2022年高三英语一轮复习学案1 M10 Unit1 新人教版

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1、2022年高三英语一轮复习学案1 M10 Unit1 新人教版Links are needed between sentences to connect the ideas of the sentences to each other. Without these links, it is easy for readers to get confused. These links help readers work out what is going to happen next in a text. What are the four mon types of links between s

2、entences? 1.time sequence words 2.cause and effect words 3.contrasting words 4.addition words1.Time sequence words (顺序)show the order of ideas or actions.first(ly),second(ly) ,finally, in the end, now, to begin with,then,next,earlier/later,after this/that, following this/that,afterwards例:Do you know

3、 how to plant a tree?To begin with, we need to dig a hole and stand a stick in it. Next, we need to put the young plant into the hole and tie the plant to the stick. After that, we need to put the earth back in the hole and water the area. 例:Why do you like the film, the promise? Well, for one thing

4、, the story the film tells is very interesting. It made me believe that true love lasts forever. For another thing, The performances of the leading actor and actress are excellent. It left a deep impression on me. Therefore, I like the film very much.2.Cause and effect(因果关联词) words show the reasons

5、or results of doing something. since,as,so,because (of),due to,owing to,the reason why,in other words, leads to,cause, for one thing,as a result,thus,so,therefore,consequently,it follows that,eventually,then,in that case3.Contrasting words(相反) are used to introduce an idea that is in contrast to the

6、 idea mentioned beforehowever,on the other hand,despite,in spite of,though,although,but,on the contrary, in the contrast, otherwise,yet,instead of,rather,whereas,nonetheless,even though,pared with,in contrast,alternativelyDo you have the experience of shopping on the internet? People can shop for a

7、variety of products on it.They can buy information products. Furthermore, they can download puter software from the internet. Moreover, services such as booking airline tickets or hotel rooms are available on the internet.4. Addition words (附加关联词)introduce additional informationin addition,and,simil

8、arly,likewise,as well as,besides,furthermore,also,moreover,and then,too,not only but,even,besides this/that第 7 周 B_5_张甸中学高三英语能力训练作业主题:M10U1GrammarMultiple choice:1. - Id like to go home now. -Why not stay here for the night? It is so late now. _, it is raining so hard. A. Besides B. Therefore C. Ins

9、tead D. As a result2. I cant tell you the exact time when I will get there, _, Ill be there as early as I can. A. No matter B. Anyhow C. Therefore D. Besides3. You have made a few spelling mistakes in your position, but _, it is fairly good.A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. above all D. on on

10、e hand4. -When did you first meet Tom?-On May 2, _, the first day I came to this city.A. or rather B. at least C. on the whole D. in a word5. He came home after midnight, and _, he was drunk. That made his parents very angry.A. What is more B. On the other hand C. In my opinion D. In another word6.

11、I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident. _, lets go and see him.A. Whats more B. If so C. Where possible D. When necessary7. This Englishman is good at writing, reading and is kind to others. A. above all B. first of all C. in all D. after all 8. What he said, has nothing to do with what he

12、 did. A. to my surprise B. to my surprised C. to my surprising D. to our surprises 9. his face, the young man must be over 20. A. Judged from B. Judged C. Judging from D. Judging 10. Do you think I should get a good guidebook?Yes, of course. _ , you also need a good camera and fortable shoes.A. What

13、 s more B. In other words C. By the way D. All in all11Im afraid Mr. Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.Oh, _ I wont wait.Ano doubt Bafter all Cin that case Din this way 12. _ your assistance, he finished the job in only two hours.A. Owing toB. OwingC. Owed toD. Owed13. _ his knowledge of the mountain

14、ous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide. A. In spite of B. On account of C. Regardless of D. Instead of 14. I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I succeeded _. A. first all B. in all C. at all D. after all 15. The idea of fish being able to produce electricity strong enough to light a lamp is almost unbelievable, _ several kinds of fish are really able to do this. A. therefore B. and C. then D. but 连句成篇:用适当的关联词把下列句子连成一篇意思通顺的短文:It is usual for students to find part-time jobs.This winter vacation, I worked as a waiter at a Mc



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