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1、七年级unit6测试题一、 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)(A类题)1I have ten _.Aapples BappleCan apples Dan apple2My mother likes eggs and salad _ breakfast.Aof BtoCfor Dat 3We need lots of _ every day.Avegetable BappleCmilks Dhealthy food4Mary likes eggs.She has _ every day.Athem BitCtheir Dhim5_ does your father have _ lunch?C

2、hicken and tomatoes.AWhat;for BWhat;/CHow;for DHow;/6What do you have for breakfast?_ egg.AA BAn CThe D/7Do you eat _ at school?Awell Bgood Cnice Dfun8I like carrots,and I eat _ for breakfast.Ait Bthey Cthem Dus9Lets _ to school,OK?Ago Bgoes Cto go Dgoing10Do you like chicken?_.AYes,I do BNo,I m not

3、 CYes,he does DNo,she doesnt(B类题)11Mary_ salad.Adont like Bdoesnt like Cdoesnt likes Dlike12There is some _ on the plate(盘子)Aoranges Bbread Cbananas Dtomatoes13We should eat _ food.Aunhealth Bhealthy Chealth Dunhealthy14My brother _ an apple.Awant eat Bwants eating Cwants to eat Dwants eat15What doe

4、s he _ the food?Athink of Bthinks of Cthinks about Dthinking about.(C类题)16_your grandmother watch TV in the evening?_.She doesnt like watching TV.ADoes;No,she doesnt BDoesnt;Yes,she doesntCDoes;Yes,she does DDoesnt;No,she does17Tom likes eggs_ breakfast.I dont like eggs at all.Awith Bin Cfor Dby18Li

5、n Ming _baseball.He plays chess(国际象棋)Oh,it isnt good for him.Adont play Bdoesnt play Cdoesnt have Ddont have19Some chicken _on the table;help yourself!(随便吃点)Thank you very much.Ahas Bhave Cis Dare20.What do you and your cousin _?I_a baseball and my cousin_two volleyballs.Ahave;has;have Bhave;have;ha

6、ve Chas;have;has Dhave;have;has二、.完形填空(B类题)My name is Wu Ping.I usually have two meals 21 daylunch and dinner at school.I dont have 22 .I 23 lunch at a restaurant.I 24 hamburgers, French fries 25 a banana for 26 .After lunch, I 27 with my friends.And in the evening we have _28_ together .For dinner

7、I like an _29_,chicken and salad.After _30_ I always have ice cream for dessert(甜点)21A.a BanC/ Dthe22A.lunch B dinnerCbreakfast Dmeals23A.do BhaveC make Dam24A.has BeatsCsee Dlike25A.and BorCwith Dhave26A.breakfast Bdinner Cthem Dit27A.have BplayCeat Ddrinks28A.breakfast BlunchCdinner Dthem29A.egg B

8、pearCbanana Dapples30A.meal BdinnerCdesert Ddessert三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)ATom:Good evening,Mum.Mum:Good evening,Tom.Tom:Do we eat chicken for dinner,Mum?Mum:No,we eat fish and carrots,dear.Tom:Mum,I dont like carrots.I like chicken.Mum:But we need more vegetables,not only meat.Its not healthy to eat chi

9、cken every day.Tom:OK.But dad likes chicken,too.Mum:Well,lets eat chicken and tomatoes tomorrow.Tom:That sounds great!(A类题)31.What do they eat for dinner?AChicken. BCarrots. CCarrots and fish. DFish. W32What does Tom want to eat for dinner?AFish. BChicken. CBroccoli. DCarrots.33What do they need to

10、eat more?AChicken. BMeat. CVegetables. DFish.34Does Toms father like chicken?ANo,he doesnt. BYes,he does. CWe dont know. DNo,he does.35What will they eat tomorrow?AFish and carrots. BChicken and fish.CChicken and carrots. DTomatoes and chicken.BJane is a school girl.She is twelve.She studies at a mi

11、ddle school.She is in Grade Seven.She is a good girl.Jane gets up at seven in the morning.Then she has her breakfast.For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk.She doesnt have tea for breakfast.After breakfast Jane goes to school.At twelve she comes home from school.She has lunch with her mother.F

12、or lunch she has hamburgers and salad.She likes salad,but she doesnt like hamburgers.At seven she has supper with her father and mother.They have chicken and vegetables.Her father likes chicken,but Jane doesnt.(B类题)36Jane is a school girl in a _.Aprimary school Bmiddle school Cuniversity Dcollege37Jane has _ for breakfast.Aeggs and a cup of milk Beggs and tea Ctea and milk Dvegetables38Jane comes home_.Ain the morning Bat noon Cat night Din the evening39Jane likes to eat_ for lunch.Ahamburgers Bmilk Csalad Deggs40Jane has dinner with_.wAher mother Bher parent Cher father Dher



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