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1、7A,Unit 5 EncyclopediasMore Practice-Pandas教学设计 (牛津上海版七年级上册)设 计 人:广州市越秀区第十六中学 敖 健一、教材分析本单元围绕着谈论“百科全书”展开,通过介绍查找百科全书的方法以及理解百科全书中不同类别的资料信息等活动,拓展学生的文化背景知识面,培养学生科学的学习态度,激发他们获取知识的热情。本课时是一节拓展课,选取的是关于动物园的对话材料以及重点讨论熊猫生活习性的科普阅读材料。二、教学对象分析从本课时的材料选取上看,不论是学生们熟知的动物园情况,还是略有所知的熊猫习性,其实都有利于激发他们对相关知识的学习兴趣,有利于开展听、说、读、写

2、任务,关键在于教师如何做好引入环节。因此,合理、适度地使用多媒体教学不仅可以利用丰富多彩的图片和视频吸引学生的注意,还可以利用PPT这个教学平台增大教学容量,为学生提供直观的、直接的知识输入,更协助学生完成合作与分享的学习体验。三、教学目标(一)认知目标通过阅读与听力训练,理解与课文相关的材料,了解更多熊猫的生活习性,拓展知识面与文化视野。(二) 思想情感目标通过对熊猫习性、生活现状的了解,激发他们主动探知大自然,爱护动物的热情。(三)能力发展目标1.能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本课所学的重点词汇、句型与语法。2.在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,能够根据关键词、图片等提示完成

3、口头叙述和写作。3.通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生合作学习、自主学习和探究学习的能力。四、教学重点(一)利用熟悉的事物导入课文,激发学生学习兴趣。(二)从听到读,从读到说,从说到写,引导学生逐步完成英语学习从输入到输出的整个学习过程。五、教学难点(一) 通过形式多样的课堂活动与任务,帮助学生完成阅读理解、听力理解等学习任务。(二)本课时的B部分(介绍熊猫相关习性)阅读材料的科普性较强,在教学中把握课型特点、注重方法,调动学生学习的积极性。(三)利用课外任务的设置,引导学生积极主动地探究学习,从教材以外的多渠道去了解与本课时主题相关的科学信息、资料等,并能与同学进行相互交流,顺


5、的容量,更好地辅助课堂教学,提高课堂教学的有效性。八、教学过程:(时间: 40分钟)步 骤目 标教师活动/方法学生活动/方法整合点与软件1. RevisionReview the characters in Disneyland, especially the Mickey Mouse.Show the picture of the characters in Disney, and ask some questions.Answer the questions为了激发学生学习兴趣,在课前利用网络图片进行相关展示,活跃气氛。2. Leading-in To arouse the student

6、s interestPlay the video of the Kung Fu Panda. lead students to pay attention to the main character-Panda,and ask them where we can see pandas?( Of course, in the zoo.)Watch the video and answer the question.课文引入部分进行功夫熊猫视频展示,不但吸引学生注意力,而且能自然引入相关话题。(暴风影音)3.Pre- readingTo read for the general idea.(1)P

7、lay the tape of Part A for the first time. (2)Play the tape again Check the answers in class. Meanwhile, deal with some useful expressions.Let students talk about what they learn about pandas.(1)Listen and try to find out the answers to the questions above, especially the information of pandas.(2)ch

8、eck the answers.1.大量生动的动物图片展示,充分激发学生学习兴趣。2.利用音频播放,训练学生听力能力。4. While-reading To read for facts or details(1)Let students read an article from encyclopedias about pandas for the first time, and fill in the table below, find more information about pandas.(2) Have students read the passage again, and fi

9、ll in the blanks below to know more details about pandas.(3) Let students read the passage loudly. (4) Deal with some useful expressions or difficult sentences.(1) Read the article and fill in the table below(2) read the article and fill in the blanks(3) read the article loudly(4) take notes利用PPT软件,

10、展示课文相关练习,大大提高课堂容量。5. Post- readingLearn more about pandas Let students finish Part C in groups, use their knowledge to find outwhere pandas live in China on the map.Finish Part C利用图片中国地图,能帮助学生直观的了解熊猫生活的区域性。6. Home-workTo consolidate what we have learnt today1. Write a short passage, like Part B, to

11、describe one of your favourite animals, use the encyclopedias or surf the Internet if necessary. And send E-mail to the teachers e-mail box: nikki_.2. Please find out more websites, which can help study more about the animals, and share with the classmate next class.1、利用图片展示,激发学生兴趣,引导其主动进行网上相关资料查询。2

12、、要求学生完成作业后寄到老师的电子邮箱,以便之后运用电子版评讲。P.S. Handout (For students)Before you read:On Sunday , Zhao Xiaolings dad takes Xiaoling and Li Jie to the zoo. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.1 Does Li Jie want to see the birds?2 What does Li Jie want to see?3 What does Xiaoling think of snake

13、s?4 Where are the brown and white bears?5 How much do pandas weigh?6 Where do pandas come from?7 What do pandas eat?While you are reading:1. Read the article and fill in the table .heightweighHow much do they eat a day?How many babies do they have once a year?Pandas2. Read the article and then use o

14、ne or more words to complete the sentences.(1) Giant pandas live in_.(2) Giant pandas have _bodies with_.(3)An adult panda may weigh _.(4) Giant pandas may grow _tall.(5) A pandas head is _,its ears are _and it has a _tail.(6) A giant panda looks like _ in _.(7) A mother panda may give birth to _onc

15、e a year.(8) _are giant pandas favourite food.(9) A giant panda may eat _of bamboo a day.(10) Pandas are _-in China because they are_.After you read:1. Where do pandas live in China? Help Xiaoling find the place on the map of China and try to match other places with the numbers on the map.1 Mount Qomolangma_



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