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1、第11讲名词性从句的5个高频考点与2种解题方法备考指导名词性从句是历年高考中考查的最多的一个考点,通常是以单项填空、语法填空、短文改错和书面表达的形式进行考查。解决名词性从句类题目通常使用的方法有:看是否是考查固定句型中固定用法,是否可以运用分析句式结构与句子成分来判断,是否可以运用句子中的某些特定的动词来判断。一、名词性从句中的5个高频知识点1只能用whether不能用if的4种情况(1)引导主语从句且位于句首(2)引导表语从句(3)从句为介词的宾语(4)后紧跟不定式2有些动词带宾语从句时需要在从句前加it 如:hate,like,take,owe,have,see to,depend on

2、,rely on等,除此之外, take it for granted中的it是位于动词而不是从句之前。I hate it when people talk with their mouths full of food.我讨厌他们满嘴食物时说话。3不能省略that的宾语从句(1)it作形式主语时(2)宾语从句较长时(3)主句的状语置于主句句尾、宾语从句之前I realized at once that I had dialed the wrong number.我立即认识到了我打的号码错了。(4)宾语从句中的状语或状语从句置于从句句首时He told us that if we would a

3、ll come to help out the whole situation would be looking up.他告诉我们如果我们能够全部来帮忙整个局势会好转。(5)主句谓语动词(包括非谓语动词)与宾语从句之间有插入语时 He found,however,that this was not true.然而,他发现这不是真的。(6)一个动词有两个宾语从句,第一个可以省略,但是第二个不能省略4主语为名词reason时,表语从句的引导词用that不能用why 5如果指人的引导词具有双重身份,则用whoever也就是说引导词既是从句的主语也是主句的主语,这时候应该用whoever,因为whoe

4、ver相当于anyone who,he who等。Whoever doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.不到长城非好汉。(whoever既是主句的主语也是从句的主语)I will give the prize to whoever comes out first.谁是第一我就把奖给谁。(whoever既是to的宾语,还是从句的主语)二、2种方法帮助你解决名词性从句的相关题目方法1位置判断法根据名词性从句的句子特点及其所处的位置,判断出属于哪一种从句,从而确定连词的种类,也有助于对句子的理解。What he said astonished u

5、s.他所说的话使我们很惊奇。(从句在主语位置,为主语从句)Everything depends on whether you have enough money.一切都看你是否有足够多的钱。(从句在介词后,为介词的宾语,为宾语从句)The question is where well go this Sunday.问题是我们这周日去哪儿。(从句在is后,为表语从句)He expressed the hope that he would come to China again.他表达了再来中国的愿望。(从句在抽象名词后,对名词解释说明,为同位语从句)典例展示1(2015全国卷)After loo

6、king at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where his parents were missing._答案wherethat或去掉where解析found后为宾语从句,引导词不作句子成分只起连接作用,应用that引导,而且that可省略。故where改为that或去掉where。典例展示2(2014四川高考)If you notice that when someone is missing or hurt, tell your teacher immediately._答案去掉when解析notice之后为that

7、引导的宾语从句,when属于多余词。故去掉when。典例展示3It is still under discussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.答案whether解析句意:那个旧公交车站是否应该被一家现代化宾馆所取代仍在讨论中。“It”作形式主语, “_ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not”作真正的主语。根据句意及题干中的“or not”可知答案为whether,“whether.or n

8、ot”在名词性从句中意为“是否”。方法2句子成分分析法看从句缺不缺成分,不缺就用that,whether/if,缺成分就用wh类连接词(包括how,because等)。典例展示1(2016全国卷)My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to that I live._答案thatwhere解析close to之后为介词to的宾语从句,引导词在从句中作地点状语,应用where。故that改为where。典例展示2(2016全国卷)My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the h

9、oliday._答案howwhat解析do后缺宾语,故把how改为what。典例展示3(2014广东高考) I didnt understand _ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged for the reservation.答案why解析“我”不知道/不明白_会发生这样的事情。不明白的一定是原因。故答案为why。跟踪训练考点突破.用适当的连接词填空1_ did this job must be rewarded.2His writing is so confusing that its difficult

10、 to make out _ he is trying to express.3Our teachers always tell us to believe in _ we do and who we are if we want to succeed.4Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach _ to read fast.5When the news came _ the war broke out,he decided to serve in the army.6Modern science has given

11、 clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many diseases.7Id like to start my own businessthats _ Id do if I had the money.8It is still under discussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.9The reason why he didnt go to school was _ he fell ill.10He came late. That was _ h

12、e got up late.单句改错1Secondly, watching TV is a good way to kill our spare time. Finally, we can predict that may happen in the future and be prepared._2As time went on, I realized what ridiculous I had been at that time._3Now I am writing to tell you that my city has done to reduce traffic jams in th

13、e last few years._4I had thought if perhaps the woman would blame the man. Beyond my expectations, the woman answered with a smile._5Fortunately, I had a mobile phone with me, so I called the police and told them that had been found._6That college students are mainly concerned about is employment an

14、d their dream to have wellpaid jobs where they can live their lives to the fullest._7There is no doubt if English has become a universal language nowadays._8That you should learn is how to write down the most important words, not the whole sentence. Remember that you need information, not sentences.

15、_9. Everything depends on if you agree with us._10. He is wondering when can finish this difficult job._能力提升.阅读理解Meet the amazing Eliot Schrefer,and see why were big fans!Scope:Why do you write stories about animals?Eliot:Ive always been excited by animal stories.When I was young,I liked reading about animals because they seemed like they needed help,and th


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