No Reserve Auction, is that the auctioneer dose not give the starting price; the bidders offer their bids



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